Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol


That narrative.
I would like to publicly denounce white supremacist violence.
I would like to publicly denounce all violence regardless of political persuasion, race, religion, etc. with the exception of rules-abiding participants in sports activities, pest control, law enforcement activities that adhere to codes of conduct, and declared wars that are defensive in nature.

Clearly in the USA their has been a shift in sentiments towards violence by protesters in that the old-fashioned tactics of signs, chants, and theatrical performances (ex. a die-in) are seen as too soft by some protesters, while present-day violent actions by some are too-often condoned by their own faction. I haven't followed all of the details of the current protests in Washington D.C., these videos only show left-leaning protestors as the aggressors, but there several documented cases of some right-leaning counter-protesters in Portland clearly trying to instigate violence. I am totally fine with all of the violent instigators being arrested and prosecuted. Make them watch movies about Quakers, Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, etc. while they are in prison.

Personally I don't understand what, rationally, is going through protesters minds if they go out geared for violence. Even if I was marching with a cause, I wouldn't be staying out past a curfew which is when trouble usually happens. The point of a protest is supposed to be drawing attention to an issue and garnering public support - which can then be used to influence elected officials or drive voter opinions / turnout for elections. Some of the violent BLM oriented protests during this summer probably lost Biden votes in November.

That narrative.
Here is a different narrative.

The point is that anyone with a PC with a printer hooked up and postage can file a lawsuit - that doesn't mean that it has merit. Just like anyone with a PC can make a graphic and post it on the internet.

If you read the news, you can see that several lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign (and related parties) have already been dismissed for lacking in evidence.
It is called attention whoring via violence, faux outrage, virtue signalling, stupidity, obnoxiousness, arrogance, etc.

There is a reason these morons are a relatively recent thing.

A long time ago, both parties were seen as filled with establishment politicians who did things the old fashioned way. All the progressive, hipster douches thought they were above all of that mundane bullshit and would say things like 'Whatever man. I am sooo for social justice and wealth redistribution. But trying to work via legal means would never work and the man controls everything'. These same people could not be bothered to vote as their own smugness had convinced them their vote wouldn't do anything or they were just virtue signalling and simply too lazy or busy to vote.

In comes populist candidate Bernie Sanders. He is THE pioneer of progressive douchebag politics. He is LOUD. He is obnoxious. He is confrontational. There is a reason that folks like AOC claim Bernie is their messiah and role model. Bernie, through his SJW magic, convinces all these progressives who were too lazy to be bothered to vote, to come out of the woodwork (just google all the people who claimed they never once bothered to vote until Bernie (free shit) Sanders, through his soap boxing, convinced them to do so.)

Bernie essentially showed that no matter how crazy and un realistic your promises are, people will vote for you. He was responsible for inspiring people like Trump, who in turn inspired folks like Oprah and Kanye to run for office.
It's not even like 2017 era shit with Berkley or Portland where it was Antifa vs Proud Boys, you had the oath-keepers protecting journos and patriot prayer. Now proud boys get arrested en masse, oath-keepers fucked off and I don't even know what happened to patriot prayer. It's not even as fun to watch anymore...

I would like to publicly denounce all those denouncing violence. It is my god giving right as an American to watch an enjoy idiots hurting and maiming themselves. To see a male feminist pick a fight with a biker only to end up in a coma. To see somebody bring their child to a riot and freak out when the police pepper spray a 10 year old. These are the things we told Europe to go fuck themselves over those 400 or so years ago.

Eat all the the dicks in the world, rest of the world.
How about Newsmax? They at least have a channel on TV.

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Venezuelans stole the election. Plot twist.

There is a woman (most likely a democrat) who works in Detroit's polling offices. She is alleging, through a sworn affidavit, which Giuliani has submitted in this video, that she was "instructed" by her superiors to do the following:

- Alter or ignore post dates of absentee ballots, apparently to bypass the Supreme Court's instructions to set aside any of them dated after Nov. 3rd

- Ignore any irregularities such as signature mismatches on absentee/early ballots

- Allow and count any ballots cast for Biden coming from questionable sources, such as duplicates or possibly from obviously deceased people

Copied from someone else post.
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Venezuelans stole the election. Plot twist.

There is a woman (most likely a democrat) who works in Detroit's polling offices. She is alleging, through a sworn affidavit, which Giuliani has submitted in this video, that she was "instructed" by her superiors to do the following:

- Alter or ignore post dates of absentee ballots, apparently to bypass the Supreme Court's instructions to set aside any of them dated after Nov. 3rd

- Ignore any irregularities such as signature mismatches on absentee/early ballots

- Allow and count any ballots cast for Biden coming from questionable sources, such as duplicates or possibly from obviously deceased people

Copied from someone else post.

Holy shit. May be bigger then i first suspected. TorontoReign you always has been based and heterosexual.
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