It Wandered In From the Wastes

Eh, they also pulled the "giant humanoid thing at the end of the game" three times in a row.
Who was the giant humanoid in Skyrim? That Heimdall archetype guarding the bridge to Valhalla, or whatever it was called? Honestly I don't remember much about the game as I found it a chore to finish.
Anyway, my vote goes to a popsicle protagonist as it seems to be the most likely given the evidence so far. I would hope Beth doesn't do anything as stupidly predictable as making the PC an android but Christ, who knows with them?
Nothing in Skyrim, really, that's why it was only three games in a row.
Morrowind had Akulakhan, Oblivion had Mehrunes Dagon, Fallout 3 had Optimus, uh, Liberty Prime.
Forgot the giants? They are humanoid-ish.