Poll: Could they make you come back?

Could Bethesda could do something to make you play Fallout 4

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Some kind of lucky
This poll is catered to those who have played Fallout 4 and decided to never play it again.

My biggest issue with Fallout 4 is everything related to story. So if Bethesda re-wrote the game and the story was actually good, would I play it?
My answer is no. I don't think Bethesda could do anything to that game to make we want to play it again. I am past the point of no return.

If you answer yes or no, please feel free to explain why.
Oh shit sorry, only read the "Could Bethesda do something to make you play Fallout 4?". Didn't notice it was for Fallout 4 players before voting.

Basically: IGNORE ME.
No. Just the thought of having to listen to the game's shitty dialog and have my suspension of disbelief busted every two minutes is enough to kill any enthusiasm I might have for picking it up again. There are too many good games out that I haven't yet played for me to waste another minute on Fallout 4.
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As the developer proper I guess technically they could do a lot of things that would get me to play it, but they won't. Right now I'm waiting for a mod that just guts the story and turns it into a survival sim, because I do like the urban areas and the million boarded up buildings has a lot of potential for mods.
They'd have to remake the entire game into an isometric cRPG with good writing and great RPG design for me to ever bother with it again. First person Fallout is not something I care for anymore. It's too bad FNV is held back by Bethesda's Fallout 3 design.

I'm tired of "settling" for whatever scraps I can get. It's either a damn good product through and through or nothing at all. And Fallout to me is an isometric cRPG focused on good writing, choice and consequence and character skill over player skill. If it ain't that then it ain't worth dealing with.

(When/if the fanmade Van Buren gets released I may very well never play FNV again. Cause the two conflict with one another and if I get a choice between them I'd rather go for the one that is proper Fallout and not the one that is trying desperately to be as Fallout as it can be despite its numerous limitations.)

And hell, as a game on its own merits it still needs a total overhaul. The entire world map needs to be expanded, the combat needs to be reworked, preferably into something more Stalker-esque. Settlement and gun crafting scrapped and bring back proper weapons. The story needs to be scrapped and reworked completely. Same with factions, characters and civilized locations. The RPG mechanics need to be expanded upon.

Basically, the only way for Bethesda to get me to play Fallout 4 on its own merits is if they change pretty much every single thing in the game. And since that is completely unrealistic I'm gonna go with no. No, Bethesda can't get me to play their game again.

Maybe if there are feminist sex mods that are about subjugating men. I could get some kinks out of that.
I play it a little bit now and then.

But can Bethesda actually get me to play the game all over again? Hell no.

I'm not even getting the DLC, it'll probably still feel as barren as the base game.
The only way Bethesda could get any brownie points from actual Fallout fans (I make a distinction between real Fallout fans and Bethesda Fallout 4 fanboys) is to give other studios license to make spinoffs, including a top-down isometric spinoff resembling Wasteland 2 or Pillars of Eternity as well as first-person RPGs like New Vegas 2.

I really do not see any other way to appease actual fans of Fallout that have been shit on by Bethesda with this unacceptable Borderlands/Far Cry/hiking simulator clone they titled "Fallout 4."
Fuck no there's not a single thing they could do to make me play that boring putrid waste of resources. I tried to give it a chance but getting knocked over the head with stupid shit like millions of skeletons lying around where people eat, absolutely abysmal dialogue, radiant quests galore, and some glorified themepark parading around as part of a post apocalyptic world is a huge joke.

Short answer: No

Long answer: NOOOO
Fuck no there's not a single thing they could do to make me play that boring putrid waste of resources. I tried to give it a chance but getting knocked over the head with stupid shit like millions of skeletons lying around where people eat, absolutely abysmal dialogue, radiant quests galore, and some glorified themepark parading around as part of a post apocalyptic world is a huge joke.

Short answer: No


Sure. Have Obsidian take hold of the next game, name that one Fallout 4, rename this current one. Then I would technically be coming back to Fallout 4.
If Bethesda make a transfer an amount equal to or greater than * insert a ridiculous amount of numbers * of dollars to my bank account,maybe I would consider reinstalling Fallout 4 and play for 15 minutes. I've played about 18 hrs,regret every minute wasted.
No. It disappointed me from minute one, and the more I see coming out of this game -- delaying the creation kit until the modder caliber DLC comes out, releasing beta patches onto paying customers, having nearly no one in the gaming media calling them out for practices like those and the Season Pass price hike -- the more I want to sit back and let the fanboys continue to lap this up, see how long they can take it. They are asking for it after all.

