Post number 10,000

Petition for a "Reset NMA Postcount" for next years Order awards.

Nevertheless, so long as you have that juicy e-cock, I am obliged to bow.
Well, we can delete two of Kharn's posts (would the postcount update for that?), and ban him. Kharn's perfect 10,000 could stand forever on these forums, and he could start with a brand new account.
As a guy whose reg date is only two months after yours and who has about 1/5th the posts, all I can say is: Wow.
Kharn said:
Bow to me, bitches!

Kahgan said:

That has got to be the one of the most indirectly funny posts of the year. Not only with what was said, but more importantly who said it.

An old visitor of the Order ignores Kharns ceremonial showing of his huge thingy. Gotta like that.

The Vault Dweller


Hey Kharn for fun why not quote your first post in here to show how much youve grown since then?