Police Officer forces a woman to give him a handjob.

Radiated Heinz said:
Guess Professor Danger just saw something in TV which really annoyed him hehe, he just talked about the same thing in the General Gaming forum :P

Hahaha. I did. If someone started a celebrity thread, i'd happily join in on any and all America "bashing". Ugh.
Crni Vuk said:
Stop reading to much in to my posts. Jeeez I was just trying to be half funny. I guess thast loost here. Hadnt you enough time to read my posts and realise that most of the things are not really meant serious :P

My ego is frickin' huge, and thus easily bruised. :D

Crni Vuk said:
Anyway. Who cares ... I just doubt females act "less" stupid compared to males. They cheat just as much like males. They have just as much need. And enjoy it just as much like males. Its just that females are usualy the more inteligent liars.

Of course that was meant regarding sexuality in a relationship.

It is sadly fact that most sexualy oriented crimes are done by males ... well statistic tells that at least.

Cheat just as much? Confronting scientific research.

This doesn't say everything of course. But I still believe women are less likely to cheat, if a relation doesn't turn sour.

According to sociology we are guided by a deep-rooted feral instinct.

This breaks down to the fact that the urge for sex is dominant in both males as females, as it is needed for the survival of a species.

Considering sexual activity, males or alpha males have more mates to insure distribution of 'good' genes. And an active role, as they search out the partners.
Females are more likely to have one or few mates; strong males, the alpha male, for the very same reasons. And a passive role, the males will approach them.

If we translate this to modern day fidelity, it would mean that men have a stronger urge to 'spread' their genes with multiple partners, and do so in an active way.
Women are more passive, and will most likely stay with an 'alpha or strong male'.

Simply put, men have the urge to have relations with multiple women, while women are more likely to stay with a single partner if the partner is still received as a strong male.

Class dismissed.

And regarding sex-crimes, if we use the same theory, it makes sense that men are more likely to commit these crimes. In sociology men have a more direct and active role while women tend to be more passive. Isn't an excuse though, I'd still cut off their balls.
Example of acid attacks:
The article talks about passing laws against domestic violence. I can find plenty more articles about acid attacks and not all of them are by men against their wife, some are by the family of the husband. Looks like, from another article, it's estimated at 150 a year, which isn't as bad as I thought.

Example of marriage of young girls and rape, sometimes resulting in death (going to guess that the death is fairly rare):
I lied, they do arrest people for the rape, at least when it results in death.

Not that I'm saying that domestic violence is isolated to the Middle East, but they have some issues and most of the countries with said issues defend their laws with the Qur'an. 'Course the same can be said about American congressmen (though with Christian scriptures) in regards to gay marriage (and gay rights in general).

Point is, fundamentalist Islamic culture and countries isn't known for providing equal protection for women. I'm also not saying that it's as bad as some of the stereotypes make it out to be, just that it is oppressive when compared to much of the first world.
UncannyGarlic said:
Example of acid attacks:
The article talks about passing laws against domestic violence. I can find plenty more articles about acid attacks and not all of them are by men against their wife, some are by the family of the husband. Looks like, from another article, it's estimated at 150 a year, which isn't as bad as I thought.

Example of marriage of young girls and rape, sometimes resulting in death (going to guess that the death is fairly rare):
I lied, they do arrest people for the rape, at least when it results in death.

Not that I'm saying that domestic violence is isolated to the Middle East, but they have some issues and most of the countries with said issues defend their laws with the Qur'an. 'Course the same can be said about American congressmen (though with Christian scriptures) in regards to gay marriage (and gay rights in general).

Point is, fundamentalist Islamic culture and countries isn't known for providing equal protection for women. I'm also not saying that it's as bad as some of the stereotypes make it out to be, just that it is oppressive when compared to much of the first world.

You Dutch by any chance?

I agree with you, but I smell a shitstorm of objections heading our direction.

