Well considering there is someone else you can pick from her......
You're missing my point, I'm not going for "vote for Hillary, at least she's not Trump". I'm going for "this whole election is ridiculous and laughable and I feel ashamed for all americans for having a system where you end up with these two". And ultimately, that you're making a fool out of yourself for campaigning so hard for Trump. Which you would have done no matter who he stood against, "literal criminal" or not.
But if I were american and actually had to vote in this election, my vote would go to Hillary simply based on the fact that things wouldn't change all that much and I'd rather have that than whatever redneck circus Trump would cook up.
Not if people don't vote for Trump and let Hillary become President and continue to let the establishment remain in control.
Trump's biggest interest lies in power and money. For himself. You'd not escape any sort of establishment with him as president.
If you want her to get hers in due time maybe support the guy who will hire a special prosecutor and not the woman herself for the Presidency? lol
I don't support her. But I also only want her to get hers if she's actually guilty. Not interested in seeing a witch hunt based on rumors, slander and conspiracy theories.
>why should Hillary being a criminal with a shady and horrific past of crime, coverups and getting people killed sway people towards her opponent
Fuck got me beat there, couldn't imagine why.
Why should the US have a moron of a reality TV mogul as president? Might as well have Dr Phil run for president in 2020.
I'm guessing you know more than a stupid man whose made 8 billion dollars and runs a real estate and media empire?
If that guy is an idiot what the fuck are you?
Lazy. Being rich =/= being smart. On the other hand, he may very well be intelligent and using that intelligence to suck the idiots of america in.
Sure seems to know a lot considering he has detailed policy plans on his website.
My proof is his words.
Do you honestly think he's written those up himself?
This is just straight up fucking lies.
Give me one, ONE example of him being a bigot and a hate monger.
Why because he wants to put a stop to massive amounts of illegal immigration that the country can't sustain? Because he wants to stop immigration from countries that terrorists are coming from until we get a handle on the situation?
I could give you several examples, but it wouldn't do much except waste your time and mine, since you would simply say "that's not racist", "that's not sexist" etc. Because you simply choose to not accept it. You're blurting out straight up racist things yourself that you don't even have the balls to admit are racist. Or it's a concept that simply goes over your head.
Oh God it's literally another holocaust you guys!
Don't be so dramatic.
Meanwhile theres actual proof of Hillary insulting people like Bernie based on his race and calling him a "fucking jew bastard" but the media told you Trump is the evil racist so I guess you should listen and believe like a good boy.
Again, this isn't about how much better Hillary is.
Third Party canidates have zero chance of winning. You have to ask yourself who you'd prefer to be president. A lying, deceitful criminal whose fast tracking us into conflict after conflict or a man whom you can't come up with a real reason why he's bad besides media buzzwords.
It's that way because you've accepted it. That's on you. I don't really care who's president, sometimes I even think it might be fun to see Trump win, it'd be the comedy show of the century and I want to see the world burn. But I also find it hilarious that you so vehemently defends him as being a good president and your lord and saviour.
Also, for all your talk about "why should I care what some random guy on a Fallout forum thinks", have you considered the fact that you're also a random guy ranting on a Fallout forum? If that epithet is worth so little, why not shed yourself of it?