Crni Vuk said:
Stop reading to much in to my posts. Jeeez I was just trying to be half funny. I guess thast loost here. Hadnt you enough time to read my posts and realise that most of the things are not really meant serious
My ego is frickin' huge, and thus easily bruised.
Crni Vuk said:
Anyway. Who cares ... I just doubt females act "less" stupid compared to males. They cheat just as much like males. They have just as much need. And enjoy it just as much like males. Its just that females are usualy the more inteligent liars.
Of course that was meant regarding sexuality in a relationship.
It is sadly fact that most sexualy oriented crimes are done by males ... well statistic tells that at least.
Cheat just as much?
Confronting scientific research.
This doesn't say everything of course. But I still believe women are less likely to cheat,
if a relation doesn't turn sour.
According to sociology we are guided by a deep-rooted feral instinct.
This breaks down to the fact that the urge for sex is dominant in both males as females, as it is needed for the survival of a species.
Considering sexual activity, males or alpha males have more mates to insure distribution of 'good' genes. And an active role, as
they search out the partners.
Females are more likely to have one or few mates; strong males, the alpha male, for the very same reasons. And a passive role, the males will approach them.
If we translate this to modern day fidelity, it would mean that men have a stronger urge to 'spread' their genes with multiple partners, and do so in an active way.
Women are more passive, and will most likely stay with an 'alpha or strong male'.
Simply put, men have the urge to have relations with multiple women, while women are more likely to stay with a single partner
if the partner is still received as a strong male.
Class dismissed.
And regarding sex-crimes, if we use the same theory, it makes sense that men are more likely to commit these crimes. In sociology men have a more direct and active role while women tend to be more passive. Isn't an excuse though, I'd still cut off their balls.