Point Lookout screenshots

What game is this supposed to be?

Hatred fueled sarcasm aside, at least they are consistent with some aspects of their setting - all the wooden structures sure seem to be sturdy, even after 200 years of exposure to unforgiving forces of nature.
As I said before, it looks rather average.

Any redeeming quality would have to come from the gameplay, which I am sure off will basically come down to 'shoot that guy' and 'fetch that thing'.
and that boardwalk is supposed to be over 200 years old?

The axe with the Vault Dweller wielding it looks quite good and I like the art direction on Jackson the Tribal, even if the graphics are outdated. The bloom and foggy crap behind Jackson is just plain ridiculous, it looks like utter shit.
UncannyGarlic said:
The bloom and foggy crap behind Jackson is just plain ridiculous, it looks like utter shit.
it's from smoking too much pot, dude.
Hm... This monster guy from the last screenshots reminds me some monsters from TES III Morrowind.

They are called 'Lame Corprus' (they're humanoid victims of plot-related disease named 'Corprus') and are disfigured in a bit similar way. One hand bigger, deformed face... etc.
Am I the only one who thinks "The Trapper" looks like something that could have been straight out of Left 4 Dead??
dirtbag said:
Am I the only one who thinks "The Trapper" looks like something that could have been straight out of Left 4 Dead??

I wouldn't be surprised, Bethesda designers are notorious for 'borrowing' design concepts from other games.
The Dutch Ghost said:
dirtbag said:
Am I the only one who thinks "The Trapper" looks like something that could have been straight out of Left 4 Dead??

I wouldn't be surprised, Bethesda designers are notorious for 'borrowing' design concepts from other games.

Thats exactly what I meant.
Mikael Grizzly said:
The only thing Fallouty is the Vault jumpsuit. Adn that's propably the ONLY reason it's there.
Yeah, it's pretty bad when you have to put something like that into a screenshot so that customers and/or your target audience knows what the game is.
Seelix said:
Hm... This monster guy from the last screenshots reminds me some monsters from TES III Morrowind.

They are called 'Lame Corprus' (they're humanoid victims of plot-related disease named 'Corprus') and are disfigured in a bit similar way. One hand bigger, deformed face... etc.

The skinny guy in the other shot looks like another form of the corpus monster from Morrowind. They're alot less menacing when you have to fight them with guns, you can at least stay the hell away from them - whereas the visit in the Corpusarium in Morrowind, WITHOUT the assistance of a gasmask of powered armor, with melee weapons - was something truly terrifying. You couldn't walk out of there not feeling at least a tiny bit sick, or with a bit of filth / grime on you. Yes, we're talking about the same Bethesda here. How the hell they went from Morrowind to Ob to Fo3, no one will ever know, but I suspect there may be have been an ice pick involved.

Unaffiliated Edit: I'm three posts away from "1337" 8-)