Post images of your character

Its a mod.

however, with an outfit like that, it should be a vanilla item!

Workin currently on finding the 60's vietnam spectacles (thick black frame), a black suit, a katana, and a electric guitar so i can make 6 string samurai!

"I wouldnt do that if I were you!"

"If I were you, i'd be ugly."

crap i got it wrong.

If I were you, I would run.
Buddy: If you were me, you'd be good-lookin'
Semi-related, are there mods that remove the pipboy from the player model? That thing has fucked with every cool roleplay-style character I want to make since Fallout 3.

"Hello, I'm a suave, smooth-talking business maOW YEAH BIG FUCKING LIGHT-THING ON MY ARM"

"Hey there, I'm a mean looking, lever-action rifle toting cowboy. ALSO CHECK OUT THIS HUMONGOUS BLOB OF FUTURISTIC TECH ON MY WRIST."


Caps to emphasize how much they bother me when looking at my char in third person.

EDIT: answered my own question:
That only gets rid of the glove not the pipboy. There were a couple of mods that did hid it while you weren't using it and one that replaced it with a PDA but so far they haven't been ported over.
Semi-related, are there mods that remove the pipboy from the player model

Why get rid of it when you can pimp it up?


Where Pip-boy 3000 fails, PIMP-boy 3000000 wins!
Hey, in my first playthrough I was running around like a lumberjack commano.
Never. I just can't play a female character. Couldn't do it in the original games, can't do it in New Vegas, can't do it in other roleplaying games.
Kane? He actually reminds me of pretty much every Leather armored bloke in F1, F2. :mrgreen:

Some random shots of mah generic character. And his fancy scarf! Woohoo!

Surprisingly, the Keffiyeh looks(apart from some minor clipping issues) quite good even on the full set Ranger Combat Armor.

Whats a shemag?

Badass lookin dude.

I found my spectacles to make Buddy, but still havent found a black suit/katana/electric guitar. Found an acoustic but... I didn't want to steal it.