Porn Is Unhealthy

Do you find pornography unhealthy?

  • Yes, I find pornography of any form unhealthy.

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Yes, I find the more deviated porn to be unhealthy.

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Yes, I think that porn consumption in excess in unhealthy.

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • No, but I think that it can harm the way one views females/males.

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • No, but I think that it creates an unnatural standard that few can live up to.

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • No, but I do think that measures should be taken so that children can't get easy access to it.

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • No, porn is fine.

    Votes: 18 43.9%

  • Total voters

Mr Fish

Slippy sloppy, The


Well as a sexual deviant who's into some weird stuff... No, I don't find porn to be "unhealthy". I'm perfectly able to distinguish between fantasy and reality and that the two should not intertwine. So yeah, over-consumption of porn could very well lead you down to some more kinkier shit but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is unhealthy. If it creates issues with maintaining a relationship then that's different but so long as it doesn't I don't see the problem with it.

It hasn't helped with my self-loathing though and my view on myself isn't exactly great. And I would attribute that to porn but also media as a whole the way that certain body types are portrayed as the epitome of beauty. But I dunno if I would say that porn is "unhealthy" because of that. It's more about me being a lazy piece of shit and unwilling to change attributes of myself I find displeasing. I'm content in my self-loathing basically. :shrug:

It's not porn itself that is the problem, but rather my own lack of willpower to make certain changes in my life. I could bitch and whine about how I'm not rich because of X or Y but that doesn't mean that without it then all of the sudden I'd be breaking my bones trying to dive into a pool full of gold coins.

Pornography is terrible. It fucks up your brain and slowly but surely fills you with degenerate lusts as you slowly get numbed to normal sexual imagery/experiences. Shit like furries and cuckolds would be far less numerous if we didn't have a population glued to PornHub with their cocks in their hand 24/7. Plus with the porn industry itself pushing cuckoldry and other just absolutely appalling and degenerate fetishes it's a very dangerous epidemic that I do agree is threatening and that Utah declaring it a public health hazard is more than justified. It is very disgusting and disturbing to think that at any given time a very impressionable and confused youth with just a couple of clicks can have their young mind warped by extremely graphic sexual content and it's considered ok. We are in an age of decadence right now and I think porn has had a fairly large stake in that.
Plus with the porn industry itself pushing cuckoldry and other just absolutely appalling and degenerate fetishes it's a very dangerous epidemic that I do agree is threatening and that Utah declaring it a public health hazard is more than justified.
Hey now, it's a humane way to breed away Caucasians and bring humanity together.
Pornography is terrible. It fucks up your brain and slowly but surely fills you with degenerate lusts as you slowly get numbed to normal sexual imagery/experiences. Shit like furries and cuckolds would be far less numerous if we didn't have a population glued to PornHub with their cocks in their hand 24/7. Plus with the porn industry itself pushing cuckoldry and other just absolutely appalling and degenerate fetishes it's a very dangerous epidemic that I do agree is threatening and that Utah declaring it a public health hazard is more than justified. It is very disgusting and disturbing to think that at any given time a very impressionable and confused youth with just a couple of clicks can have their young mind warped by extremely graphic sexual content and it's considered ok. We are in an age of decadence right now and I think porn has had a fairly large stake in that.
Sometimes, I find it hard to tell whether you are being incredibly sarcastic, or genuinely believe what you are writing.
If it is unhealthy it ain't gonna stop me. Or anyone else. I mean people smoke cigarettes eat McDonald's (I eat McDonald's) meth and all sorts of unhealthy shit if they like it enough....
Honestly, it's people's choice to watch it, there not hurting anyone else by doing so. Don't see any harm in taking a live and let live attitude towards porn.
Ah yes, politicians deciding what people do in their own bedroom or what they would like to watch on the internet.
There is such a thing as freedom of thought and responsibility. If parents don't want their children to watch pornography than that is something they must be actively involved themselves. That responsibility should not be placed with government officials, their damn job is to make sure is that pornographic content does not harm those who are involved mentally or physically, and prevent stuff like child pornography or torture/snuff.

From what I understand right now it is not banned yet, just declared a public health hazard with people having to pay a fine if for example children get to see it, but the next step will be to get it banned as well if possible. And that is where the problems start.

I wouldn't be surprised if this old bastard would have tons of files on his hard drive and bookmarked links to various adult sites and dating sites where he gets his jollies.
His 'soul' can tolerate a little harm.
Just as with everything else in the world, it isn't so black and white. There is truth in that the easy access to porn can fuck with your sexual desires. People who consume porn a lot tend to grow tired of watching the same thing over and over and will seek new and thrilling material. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but I can imagine that leads to problems with your real sex life. Expectations get higher, you might crave certain things to get off because you've grown more or less numb to other things. There's also that whole thing about how women are often treated in porn. Most of it is in good fun and a lot of women get off on it as well, but consider that young guys who haven't even had sex with a woman yet avidly consume this type of porn. On the other hand, just as with violence in movies and games, I strongly believe that people who act out violent fantasies and seriously harm others were wrong in the head from the start and violent media in itself is not to blame. But there's also a lot of pressure on young girls to act a certain way and be ok with certain things. Couple that with piss poor sex education pretty much everywhere in the world, where kids often have to learn what sex is supposed to be like from porn.

At the same time, people need release for their sexual desires and I think not getting that release builds up frustrations that will fuck with your head and might lead to you doing some bad shit. I don't know, like I said it's not so black and white. One thing I'm sure of however, and that is that people are very different and some have an easier time distinguishing between fantasy and real life than others.