Mr Fish
Slippy sloppy, The
Graves is more of a deviant than me. Only fetishes i got is that i want to be devoured whole by a 65 year old woman.
I enjoyed the part where you called people uneducated and then went on to show a complete and total lack of knowledge about Christianity. If you want to circlejerk how euphoric you are in this moment or build elaborate strawmen of Christianity, r/atheism is down the road a ways there friend.Well, like many sources of entertainment, porn can have negative aspects such as being addictive to some. If it's negatively impacting your personal relationships, career, etc. obviously that isn't healthy.
But let's not forget where a great deal of the anti-porn sentiment comes from. A few thousand years ago, a bunch of drunken barbarian control freaks wrote some stuff about a magical sky daddy. And this character they created (heavily plagiarizing from various pagan mythologies) really didn't want dudes to spill their seed, or have any fun at all for that matter.
Apparently some very uneducated people continue to this day to believe that this poorly written collection of fairy tales is actually a legitimate work of history. And so they obsessively worry about other dudes spilling their seed. In the case of Utah, they may also worried about someone staining their magical underwear. But the main thing we should all be ashamed of our naked bodies and biological urges because anything that is arousing or stimulating can only be created by the forces of darkness. Porn is vulgar because sky daddy doesn't want anyone enjoying "ploughing" because seed is only supposed to be used for making more fruit. Or something.
I enjoyed the part where you called people uneducated and then went on to show a complete and total lack of knowledge about Christianity. If you want to circlejerk how euphoric you are in this moment or build elaborate strawmen of Christianity, r/atheism is down the road a ways there friend.
I don't even know where to begin with your absolutely retarded post. You're the one making ludicrous claims that Christianity says "we should all be ashamed of our naked bodies and biological urges because anything that is arousing or stimulating can only be created by the forces of darkness.", or that Christianity is about "having no fun at all". The burden of proof is one you for making such wild and inaccurate statements. It's incredulous fedora tipper-tier posts like this that make it clear you haven't actually taken the time to read anything about the religion and instead just want to wallow in your own smug self importance and false sense of intelligence.Instead of insinuating my supposed total lack of knowledge about something, how about providing some shred of evidence that contradicts anything I may have misinterpreted / misrepresented
Says the man who makes wild claims without backing himself up and when confronted with his bullshit gives 0 arguments what so ever and demands that the other side does all of the legwork.I know requiring evidence for something isn't really your forte,
Yes and it also makes for an actual argument which you failed to make. Continuing to show your stupidity is your apparent lack of understanding of what a "straw man" is seeing as your post was littered with them and then you have the total lack of a sense of irony to accuse me of forming straw men when you're the one attacking your completely fabricated form of Christianity to sound smart.but it does tend to make for a more cogent argument than just throwing out straw man defenses.
This is just purely made up bullshit and conjecture. Barbarians? By what definition? Modern? Ancient Roman? As far as control freaks go again, where are you getting this from? The only hard part of countering your post is the complete and utter lack of argument there is to begin with? How are they control freaks? What makes them control freaks? Where are you getting the idea they were all drunkards from? Do you even actually know anything about Jesus or the Disciples that led you to this conclusion or are you just posting random shit? You have to actually have an argument to deconstruct here. This is the first step of your garbage strawman where you dismiss the founders of the Christian Church as all uneducated, drunks and control freaks but you don't give any evidence that any of this is true. It comes across as total conjecture from a man(?) that doesn't know what he's talking about and his far, far out of his depth.A few thousand years ago, a bunch of drunken barbarian control freaks
I'm guessing you've never heard of Israel and the jews then? Again, you make it out as if the entire Christian Church is based on the crazy ravings of a couple of people, that theres no history or culture behind it, just a couple dudes got in a room and made it up. You continue to construct your strawman by ignoring the histories, peoples and cultures that led up to the formation of the Christian faith.wrote some stuff about a magical sky daddy. And this character they created
Completely false.(heavily plagiarizing from various pagan mythologies)
So because Christianity promotes self control and being fruitful and multiplying theres no fun allowed? From this it can only be assumed the only fun you get is from masturbation since the only """"""""""proof""""""""" of Christianity being anti-fun is that it looks down on masturbation which as has been shown and posted about before in this thread, can and indeed has had, harmful effects. Now to this "enlightened" poster's strawman of Christianity is the plagiaristic ravings of a group of random drunks who also were control freaks despite being "drunk barbarians" and also they hated any form of fun..... despite being drunk barbarians.really didn't want dudes to spill their seed, or have any fun at all for that matter.
