Polish Gry Online plays Fallout 3

a US invasion of chinese commandos was to be part of Van Buren's back story

I only know of the Commandos who raided the Boulder Dome, releasing Limit 115 in the process, and the Commandos who were sent to destroy the secret laboratory at Hoover Dam.

Not a real invasion, more raids.
Per said:
What are my impressions? Hm. I was asked about it by Todd Howard. I lost my tongue for a moment, and, with a feeling of guilt, I mumbled that I expected something more.


EDIT: I can just see the Toddlers face shining with anticipation at more verbal fellatio only to be shot down so harshly. Priceless.
Chinese invasion? But of course! Those decapitating teddy bears are starting to make a hell of a more sense!

I guess I need to go and apologize to that little prick Howard now.. :oops:

More lead-poison toys from China recalled
U.S. warns of dangers in millions of imported products

Among the hundreds of Chinese imports recalled this year are:

* Portable baby swings that entrap youngsters, resulting in 60 reports of cuts, bruises and abrasions;
* Swimming pool ladders that break, resulting in 127 reports of injuries, including leg lacerations requiring up to 21 stitches, five reports of bone fractures, two back injuries, two reports of torn ligaments and eight sprained ankles;
* Faulty baby carriers that result in babies falling out and getting bruised, getting skulls cracked and hospitalizations;
* Easy-Bake Ovens that trap children's fingers in openings, resulting in burns;
* Oscillating tower fans whose faulty wiring results in fires, burns and smoke inhalation injuries;
* Exploding air pumps that have resulted in 13 lacerations including six facial injuries and one to the eye;
* Bargain-priced oil-filled electric heaters, selling for less than $50, that burn down homes;
* Notebook computer batteries that burn up computers, cause other property damage and burn users;
* Circular saws with faulty blade guards that result in cutting users, not wood.
The key part being "remaining points". You spent five AP to shoot at a guy, meaning he just lessened the distance between the two of you by five hexes (assuming you have the same amount of action points). Not exactly the same as being able to maintain a constant distance between you and your enemies and pelt them with bullets indefinitely.

Yes, however many things such as rats and ants have so few APs you can maintain a fixed distance anyhow. It could even be done with a spear and meant that provided you had 10APs, you could always do the temple of trials without taking any damage at all.

So yeah, i don't think that sounds a huge problem, unless it is also an effective tactic vs better opponents, in which case...Argh

It better not be just Oblivion mk 2, as i found Oblivion amazingly boring.
Weren't the commies you fought in the tech demo for Van Buren Americans insurgents? Whatever, they're gonna change the back story to fit their game, canon be damned!

Good lord horst, those face are bizarre, the people look like they were gassed by the Joker in the first batman movie. :yuck:
Van Buren is not considered canon by the FO3 devs, unfortunately (although they don't contradict it directly either).
Most evens in Van Buren aren't relevant to Fallout 3 anyhow, no?

Anyway, "consider" canon? Van Buren just isn't canon, any more than really good fanfics are. 's franchise reality, that is.
Still, lots of the Van Buren info is now part of the fanon (as in, what fans believe to be canon, either erroneously, or simply as part of their "personal canon").
Well, I do consider Van Buren part of my personal canon (as in, e.g. what I use as "canon" in my Fallout PnP campaign), even if it's not part of the official canon.

And VB stuff like e.g. the Hei Gui armor pops up as something believed to be canon from time to time here or at Bethsoft forum.
Xenophile said:
TTTimo said:
The console has its place, but it does not/cannot have the same standing as the PC format and it's sad to see the console take precedence over it in the name of the bottom line (kiddies don't know what they're missing...).

You know this is a crap argument..

I am sick of pigeonholing the console market as a kiddy market.. the fact is most console owners are adults. I myself have a PS3, and I'm 32 and have played PC and console games since I was about 6. I do tend to play more PC games than console games, but it's not an inherent weakness in the platform.

And I hate to break it to you.. their all just hardware. Now we can complain that their are not enough deep games on consoles, but it has nothing to do with the superiority of PC's to consoles. I will admit that there are barriers to smaller publishers, but even this is changing with online storefronts.

