*R O T T E N*
Fallout 4's last DLC came out, and it got me thinking about the game again, and I realize there's so many problems with it. I'm not going into stuff like deep, complex storytelling or tough moral choices, but rather smaller nitpicks that either a) make no sense to me b) can easily be fixed by modders, raising the question why couldn't Bethesda have done it themselves? c) are just plain insulting.
1. Ammo types. We get it Bethesda, you're marketing the game to a larger audience- casuals. But why didn't you have ammo types? I'm sure kiddies would've loved shit like a minigun that shoots explosive bullets, or better mini nukes so their explosions could be even bigger. Some legendary effects are crap like "set an enemy on fire", is this your replacement? Magic guns?
2. Raiders. If you want to make every raider just a target dummy with a gun fine, but geez they're so fucking bland. Every single one of them is the same. A mish-mash of leather and metal armor, pipe weapons and mohawks. The fiends and the vipers were distinguishable from each other. Make some of them baseball obsessed, or maybe make them specialize in energy weapons; the rust devils were OK, but that was a paid DLC. The only ones I can think of are the forged, but they were contained in 1 dungeon. You also had the gunners and the triggermen, but I'm disregarding both because - the triggermen appear in 3 locations (1 of which I'm pretty sure doesn't respawn them) and the gunners make no fucking sense at all.
3. Settlement objects. Homemaker was a mod released not too long after Fallout 4's release, and now has several thousand objects (correct me if I'm wrong). Bethesda's designers must've made tons of objects to scatter around the world, yet we can only use a tiny amount of them. The settlement system already destroys immersion, so why weren't more objects added just for the sake of it?
4. Given that "unique" settlers only have about 3 lines they cycle through (thank youuuuuuuuuuu), how hard would it have been to add more? There's a unique settler mod that adds 30 or so, so I'm guessing it's not impossible. It would make a nice change than "I hear the minutemen are coming back" or "Some new beds would sure be great".
5. Item textures. Why do fresh carrots and mutated carrots look the same? Would it have been hard to re-use the carrot from F3/NV for the fresh carrot and your shitty new version for regular carrots? What about the items you get from the heavily guarded museum, why is this ornate 1000 year old vase the same as every other fucking vase? It's so fucking lazy it boggles my mind. Just change the colour of the vase or the pattern at the very least.
6. Skills and traits would've ultimately been better for Bethesda. I don't see anyone buying Fallout 4, being asked to select 3 skills, getting confused and going "fuck this I'm going back to COD". The lore rapists at Bethesda love their money, so maybe instead of one perk chart that you can sell as a poster in real life, they could've made 3 (perks, skills and traits). It would probably make them more money, plus with their unpaid marketing troll MrMattyPlays talking about how great they are and recommending his >200,000 subs to buy them all it would've brought them so much more money. I'm not an expert in business, but all I'm saying is that they could've made something to pander to older fans and sell it to the younger ones also.
7. Optimization. Why is it that mods like "better performance" are released within a week? That there are hundreds of clutter objects that the player will never see? That you can turn ~2000kb roof textures into ~400kb versions that look incredibly similar (not that you'd be looking at that many roofs anyway)? It's because Bethesda have a blind following that believe TES V is the second coming and game of the generation, and it lets them get away with creating shit games on a technical level.
Most of these don't matter, but if modders can fix stuff within a week that Bethesda couldn't in 5 years of development time, then what does that say about Bethesda?
1. Ammo types. We get it Bethesda, you're marketing the game to a larger audience- casuals. But why didn't you have ammo types? I'm sure kiddies would've loved shit like a minigun that shoots explosive bullets, or better mini nukes so their explosions could be even bigger. Some legendary effects are crap like "set an enemy on fire", is this your replacement? Magic guns?
2. Raiders. If you want to make every raider just a target dummy with a gun fine, but geez they're so fucking bland. Every single one of them is the same. A mish-mash of leather and metal armor, pipe weapons and mohawks. The fiends and the vipers were distinguishable from each other. Make some of them baseball obsessed, or maybe make them specialize in energy weapons; the rust devils were OK, but that was a paid DLC. The only ones I can think of are the forged, but they were contained in 1 dungeon. You also had the gunners and the triggermen, but I'm disregarding both because - the triggermen appear in 3 locations (1 of which I'm pretty sure doesn't respawn them) and the gunners make no fucking sense at all.
3. Settlement objects. Homemaker was a mod released not too long after Fallout 4's release, and now has several thousand objects (correct me if I'm wrong). Bethesda's designers must've made tons of objects to scatter around the world, yet we can only use a tiny amount of them. The settlement system already destroys immersion, so why weren't more objects added just for the sake of it?
4. Given that "unique" settlers only have about 3 lines they cycle through (thank youuuuuuuuuuu), how hard would it have been to add more? There's a unique settler mod that adds 30 or so, so I'm guessing it's not impossible. It would make a nice change than "I hear the minutemen are coming back" or "Some new beds would sure be great".
5. Item textures. Why do fresh carrots and mutated carrots look the same? Would it have been hard to re-use the carrot from F3/NV for the fresh carrot and your shitty new version for regular carrots? What about the items you get from the heavily guarded museum, why is this ornate 1000 year old vase the same as every other fucking vase? It's so fucking lazy it boggles my mind. Just change the colour of the vase or the pattern at the very least.
6. Skills and traits would've ultimately been better for Bethesda. I don't see anyone buying Fallout 4, being asked to select 3 skills, getting confused and going "fuck this I'm going back to COD". The lore rapists at Bethesda love their money, so maybe instead of one perk chart that you can sell as a poster in real life, they could've made 3 (perks, skills and traits). It would probably make them more money, plus with their unpaid marketing troll MrMattyPlays talking about how great they are and recommending his >200,000 subs to buy them all it would've brought them so much more money. I'm not an expert in business, but all I'm saying is that they could've made something to pander to older fans and sell it to the younger ones also.
7. Optimization. Why is it that mods like "better performance" are released within a week? That there are hundreds of clutter objects that the player will never see? That you can turn ~2000kb roof textures into ~400kb versions that look incredibly similar (not that you'd be looking at that many roofs anyway)? It's because Bethesda have a blind following that believe TES V is the second coming and game of the generation, and it lets them get away with creating shit games on a technical level.
Most of these don't matter, but if modders can fix stuff within a week that Bethesda couldn't in 5 years of development time, then what does that say about Bethesda?