Yes, let's look at a list of just a few of those "very uneducated people" who believed in Christianity.Apparently some very uneducated people continue to this day to believe that this poorly written collection of fairy tales
So because the Bible has passages about avoiding giving into every lust you have Christians are all obsessed with the sexual activities of other men. It is only as "obsessive" as the one addicted to obsessively jerking his dick off makes it. It's not a core component of the religion, masturbation itself is not given a huge focus even. This part is really eye opening because it shows how hard you had to drive the conversation to someone fit Christianity in because you can't help but show off how "smart" you are by your dismissal of religion. The issue of masturbation is such a tiny part of Christianity but here you are trying to fit it into this discussion. Your strawman, bursting at the seams now, states that Christianity conned some of the greatest minds of the Human race despite being the brain child of a bunch of stupid, fun hating drunks who were obsessed with watching eachother's masturbation habits.And so they obsessively worry about other dudes spilling their seed.
Mormonism is an incredibly tiny and fringe denomination of Christianity.In the case of Utah, they may also worry about someone staining their magical underwear.
Nowhere in the Bible does it stake we should be ashamed about our bodies, but at the same time we don't need to go around lustfully flaunting ourselves either. It's about self respect, not shame. Should we instead just start walking around all the time in our birthday suit? Is every woman who doesn't give you a nice view of her tits ashamed of her body instead of having some self respect for her body?But the main point is we should all be ashamed of our naked bodies
This is also wrong. It's about controlling your urges and not giving into every temptation you come across. Is self control bad now? Should we just eat, drink and fuck ourselves into a stupor because self control and respect means you're ashamed?and biological urges
No, they are inherently a part of who we are. Even if you do not believe their source has anything to do with the beliefs of Christianity it is an undeniable fact that we have these temptations, whether through inherent sin or another explanation.can only be created by the forces of darkness.
God doesn't want you to spend all your time giving into harmful lust and temptation by constantly having your eyes glued to the computer screen and jacking off constantly. HE doesn't want you to spend all your time getting drunk until you pass out or eating until you puke either. Again, why is self control and self respect such a negative to you?Porn is vulgar because sky daddy doesn't want anyone enjoying "ploughing"
Yea, the purpose of semen is to fertilize a woman's eggs and make children. Is there some kind of hidden use for jizz that you've been holding out on us?as seed is only supposed to be used for making more fruit.
Or something indeed.Or something.
Yea, the purpose of semen is to fertilize a woman's eggs and make children. Is there some kind of hidden use for jizz that you've been holding out on us?
OK, but it's probably relevant when you're talking about Utah law, which is what the OP was about.Mormonism is an incredibly tiny and fringe denomination of Christianity.
Blah, blah, blah, wah, wah , wah
So in conclusion: Your post is nothing but self-masturbatory hogwash and even the bare minimum research is all it takes for you to see why your words are completely foolish but out of either pride, stupidity or just plain ignorance, you refuse to do so.
Simply EpicWell, your mom really likes it when I shoot it in her face![]()
And the issue with that is....? Are you now trying to claim casual sex is a good thing?Now you're just being pedantic. Obviously I wasn't disputing the biological function of semen. I was pointing out that the religious zealots think we ought not have sex for any reason other than procreation with our spouse.
But not relevant when talking about your blanket statement about all of Christendom.OK, but it's probably relevant when you're talking about Utah law, which is what the OP was about.
Bullshit. If that was the case then why when I responded to you initially did you not say that and instead ask for me to provide a counter argument? If you didn't want a response, you shouldn't have literally asked for one.In truth, my original post wasn't really meant to be taken that seriously as a critique of Christianity. That has already been done to death on the internet by people with far more patience and knowledge of the Bible than I have. Yes, I was poking fun and using hyperbole
Then why did you feel the need to shove religion into this thread? I'm just going to ignore the absolute ignorance it takes to claim that religion, the very thing that has existed since the beginning of and has served as the bedrock of civilization doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.because religion frankly doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.
Such as.....?No I don't think Christians are against all fun, but they are against things for arbitrary reasons.
IIs it really self control to let every temptation that crosses your path get a hold of you? Is it better those people have no incentive to reign themselves in? There are many reasons to take control of your life and Christianity is no less valid than any other.if you need the threat of Hell / reward of Heaven as an incentive to be a good productive member of society, is that really self-control?
