Look, Ma! Two Heads!

If you couldn't get the joke with my Vatican post, then... well, I don't know what to say. Is this some new form of sarcasm?
I've seen lots of larpers online who have no self awareness.
They hate us because their religion tells them they should. Not too long ago I saw a video from a hidden camera planted in an Islam school and they were teaching kids that Hinduism was dumb and that does who practice it are dumb. That's called brainwashing.
1: I used to go to a penetecostal church too and while I respect the people there, it along with a large portion of Christianity is too political instead of focusing on God. Large religions tend to include a lot of politics.
2: Hinduism does not make sense to any one who believes in the Abrahamic God
3: ancedotal
Off topic but I've been reading this thread and the hate people have on the OT, I do not understand. It's a series of books from mostly 1500 BC, there was barely any civilization beyond city states. The people back then had to fight against basic shit like starvation which was actually common in it. It has some pretty bad stuff in it, but the way people thought in those times was way different compared to now currently. I have not read the entire thing but I have read the first 5 books of the OT and I feel the fact modern christians tend to ignore the stories in it even when some stories like Job teach important lessons like always having faith in God is a combination of anti-semitism and modern arrogance, I think
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