We all swat a fly, a mosquito at least. Some of us get very Dr. Doolittle-y, and personally, I've let a gnat or two drink its fill, before I start killing again.
My grandpa once shouted at me for smashing ants, when I was a lil kid, but we also went fishing together, while he always emphasized a swift and merciful kill, often with a knife, or - in case of bigger fish, a big-ass club, swung with deliberation.
I hated it one time, when my uncles and cousins, ocean fishing, didn't bother to properly kill the fish, and dismissed my complaints, telling me the fish were merely spasming, when I knew the difference.
I've never hunted, but my best friend does, and does so with the expected decorum associated. Swift kills, whenever possible.
I've seen footage of more stunty, lazy hunting in Spain, where frustrated hunters may shoot their dogs or fling them off cliffs, and then there was a news piece recently about some local dude smashing gull eggs and killing gull chicks, being investigated by the police - it's illegal, obviously, to do this. This man, most probably, thought he was doing some sort of civic duty, since gulls can be a suisance in the city, especially when defending their chicks, that are brooded and hatched on city rooftops.
I spotted a dead gull chick in the street the other day, with a live one right nearby it, a sad little sight, with two adult gulls above half-heartedly divebombing random shoppers. All the shoppers would veer around the little bird, obviously - you never really see normal people try to kick or stomp birds, that would be insane - or would it? See dude under investigation.
Some cultures, you kick dogs, cus they're all over the place, and might bite your leg, and you don't wanna get a tetanus shot instead of getting to work in time. Many people will tell about grandmas smashing mice with a broom, splattering them all over the place. That, to me, would be a very hard task to just go and do.
Then you get some dad taking kittens in a bag, and smashing them against a tree. Job done!
So! Where do you draw the line, personally? What do you consider easy swatting, with no scar on your conciousness?
Poll options listed according to size first and foremost, and thus also likeliest effort required/resistance offered
Poll is multiple choice
*effort/resistance often reduced due to technological advantage
Oh and human murder is *not* factoring in the decisionmaking! Human murder is *not* counted here!
My grandpa once shouted at me for smashing ants, when I was a lil kid, but we also went fishing together, while he always emphasized a swift and merciful kill, often with a knife, or - in case of bigger fish, a big-ass club, swung with deliberation.
I hated it one time, when my uncles and cousins, ocean fishing, didn't bother to properly kill the fish, and dismissed my complaints, telling me the fish were merely spasming, when I knew the difference.
I've never hunted, but my best friend does, and does so with the expected decorum associated. Swift kills, whenever possible.
I've seen footage of more stunty, lazy hunting in Spain, where frustrated hunters may shoot their dogs or fling them off cliffs, and then there was a news piece recently about some local dude smashing gull eggs and killing gull chicks, being investigated by the police - it's illegal, obviously, to do this. This man, most probably, thought he was doing some sort of civic duty, since gulls can be a suisance in the city, especially when defending their chicks, that are brooded and hatched on city rooftops.
I spotted a dead gull chick in the street the other day, with a live one right nearby it, a sad little sight, with two adult gulls above half-heartedly divebombing random shoppers. All the shoppers would veer around the little bird, obviously - you never really see normal people try to kick or stomp birds, that would be insane - or would it? See dude under investigation.
Some cultures, you kick dogs, cus they're all over the place, and might bite your leg, and you don't wanna get a tetanus shot instead of getting to work in time. Many people will tell about grandmas smashing mice with a broom, splattering them all over the place. That, to me, would be a very hard task to just go and do.
Then you get some dad taking kittens in a bag, and smashing them against a tree. Job done!
So! Where do you draw the line, personally? What do you consider easy swatting, with no scar on your conciousness?
Poll options listed according to size first and foremost, and thus also likeliest effort required/resistance offered
Poll is multiple choice
*effort/resistance often reduced due to technological advantage
Oh and human murder is *not* factoring in the decisionmaking! Human murder is *not* counted here!