We can however bet on one thing: Before this year is done, we'll start seeing more people coming out and admitting they fell for the hype. That this game is nowhere near as good as they thought it was. But they'll try and downplay how they got played into liking it.
We can however bet on one thing: Before this year is done, we'll start seeing more people coming out and admitting they fell for the hype. That this game is nowhere near as good as they thought it was. But they'll try and downplay how they got played into liking it.

It could've been a remake of New Vegas with all new features and graphical improvements, and it still would've disappointed a fair amount of people in the end. Specifically, it wasn't just the content they advertised, it was the advertising itself. The marketing campaign and the "hype train" was really too much for just a video game.

There was simply too much hype for it. Remember how Duke Nukem: Forever turned out? Know how Half-Life 3 is regarded now? Marketing should be last priority in game publishing because it can really bite back in the ass later. But no, it's a low-risk, high-profit entertainment business, so of course marketing is priority number one. Gah.

I still wish they would've made a remake of New Vegas. Time better spent, even if they would've overhyped it too.
It could've been a remake of New Vegas with all new features and graphical improvements, and it still would've disappointed a fair amount of people in the end. Specifically, it wasn't just the content they advertised, it was the advertising itself. The marketing campaign and the "hype train" was really too much for just a video game.

There was simply too much hype for it. Remember how Duke Nukem: Forever turned out? Know how Half-Life 3 is regarded now? Marketing should be last priority in game publishing because it can really bite back in the ass later. But no, it's a low-risk, high-profit entertainment business, so of course marketing is priority number one. Gah.

I still wish they would've made a remake of New Vegas. Time better spent, even if they would've overhyped it too.

Know what's even more of an insult to New Vegas? How they're just NOW talking about adding the Hardcore aspects, which would require even more post-release scripting, but they're doing it in complete ignorance of the fact that dialogue and the aspect of choice was such a driving force behind that game.

Empty platitudes, all of it.
I would like to mention something fairly important - a lot of the time, I see NMAers jumping at the chance to see Bethesda get criticised and shot down by their fanbases for not living up to expectations, not following in on promises, or not meeting current industry standards. Which is nice and all - I get that bitterness is built into the DNA of this forum. :razz:

Here's the problem. See all the criticism for Fallout 4? The fuel for change? It's not in good favour. The vast majority of the critics of Fallout 4 call it out for, what, not meeting modern industry standards?

That's kind of the problem. People are raising pitchforks at Bethesda because they aren't doing the Borderlands/Far Cry impression good enough, not because they're making crap RPGs that ruin the series' good name.

If the masses had their way, Fallout 4 would've basically been Far Cry with Fallout 3's writing, which to be fair would've been more focused and polished than whatever the hell the current mess is, but it would hardly have been a step in the right direction.

It's about Fallout 4 having outdated graphics, bad animations, and generally taking aspects of other games without improving them. But it is NOT about Fallout 4's lack of consequence, repetitive loot-shoot gameplay, simplified dialogue, or butchered lore.

My point? Sometimes we cheer for the wrong reasons. I get the "victories where we can" mentality, but it feels sort of hypocritical, speaking as someone who has had many experiences with being a hypocrite. To call out Fallout 4 on not focusing on dialogue, yet to go wild as soon as it gets bashed for not having Call of Duty graphics, just doesn't sit right for some reason. Just my two cents. :shrug:
My point? Sometimes we cheer for the wrong reasons. I get the "victories where we can" mentality, but it feels sort of hypocritical, speaking as someone who has had many experiences with being a hypocrite. To call out Fallout 4 on not focusing on dialogue, yet to go wild as soon as it gets bashed for not having Call of Duty graphics, just doesn't sit right for some reason. Just my two cents. :shrug:
Interesting points there, but I have to disagree. While yes, the majority doesn't like it because it's not enough of a shooter, we're (maybe just me) are cheering for the fact that Bethesda's fantastic game streak has been broken. No longer do raging fanboys (of a different colour) dominate, and many are starting to realize there are flaws with Bethesda's games. Hopefully this means less hype, and more consumer interest and research instead of diving in into shit.