I never stated you didn't, but I also have to right to call you out on making incredibly foolish remarks.You have the right to believe whatever you want, but I have the right to find your ridiculous beliefs ridiculous.
I've already tackled this fallacy in the Theology Thread which is where I recommend you take this discussion if you actually care about anything other than your own self righteousness.If someone believed leprechauns are real how seriously would you take them?
Yes, to you. The person who has made it incredibly obvious from their previous post has no idea what they're talking about and hasn't even done a modicum of research into the subject.Belief that the Bible is literally true is every bit as ridiculous to me.
And the point is? If everything Christianity agreed with and promoted was discarded we'd be living in one fucked world right now. Do you disagree with everything simply because religious people agree with it?The only thing I was dead serious about is that anti-porn sentiment has it's roots in organized religion (in the case of Western nations, that would be Christianity).
And would you like to hop on over to the theology thread (where I've already tackled this) and prove that it's not? Or would you just like to keep making statements without backing them up and then acting shocked when someone says you're full of shit?That's pretty ironic coming from someone who believes that the Bible is historically accurate and has valuable moral lessons
Then why is this post full of smarmy attacks at me and Christianity? If you really have no interest in arguing, you wouldn't have made this post or at the very least, would have the maturity to not start shitflinging and then run away trying to claim the last word.But I have no interest in endlessly debating
Conjecture. The only emotion I feel is smug self satisfaction at seeing you go full damage control and try to back out of the argument now that I've called your bluff and presented a legitimate counter to your argument which you've almost totally ignored.emotional
Well you've already insulted all Christians/religious people as uneducated, ridiculous and less intelligent than yourself so I'd say it's a bit too late for that will go nowhere other than ad hominem attacks.
Amusing coming from the person who has posted 0 evidence in response to mine and still seemingly refuses to do so. As far as evidence of the possible existence of God and the historical validity of the Bible, I'd be more than happy to take this to the Theology thread and prove you wrong there too.I will only state this quote "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
Do you have no interest or you simply cannot? If you had no interest in critiquing what I had to say why did you literally ask me to provide evidence and therefore a response? Could it be you're not actually interest in having a theological discussion and were merely posturing thinking I wouldn't actually give a response?I have no interest in critiquing all of the religious nonsense you just regurgitated.
But the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened and then randomly by coincidence nothing combined with nothing and exploded for no reason creating everything and then things magically rearranged perfectly by pure coincidence to create the perfect specific circumstances for life to exist isn't extraordinary? Is the idea that the whole existence of the universe from the stars to our extremely specific and complicated DNA is all a pure and total coincidence is completely rational?The notion of all powerful, all knowing deity is the most extraordinary claim ever made by man.
You haven't looked for any.I see no evidence, I see no evidence, just a lot of zealots insisting that they happened to have determined with absolute certainty the one true religion and the one true God.
I already knew you didn't actually bother to read my post but could you be less obvious? Not all of those scientists and great thinkers were "centuries" old. This also ignores the large amount of modern day scientists who are religious as well.The fact that generally smart people who lived centuries ago
This is dangerously close to being another strawman built on the assumption that all of these people were lying about being Christian.identified as Christian
It must be nice, not having to back up anything you say with facts. These scientists all not only believed in God, many had direct support from the Church and cited God and faith as their inspiration.(in many cases under threat of death / persecution for believing otherwise)
But it does refute your statement that people who have faith are "uneducated". Quit trying to move the goalposts, they're your shitty words, stop trying to distance yourself from them.does not make the religion any less absurd
Already addressed this and invited you to come over to the theology thread to be taught.nor the claims for the divinity of Jesus and the existence of an omnipotent deity any less extraordinary.
I'm a bigger deviant than fish? Didn't you say you had a thing for ghouls as well?Graves is more of a deviant than me. Only fetishes i got is that i want to be devoured whole by a 65 year old woman.
That's still a pretty strange fetish fish. You wish to be swallowed whole. You realise that would kill you right?Graves is more of a deviant than me. Only fetishes i got is that i want to be devoured whole by a 65 year old woman.
Vores, man. Don't try adding logic.That's still a pretty strange fetish fish. You wish to be swallowed whole. You realise that would kill you right?
I'm not disparaging him just saying is all. You would die.Vores, man. Don't try adding logic.
But what a way to go!That's still a pretty strange fetish fish. You wish to be swallowed whole. You realise that would kill you right?
Jacking off in someone's stomach? Wouldn't she/he split open if they somehow managed to swallow you whole. You're a pretty big guy. You must be you're Swedish.But what a way to go!