Post images of your character


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
Yep, once in my life, I want to open such a topic too.

Watch me, I am a real bear dude:

Actually, these are a bit older images. I am wearing a NCR Mantle Armor since some longer time already, as it looks more badass. This above is the normal trooper armor.

Now the next one's turn.
Me, Boone, and my bigass Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle. I don't wear power armor because it slows me down, is very heavy, and helps my companion more than me...when I'm swarmed, I run. He just stands there.

Also this funny screenshot of a Lakelurk:


Uploaded with

My Manchu Man is awesome, got 100 in melee wreaking havoc with that machete. I only wish there were better hair options, with a longer beard or a queue for hair.



you have to be careful about wearing NCR gear, I found that if your do there missions while dressed as them you don't get the positive rep points. On the up side if you attack another faction while looking like a NCR solder you don't get the negitive rep either.
If I could get a pic off my ps3 I would put one up. My guy is wearing combat armor 1 with a red berret and rocking either a cowboy repeater or "Lucky"
Brother None said:



Brother None, moar like Sister None, amirite? :smug:

Took about 11 screenshots and none of them have my character in. I'll have to rectify I guess. Also, I'm painfully under-equipped for my level. :)
Kallisti said:
I wasn't aware crack whore was in style this season.

Powergaming baby! I didn't find wearing my armor in New Vegas very useful since nothing dangerous attacks you, so I dressed up as a slut for the stats bonuses. Boyeah! WHORE BONUS.
KillerBee256 said:
you have to be careful about wearing NCR gear, I found that if your do there missions while dressed as them you don't get the positive rep points. On the up side if you attack another faction while looking like a NCR solder you don't get the negitive rep either.

Hm this might be true. I figured that I have been "neutral" to the ncr a very long time in the game until at some point they started to like me. If this is true, it's a bit odd, even though somewhat understandable. Maybe they have done this, so you can play legion spy for them without earning positive rep for ncr and negative for the legion.
Thanks for the replies fellas, but my problem is changing my ingame view so I can see the player character from the front, right now all my screenshots are from the backview.
Middle mouse button, hold it down and you can change the camera angle.
Or if you're a ponce like me hit the ` button and type in the codes, TFC and TM and you can fiddle about all you want without the UI.

On an unrelated note don't take screenshots if you're running Spotify maximized, it somehow shows through.
sea said:
I don't really have any screenshots of my character right now. I did come across an interesting bug, though.

Looks like typical gamebryo engine water bug. Was in Oblivion already, in Fallout 3 as well and therefore...
Brother None said:
Kallisti said:
I wasn't aware crack whore was in style this season.

Powergaming baby! I didn't find wearing my armor in New Vegas very useful since nothing dangerous attacks you, so I dressed up as a slut for the stats bonuses. Boyeah! WHORE BONUS.
I want you to go up to a group of Cazadores in that outfit. Might make you rethink that.