Point Lookout screenshots

Mikael Grizzly said:
If you ask me, Emil happened.
I would not only blame him though. Todd definetly had much to say in the game as well (and before Todd a few others have been in charge which already wanted Morrowind to be drasticaly different then previous Elder Scroll Titles).

I am somewhat dissapointed heavily from Emil as well that for sure. I mean what happend to him? He was used to be "cool" in the past during Thief and other games before it. Now he makes pretty shallow and very simple stories and that already since Oblivion which he is feeling absolutely fine with it even.
One of the biggest differences in the team between Morrowind and Oblivion was the inclusion of Emil.
Mikael Grizzly said:
One of the biggest differences in the team between Morrowind and Oblivion was the inclusion of Emil.

Emil Pagliarulo was just a quest designer on Oblivion. He did not have enough influence to make any major difference on the game's direction.

There is no real design team difference between Morrowind and Oblivion. It's a matter of design philosophy.
Brother None said:

Awesome! More loony cults to disband! :clap:

Seriously though, I guess Bethesda's photocopier has been working day and night to copy all ''original content'' from Fallout 3 into this DLC and now it's busy with the Mothershit Zeta DLC. :|
Is it just me, or do these foggy / spooky screenshots fit a survival horror vibe a lot more than a wasteland feel?

It seems to me that Beth really would rather make horror games.
Brother None said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
One of the biggest differences in the team between Morrowind and Oblivion was the inclusion of Emil.

Emil Pagliarulo was just a quest designer on Oblivion. He did not have enough influence to make any major difference on the game's direction.

There is no real design team difference between Morrowind and Oblivion. It's a matter of design philosophy.
And those one is huge.

Neither Morrowind or Oblivion have when it comes to characters and NPCs really that many interesting ones or play much different from the quests (in the way how you start and finish a quest).

But the world of Morrowind was a lot more convincing and feeling like somewhat a realistic setting (realistic in the way of verisimilitude) compared to anything that Oblivion has thrown at you. The economy, Slavery even when just only cursory made much more sense in Morrowind then it either did in Oblivion or Fallout 3 now. Actualy they did some really nice job there with all the farms and the small back story about the slavery.
DexterMorgan said:
Them graphics sure look dated, especially for 'shopped promo screenies.
I'm replaying VTM:Bloodlines, and i find amazing how faces look so much better in that game than FO3 (let's leave any other aspect out, which is also so much better....). It's been like 5, 6 years?? And ten (at least) generations of graphics cards.

That's pretty lame... at least Beth could deliver decent graphics by now, since they're not focusing in Role Playing...
I hate the Unreal 3 engine and variants, including Gamebryo. For such a cutting-edge engine, why does it look like utter garbage with popup and soup textures, while Tech4 and Source, both 5 or so years old now, looked and worked far better?
Trithne said:
I hate the Unreal 3 engine and variants, including Gamebryo. For such a cutting-edge engine, why does it look like utter garbage with popup and soup textures, while Tech4 and Source, both 5 or so years old now, looked and worked far better?

I think it's not the problem with the engine itself, but with people who are using it.
There are plenty of good games that utilize the Gamebryo engine. The problem is that Beth use the same one that they made Morrowind on and just update it rather than buying a more stable version.
dirtbag said:
Am I the only one who thinks "The Trapper" looks like something that could have been straight out of Left 4 Dead??

Actually, it looks more like something straight out of The Goonies...
TwinkieStabllis said:
this is without a doubt the dumbest shit to happen to the franchise yet.

*thinks about P.O.S.*

yep. the dumbest.

Just wait until the next DLC comes out. Bricks will be shat.
yeah the potential is endless with DLCs. They could even make one that looks like a smurf village. With mutated smurfs of course.
The moral ambiguitity of whether to side with Papa Smurf and protect his child who is resistant to smurfination or give him to Gargamel who will find a cure to smurfination but charge money for it.
Surely it is only a matter of time before this is made.
I'm dreading the day that Beth takes the franchise back to the western US, and shits all over continuity out there.

What a blast that'll be.

Imagine the Glow, but Bethsoftified.
Alphadrop said:
The moral ambiguitity of whether to side with Papa Smurf and protect his child who is resistant to smurfination or give him to Gargamel who will find a cure to smurfination but charge money for it.
Surely it is only a matter of time before this is made.


and a generic/ambiguous sex scene with Smurfette. "hey, wtf? she just fell asleep in the bed?"