Their are some demographic differences, but I don't think I presonally know anyone that doesn't have an Xbo360 or PS3 that considers themselves a game enthusiast.

Now I understand when people don't have enough money to afford both. But other than a keyboard and mouse, there are little appreciable advantages to the PC as a platform. I personally want to see the PC continue as a solid game platform, but I am sick of this console bashing.. it inaccurate.

I don't have any console. I have no urge to have any either. And that is because the multiplatform games or games made specifically for consoles tend to be a lot more simplified. I think that ION Storm had went bankrupt only because they decided to make Deus Ex: Invisible War multiplatform which lead to extreme dumbing down of everything from the previous game which, in my opinion, was one of the best fps games of that time.

Also, the controller doesn't seem to be fit for fps games. For example, I love how in Fallout 3 gameplay demos, when Todd wants to switch the weapon, he has to come to a complete stop, even if the enemies are shooting at him. It looks like that it is rather hard to aim in real time too, or Todd simply isn't good at it. (However, I haven't seen or played any other FPSes on consoles, so that may be FO3 specific. The controllers are more suited for other types of games).

The only reason to develop games for consoles I see so far is because the developers know the power of specific consoles and it makes the development a bit more easier for them, because they don't have to constantly adapt to the newest technologies during development (which may cause the programmers to rewrite a large portion of the engine), except if you want to develop a multiplatform game (and use the PC hardware to the games advantage), in which case the only benefit is increased sales, but that also means a more simplified game. On the other hand, big disadvantage of developing for PCs is piracy, which seems to be less common with console games.

Seeing what kind of audience console gamers are makes me want to hang myself (judging from the first gameplay video, and the lack of knowledge and intelligence from hosts of the shows), since I am going to work in a video game company which targets multiple platforms, but mostly consoles. :?
Most console players are adults who play games made for kids. Period.

Also, piracy mostly only affect PC mainstream games. Niche PC games are virtually untouched by piracy, ranging all genres, from racing simulators (only present on PC by the way) to RPGs even. Niche RPGs have little to no problems with piracy. Take a clue from that...
And everyone know's that FPS games suck on consoles, the only FPS I've managed to have fun with in a console was Medal of Honor.
Myryad said:
And everyone know's that FPS games suck on consoles, the only FPS I've managed to have fun with in a console was Medal of Honor.
PS1? Yeah, that was a fun game :D Also, Dark Corners of the Earth is very enjoyable in a Xbox 360. Even though it doesn't work very well.
Yep, the PS1 one hehehe, now there was a good console game! :D It's really amazing how good games were back then! Fallout 1/2 were made 10 years ago and they are 10 times more fun, more complex and have 10 times the possibilities that fallout 3 will have! It was so much fun to play as a dumb character and see the work that the developers had made in creating diferent dialogs and reactions according to that!

This only show's us how games today have changed.
Anani Masu said:
Many of the hostile robots seem to have large stars on them and may be chinese in origin

The white star is an emblem of the US Army.
I was thinking more of the stripped down Gort with the red star in the robot concept art pic. But yeah the three roller ones seen in gameplay could also be American.
Sorry Ausir I should have been clearer, I was making two separate points and didn't mean it to look like I was saying Van Buren was Canon. Only that Bethesda would ultimately decide what was canon.

On the topic of consoles, one of problems is the limitations of the medium, there are only some many buttons on a controller to give functions to, unlike computers. Add to that the mantra of graphics over playability that has created a slide downward of quality, and you have a lot games for sale that I would waste the money on. Perfect example of this is the Timesplitters series of games.
iridium_ionizer said:
Considering how they promised 500,000 lines of dialogue, it seems ridiculous that there is an NPC that only has one line.

Maybe the PC didn't have enough speech skill for more options, or was missing some sort of criteria.

Taskeen said:
Can't wait til this guy reviews FO3 when it's released, lol.

...He's Australian...

Morbus said:
Also, Dark Corners of the Earth is very enjoyable in a Xbox 360.

Why the hell are you playing a game made for kids?!
Considering how they promised 500,000 lines of dialogue, it seems ridiculous that there is an NPC that only has one line.

They didn't, that was just from some bad preview. The number given by Bethesda is 40,000.