Point Lookout gameplay footage


does anyone know where I can find this vid now that Bethesda's e-police have woken up on a monday mornin?

Since we don't get any demos from Bethesda, or anything other than gum flapping from todd emil and grandstaff, this was about the only way to develop any independent opinion on this "expansion" unless of course you like making stupid assumptions based on the handful of shittily shopped promo screenies that they released.

Is there really something to hide here?

From everything we've seen so far, "point lookout" is a direct ripoff mod of Resident Evil 4 being sold for fallout 3. NOBODY IS FOOLED.

Sadly RE4 (on my Wii) looks far better than this tripe, and it is years older.
whirlingdervish said:
does anyone know where I can find this vid now that Bethesda's e-police have woken up on a monday mornin?

This is up at the time of posting. If it goes down search point lookout gameplay with the filter on newest, a few people have said they'll upload it if Bethesda takes down videos.
