Predict the next franchise to be rehashed.

The Dutch Ghost said:
Dario ff said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
I hate to say it to you guys but from what I understand it will be more of a 3rd person FPS.
Heh, what is that supposed to mean? You just teased my brain a lot with that one.

Well I had been reading some articles on the 3th Birthday.
There are some links here.

I do understand that PE2 was more action-y than 1 but was it also like this?

I think he's referring to you calling it a "3rd person FPS" which makes little sense. it's just a 3rd person shooter :P

hard to tell how much different it will be. both previous games were full of action and I liked both of them. the first one was a bit heavier on stats and combat was more in line of other jrpg's, while the second pretty much played like a Resident Evil game with "magic" abilities. what made the games great to me were the setting and story though, not the actual gameplay.
aenemic said:
I think he's referring to you calling it a "3rd person FPS" which makes little sense. it's just a 3rd person shooter :P
Exactly, unless you can put in a weird category like that games that can be both TPS and FPS.
Okay okay, so I made a little grammar mistake, happens to all of us you know.

Not as if I double check all my posts before posting them.

Yes, I meant that I had heard it was a 3rd Person shooter, and not much of an JRPG.
Hey, it's OK. I just found that term quite funny. You know, since every game is cool if it's turned into a FPS lately. :P Seems like not even older franchises are brought back, but even trends from the mid-90s(The FPS craze).