Still Mildly Glowing

I don't know if it's possible for such a discussion to be civil, to be honest.Can there be such a discussion without it devolving into tribal warfare? And how would go about derailing a spergout thread, having a civil conversation about gun control?
The entire concept of "gun control" is that liberals want their corrupt government officials to have absolute power over who does and doesn't have the right to own a gun.
A man can only explain why that's fundamentally wrong so many times before the Liberal starts getting angry at the person whose rights it wants to violate.
We've seen what happens to places like Communist Russia, National Socialist Germany, Democrat Chicago, Leftist Venezuela, and Maoist Communist China when the left gets what they want.
Wanting a good person silenced isn't civil or reasonable. Wanting a good person raped isn't civil or reasonable. Wanting a good person disarmed isn't civil or reasonable. Liberals want to use the government like a club to get their way, and that's morally wrong. There is no good argument for being that way. Why do you think the liberals try so hard to derail threads when they're losing arguments in them?
Giving up a little more of your gun rights because a liberal says so isn't a "reasonable compromise". "The taxes should be higher" is something we can have a civil discussion over, "You and I don't deserve rights and you can't convince me otherwise" is something only a lefty would say. I can explain why you're wrong to think that, but what am I supposed to do if you get uncivil and mods blame me for that? Imagine if America gave up a little more of its land to ISIS every few months because ISIS feels entitled to America. We'd get no benefit from that. The ability to compromise with liars and irrational radicals isn't a virtue.
When starving people protest in Venezuela, they get attacked with rocks and clubs and guns by Antifa, who work with the police because they are the system and its corruption. The same shit happens when they attack free speech marches in America. Remember Berkeley? Cops disarmed the protestors and then did nothing when Antifa showed up with bike locks and bombs and ice picks. That's a good argument for gun rights. Liberals hate gun rights because they don't want their victims to be armed. If the Civil Rights marchers carried guns, liberals would be too afraid to throw bombs and swing bike locks. They're already too afraid to pull that shit in American states where people still have meaningful gun rights.
Liberals try their hardest to make their massive egos and easily-hurt feelings and faulty understanding of the world your problem. They feel entitled to your time, patience, money, respect, and even the food off your plate. They don't even try to hide what they really are because they don't feel like they have to.
Conservatives and Libertarians gain nothing by allowing anti-gun loons to repeat CNN's fear-porn misinformation. Yet they believe in free speech so they allow it anyway. That foolish virtue won't warm a liberal's heart.
Liberals want laws that forbid guns that seem too good and too scary (and they will consider more guns too dangerous/scary over time). And they want to forbid anyone "dangerous" from having a gun, so Karen snitches can report thoughtcrime to have the guns of innocents taken away. They want easily-abused laws because they feel comfortable living under them, knowing Conservatives would never use marxist tactics against the marxists to stop marxism.
Personally, I think a debate over gun control would only ever go anywhere constructive if the moderators kept a running tally of every fear/misinformation-based gun-control argument and when it was debunked in the thread. Also, the moderators would have to stop the argument from going in circles by warning anyone who tries to bring back an already-debunked argument 6 pages later hoping to try the lie again. And warn any liberal who derails the thread by insulting and attacking those who see through the lie of gun control. Eventually, the gun-fearers would run out of lies to repeat, run out of insults to use, and end up forced to come to terms with the fact that their position is not reasonable or logically sound. Gun-fear isn't a valid political position, it's a mental disorder. It's not something that inherently deserves respect, and they should thank everyone who gives their "ban guns!" bullshit the time of day instead of going full lefty.
But how many liberals would post in, and read posts in, a thread where they can't get away with lying at will and derailing with personal attacks when called out? They aren't here to debate, they're here to create the illusion that being a Liberal is normal and not being one is something that invites and excuses abuse from Liberals.