Predictions for 2008: Fallout 3 to be delayed

Why? Because perhaps there are some people that realize that franchises are exactly that, they aren't fucking relics, and they are bought and sold all the time. I take a game exactly like it is -- a game. Just don't buy the game. Bitching about it on a forum is simple and it gets you nowhere.
booticon said:
Bitching about it on a forum is simple and it gets you nowhere.

and buying it without any discernment is simple-minded.

as for getting me nowhere? hmmm, you are wrong. it get's me entertained while i am bored at work.
TwinkieGorilla said:
booticon said:
Bitching about it on a forum is simple and it gets you nowhere.

and buying it without any discernment is simple-minded.

Why are you going to extremes with this? Just because I'm not a person that has already made up my mind and flat-out refuses to buy the game before reviews come out doesn't mean I'm a person that will blindly purchase it because it's got OMG FALLOUT on it.

Nice avatar, btw. :P
booticon said:
Why are you going to extremes with this?

uhhhmmm, i think you got it a bit confused. i'm not "going to extremes" with this...what's happening is that i am listening to the band Extreme, while going calmly about this.
Why? Because perhaps there are some people that realize that franchises are exactly that, they aren't fucking relics, and they are bought and sold all the time. I take a game exactly like it is -- a game. Just don't buy the game. Bitching about it on a forum is simple and it gets you nowhere.

Why are you going to extremes with this?

You fail at logic, sense and life.
I too, do not treat game like a relic, but nowadays computer games are something that influences mind of people much more than, let's say, 5-6 years back. They should offer "something" interesting, not only bl00win stuffz wit' dem pr0 wepzz, they should help kids (and adults) to develop their characters in some way. And Fallout is such a game. So when it get's watered down hard, it is a reason to bitch, especially if it's your favorite game. We do not want to see games with rich story and cool gameplay turning into mindless shooters and if you don't want to hear the bitchin' - go to Beth's forum. They'll welcome you with open arms.

Plain and simple.
I find it interesting, and I'm not talking about anyone in particular (although someone did remind me of this), when people say things like "the name doesn't matter" or that franchises aren't sacred and stuff, but then go all "I'm so gonna by this game" even if most of them only knew of it because if was of a particular franchise. Yeah, it's nonsense, it's like saying "I don't like bond movies just because they are bond movies" but then they check the papers everyday, searching for a new bond movie to watch.

My point is, is everyone who's gonna by Fallout 3 really going to get satisfied with it? Wouldn't they be much better off buying a different game? It's not pure FPS, it's not pure classical RPG, it's not pure Action, it's not pure in any way, and somehow, people are loving it. I don't get it. If it's not because of the title, then why is it?

Personally, and talking strictly about some game journalists, I'd say they like it because it's an infamous company raping yet another franchise... They like those things, you know? Generates revenues, good for the business... Talk to destructoid or gamespy. They'll tell ya.
Morbus said:
I find it interesting, and I'm not talking about anyone in particular (although someone did remind me of this), when people say things like "the name doesn't matter" or that franchises aren't sacred and stuff, but then go all "I'm so gonna by this game" even if most of them only knew of it because if was of a particular franchise. Yeah, it's nonsense, it's like saying "I don't like bond movies just because they are bond movies" but then they check the papers everyday, searching for a new bond movie to watch.

My point is, is everyone who's gonna by Fallout 3 really going to get satisfied with it? Wouldn't they be much better off buying a different game? It's not pure FPS, it's not pure classical RPG, it's not pure Action, it's not pure in any way, and somehow, people are loving it. I don't get it. If it's not because of the title, then why is it?

You bring up a valid point. It just gets tiring to see every little detail or screenshot surface with moaning and nitpicking. I'm not saying that people should like it or hate it. AFAIK, we haven't even seen gameplay videos. It could be a great game. It could be a shitty game.

Personally, I'm just along for the ride. At the moment it seems to be just a different take on the nuclear post-apocalyptic world.
booticon said:
You bring up a valid point. It just gets tiring to see every little detail or screenshot surface with moaning and nitpicking.

Then imagine just how tiring it gets to see every little point here be met by moaning and nitpicking. At least we're not wasting our time constantly whining about someone else's friggin' opinion, no?

booticon said:
AFAIK, we haven't even seen gameplay videos.

I have.

That said, you're just selling the good old "wait and see" line.

Well, simple question: why? Who are we hurting by speculating and criticising right now? What's the harm in expressing our fears and dislikes towards the turn this is taking right now? Why is it that other people, like you, get so upset over our opinion? Are we physically hurting you? I don't think so.