Doesn't the idea of a political system get in the way of our biology? And by biology, i mean getting a blowjob without having to worry about killing or hurting someone because of it?
Grin said:
And regarding sex-crimes, if we use the same theory, it makes sense that men are more likely to commit these crimes. In sociology men have a more direct and active role while women tend to be more passive. Isn't an excuse though, I'd still cut off their balls.
But it doesnt explain how certain mental dissorders or dangerous sexual orientations (or what ever you want to call it) like Pedophilia are almost only comited by males. Or at least thats the center of attention.

I think though that I have read somewhere that killing its own children is more frequently with mothers. But I cant say if that is true.

It are pretty controversial points and there is still a lot room for research ...

To say this though I am just a bit fucked up by certain feminist groups around here which constantly think the males should get their dicks removed ... literaly.

I remember this woman which wrote a book about how its bad that there are so many single mothers since it would not be good for the evolution of the child as those children see more time in some nursery school then at home with their mother and she somehow had the idea that those mothers should be eventualy supported so they dont have to work all the time. And emidiately certain super feminist females have nothing better to do then label the brook writter as "nazi". Regardless that she was for a long time a member in anti nazi groups and still supports them ... and she even mentioned somewhere that the Nazis killed the idea of families in Germany (or damanged that) as they never had the idea children should be very attached since that doesnt make good soldiers !.
Crni Vuk said:
Grin said:
And regarding sex-crimes, if we use the same theory, it makes sense that men are more likely to commit these crimes. In sociology men have a more direct and active role while women tend to be more passive. Isn't an excuse though, I'd still cut off their balls.
But it doesnt explain how certain mental dissorders or dangerous sexual orientations (or what ever you want to call it) like Pedophilia are almost only comited by males. Or at least thats the center of attention.

I've noticed that female pedophilia criminals are being shown more and more on the news. I guess people are also into the "hot teacher" aspect. Which i'm getting sick of. "DUDE! Where were those teachers when I was in school?!" Not that it makes for more female over male criminals. So just the males aren't really only the centre of attention.
Grin said:
You Dutch by any chance?

Crni Vuk said:
I think though that I have read somewhere that killing its own children is more frequently with mothers. But I cant say if that is true.
In western culture I know that was the case, can't speak for the rest of the world, though Wikipedia makes that general statement.

Crni Vuk said:
To say this though I am just a bit fucked up by certain feminist groups around here which constantly think the males should get their dicks removed ... literaly.
The feminist movement has gone from being largely equal rights to largely more rights for women than men. The former I agree with, the latter is no better than any other bigoted movement.

Professor Danger! said:
I've noticed that female pedophilia criminals are being shown more and more on the news. I guess people are also into the "hot teacher" aspect. Which i'm getting sick of. "DUDE! Where were those teachers when I was in school?!" Not that it makes for more female over male criminals. So just the males aren't really only the centre of attention.
It also shows the double standard to a certain extent. I think many people in the US don't feel that a woman could rape a guy or that a boy would have any objection to sexual favors by a female teacher, at least not the ones reported on the news.
UncannyGarlic said:
Example of acid attacks:
The article talks about passing laws against domestic violence. I can find plenty more articles about acid attacks and not all of them are by men against their wife, some are by the family of the husband. Looks like, from another article, it's estimated at 150 a year, which isn't as bad as I thought.

Example of marriage of young girls and rape, sometimes resulting in death (going to guess that the death is fairly rare):
I lied, they do arrest people for the rape, at least when it results in death.

Not that I'm saying that domestic violence is isolated to the Middle East, but they have some issues and most of the countries with said issues defend their laws with the Qur'an. 'Course the same can be said about American congressmen (though with Christian scriptures) in regards to gay marriage (and gay rights in general).

Point is, fundamentalist Islamic culture and countries isn't known for providing equal protection for women. I'm also not saying that it's as bad as some of the stereotypes make it out to be, just that it is oppressive when compared to much of the first world.

