Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Destiny's wife left him for a jobless Scandinavian after getting her a marriage-allocated green card and marrying her with no pre-nup.

If anyone took political or relationship advice from this guy they're a fucking moron.

We bein consumed by what we consume. a BLACK republican almost dies on stage while campaigning, we get ONE SENTECE in the article about it, and then rike 9 paragraphs about how bad and un black he is. WAKE UP!

We bein consumed by what we consume. a BLACK republican almost dies on stage while campaigning, we get ONE SENTECE in the article about it, and then rike 9 paragraphs about how bad and un black he is. WAKE UP!

2legit2quit this might be the best "comic gets on news channel" fuckery I've ever seen, and I've seen a ton.

MEU to border with loaded magazines, cartels officially labeled foreign terrorist organizations. Hundreds of arrests of criminal border crossers. Where are we? Day 4?

I want our Marines to kick some fucking Diego drug lord ass! Our Marines need a solid win! I can't wait to see what they do, what Recon, even Delta and the other elite forces do to those fuckers. And furthermore Susan, none of our Marines will lose a second of sleep killing the enemy when facing an actual threat on our border soil. No suicides due to this conflict!

All the vaults have been built, the U.S. is about to annex Canada, get your rad-away, mayday! it's Fallout baby!
They'll be on guard duty most likely.

at best they will do what the mexican commandos already do, and maybe provide support for targeted operations every now and then.
drug-money is a valuable bulk asset to our banking system (after it has been laundered, naturally) it wouldn't be beneficial (to the banks) to actually defeat (or fully legitimize) the drug industry.
what *is* beneficial though, is a state of perpetual conflict, driving operational risk and thus product value. yaaay!
They'll be on guard duty most likely.
Fuckin A! That's why when if the shit ever hits the fan, they run towards battle.
Oh hello cartel, do you have air support? Oh.
Precision guided missiles? Donde fumar el fuego escular?
We got knives, sharp sticks!