Point Lookout gameplay footage

well its definetly not much more worse then the special "freeze-the-player-to-catch-him-cause-the-script-of-the-game-wants-it-that-way" grendes the enclave is throwing at you one time in the game ... I mean when it comes to a plot and actual story that makes sense and does not feel just like a lot of random elements thrown together ... wellBethesda never was really on of those game developers shining with good story to say it that way.

Lexx said:
Looks like a dream world... again.
I exactly know what you mean ... I always got the feeling already from Fallout 3 taht the world regardless of destruction, nuclear holocaust, mutations, raiders and many other danger ... people seemed to be always I dont know how to explain it but "overly optomistic" in their look and expressions. I am not sure how to explain it but with this words the World just does not feel in any way desolated and devastated (even when it looks that way).

Ravager69 said:
A dude in Power Armor would most likely slaughter anything in that swamp, but I bet you will get your ass handed to you by folks with double-barrel shotguns. Yeah, I know they're badass, but seriously.
Well a power armor penetrated by shovels and fire axes ... thats what fallout fans have been waiting and asking for years!
Nope, your character eats a pungi fruit thingy and gets a tad stoned. This also explains the corpses of people you know in the river and the funky moving weed thing that actually looks kinda cool if the rest of the terrain wasn't so boring.
Meh. Until they find a way to let me play as a dying victim of radiation poisoning they'll still be second in the gimmicky scripted scene department.
wippiee LOTZA bobleheadzzzz <3 this gamez rulllz lvl up <3

I guess there is like nothing else to say... Like you know, whatever.
dirtbag said:
wippiee LOTZA bobleheadzzzz <3 this gamez rulllz lvl up <3

I guess there is like nothing else to say... Like you know, whatever.

You may be on to something.

You know, I was thinking that what might help me enjoy Fallout 3 to it's fullest would be a concussion, perhaps a lobotomy.
Kilus said:
It was posted by some guy who got the Codes through Gamestop.

Anyway I'm pretty sure the video was fair use and the guy legally bought it so putting out a copyright claim is the harshest thing I've seen Bethesda actually do.
Yeah, they're being real dicks about this and trying to prevent any info on it from getting out. It amuses me when a company cracks down on information promoting their game because it's double counter productive, it not only pisses off some current customers but prevents the information from reaching a broader audience of new customers. As far as promotional videos go, this is one of the best that I've seen for anything Fallout 3 related, even if it shows that the game has nothing to do with Fallout. I appreciated that they showed things other than combat, it was a nice change of pace.
The Dutch Ghost said:
It seems like a rather boring 'trip' than something that completely warps your mind.
Oh I agree, it's certainly nothing special but it looks a hell of a lot better than their videos that make the game look like a crappy FPS using an outdated engine. The horror market for video games is less saturated.
UncannyGarlic said:
Didn't they originally say that Point Lookout still had vegetation because it wasn't touched by nukes? If so, why the hell is the water irradiated?

I guess that they decided that Fallout was too boring so instead decided to make some supernatural "horror" game? I'm really not getting how this or Mothership Zeta are in any way Fallout, O:A was borderline enough...

I'm not trying to flame in any sense here. The water has to come from somewhere and either it's flowing from somewhere and/or being maintained by irradiated clouds, so i'm thinking not too surprising.

Let me put in my two cents, i need to chime in with the rest; not fallouty what so ever. I'm hoping New Vegas will go back to roots. we can't deny the reality of fo3 anymore it is what it is and it's here, but we can at least hope for something closer to van buren. unfortunately i doubt they'll deviate from oblivion with guns since it's been such a commercial success but we can always hope right
I'm confused, aren't the player skills already maxed out with Broken Steel? How is roleplaying supposed to work now?
34thcell said:
I'm confused, aren't the player skills already maxed out with Broken Steel? How is roleplaying supposed to work now?

ya, that's a really good point. unless they extend the level cap again it's just going to be more equipment harvesting and zero roleplaying.
Look at about 0:41 - it says "Punga Seeds Added", and after that the Lone Wanderer chokes. Then the silly things (disappearing bodies, giant bobbleheads etc) begin. So, they are hallucinations. Too bad, because the bobbleheads looked like something good. I would have liked additional bobbleheads. Stupid Bethesda.
ZombieSupaStar said:
alec said:
I saw leprechauns in it. Blond leprechauns.

And what was with the weird stuff coming out of the ground? Are that plants or roots or something, or is it a glitch?

I think it was a needle and thread.

Apparently so. Probably a hallucination of some sorts.