So you weren't trolling... Wow. You just proved my point. When something like that happens in the middle east, Islam is blamed. We are not talking about fundamentalism here, we're talking about Islam the religion. If I use your logic, then what this cop did is the norm in the so called first word. I mean, he was found not guilty so I guess non-muslims find it normal when a cop forces a woman to give him a handy. The laws and attitude towards women must be outrageous in the west. I'm from the US and I know thit isn't so but there is a lot more wrong with this country, and if I generalized, I'd have to put a lot of people on my shit list. Just like any prejudice logic, yours is stretched thin on this matter and I urge you to reevaluate. If people who engage in these behaviors were not muslim, they would find another excuse to do it. You don't think people shoot up schools BECAUSE of video games do you?

Also, don't single out some muslim countries that are more oppressive than western ones. A lot of developing countries are regardless of their beliefs and there are muslim countries that aren't oppressive at all.
UncannyGarlic said:
Grin said:
You Dutch by any chance?

Question was meant ironical. I guess it's not common knowledge but in Holland the Islam is a BIG point of debate. We've had some very close encounters with the radical stream of the Islam, and have a very vocal Muslim community.

Right now we have a politician who's main agenda is the 'Islam threat' and he's received a lot of support. According to the polls he's running the second biggest political party in The Netherlands. He's well known for the film 'Fitna', a short film he made about the danger that Islam represents. The movie received a lot of criticism around the globe.

But then again, I suppose it's big everywhere. JIHAD!!
))<>(( said:

Doesn't the idea of a political system get in the way of our biology? And by biology, i mean getting a blowjob without having to worry about killing or hurting someone because of it?

You remind me of an old debate I read where some guy was arguing that rape (or sex without consent of the other) was a biological instinct and that it was an existing behavior among some species.
The guy got flamed and buried by everyone.

On the flamers side, clearly the intent of such research is highly suspicious and the line between stating it and searching excuses for rape is very thin.
But whatever the biological part. The very reason we built a society and social contracts is to circumvent such instincts, so we shouldn't give a shit about the biological background of the problem : what matters is what our contracts say about these behaviors, and they say they are f**ing unforgivable.

Edit : and yes, I realize this could just have been what you meant by your short mysterious statement, but it doesn't make your stance very clear.
Arr0nax said:
The thing is, clearly the intent of such research is highly suspicious and the line between stating it and searching excuses for rape is very thin.

I completely disagree. Cannibalism, rape and murder are prevalent in other species, and they're certainly common amongst chimpanzees and other higher apes. To rule out the biological factor in humans, or associate it with an attempt to "make up excuses for rape", is a fallacy.

If anything, this type of research can be used to prevent such things from happening; anything that's caused by mere biology or instinct can be treated.
Yes, you're right that it shouldn't be ruled out *globally*. The problem is the context.

The very fact of stating it in a context involving rape among humans is suspicious, because why would you bring it up ? To demonstrate what ?
Like I said, it's *suspicious*. It doesn't mean you're wrong and should'nt say it, it just mean you better precise what you're trying to demonstrate.

For example, I'm fine with the reason being "to search for treatments" (although this too could be debated with the current fashion of searching to "treat" some social behaviors)
I don't think there's anyone here or anyone with an ounce of sanity promoting acquitting rape. So why would there be research with that motivation? Who would be willing to conduct it, and who would fund it?

"Burying" the guy who suggested it makes me think the forum was full of neurotic, extremely politically correct idiots.
Isn't already the best way to treat an inconvenient instinct, (like rape would be in the case), by making the person live in a society where thats abominable? I don't see how a person who rapes just by instinct (considering its just instinct; that theres no psychological traumas or pathologies involved) can be better treated than being inserted in a normal society where thats not acceptable.

Now, I don't think thats the case really. Anyone who can rape someone have some kind of pathology dealing with the lack of emotional felling and lack of morals. Even now, if I started to live in a society where rape wasn't such a bad crime, and other males would even incentive it, but it stills causes a lot of pain to the victim, I wouldn't have the balls to rape a woman. I'm not able to be that mean.
victor said:
I don't think there's anyone here or anyone with an ounce of sanity promoting acquitting rape. So why would there be research with that motivation? Who would be willing to conduct it, and who would fund it?

"Burying" the guy who suggested it makes me think the forum was full of neurotic, extremely politically correct idiots.

The problem is not with stating actual research, but with stating the biological part at all.
I don't really know what dopemine (or is it him ? I get lost with these changing nicknames) was trying to say when stating the eventuality of "getting a blowjob without having to worry about killing or hurting someone because of it".
I was just wondering what his stance was.

To make a parallel, if someone brought up biological instincts when talking about murder or any other crime, I would ask for clarifications because what's the point ?
Grin said:
Question was meant ironical. I guess it's not common knowledge but in Holland the Islam is a BIG point of debate. We've had some very close encounters with the radical stream of the Islam, and have a very vocal Muslim community.
What? No we don't. We have a very vocal anti-muslim group, but the muslim community itself isn't vocal at all and could be best described as not reacting to anything at all with public responses.

Arr0nax said:
The problem is not with stating actual research, but with stating the biological part at all.
I don't really know what dopemine (or is it him ? I get lost with these changing nicknames) was trying to say when stating the eventuality of "getting a blowjob without having to worry about killing or hurting someone because of it".
I was just wondering what his stance was.
I never get this. He's simply stating a fact: man is a being driven by sex, for a large part. That doesn't mean he approves of rape, but it does mean not seeing a rapist as subhuman.
maximaz said:
So you weren't trolling... Wow. You just proved my point. When something like that happens in the middle east, Islam is blamed. We are not talking about fundamentalism here, we're talking about Islam the religion. If I use your logic, then what this cop did is the norm in the so called first word.
The difference is that the law in the US is not (supposed to be) based on any religion but as I said, there are politicians in the states who use the Bible to defend depriving gays of their rights. Even there at least the US doesn't fine, throw people in prison, or even kill (death penalty) people for being gay. That said, I never said I was talking about the religion but the countries whose governments are based around said religion. It's worse when they justify it by stating that their profit married his wife when she was 12, because there clearly hasn't been any changes in the 1300+ years since Muhammad lived. I'm not trying to blame Islam for it as it's all cultural but ignoring the significance of the role which Islam plays would be intellectually dishonest. An imperfect analogy would be talking about law in the Vatican and ignoring Catholicism.

maximaz said:
Also, don't single out some muslim countries that are more oppressive than western ones. A lot of developing countries are regardless of their beliefs and there are muslim countries that aren't oppressive at all.
Aren't oppressive at all? You sure about that? Also yes, there are worse countries that aren't Islamic states, I never said there weren't, I was merely pointing out fucked up laws and customs in other cultures, specifically Islamic countries since someone mentioned Islam.

Grin said:
Right now we have a politician who's main agenda is the 'Islam threat' and he's received a lot of support. According to the polls he's running the second biggest political party in The Netherlands. He's well known for the film 'Fitna', a short film he made about the danger that Islam represents. The movie received a lot of criticism around the globe.
Yeah I heard about the film. What can I say, there are xenophobes everywhere.
Sander said:
Grin said:
Question was meant ironical. I guess it's not common knowledge but in Holland the Islam is a BIG point of debate. We've had some very close encounters with the radical stream of the Islam, and have a very vocal Muslim community.

What? No we don't. We have a very vocal anti-muslim group, but the muslim community itself isn't vocal at all and could be best described as not reacting to anything at all with public responses.

They are *quite* vocal, and at times they choose methods that are less sophisticated then vocalism to display their opinion. Mostly the younger generations however.

Case in point:
Click me.
Skip to 0:50.

This happened during the recording of a political party's advertising film.
In the film they wanted to record ambulance personal being attacked by Moroccan youth, a direct link to these kind of attacks that've been in the news quite often lately. Ironically, they themselves where attacked by Moroccan youth during the video-shoot.

If you've followed the news lately, you must've seen this Sander.

But perhaps I wasn't as accurate as I should've been, let me rephrase:
We have a very vocal pro-muslim group.