Previews and Ausir interview


But best title ever!
A couple of other previews from the Fallout : New Vegas demo playable at PAX have surfaced, courtesy of and The Gamer's Hub. They are not exactly high quality material but they are still worth a read.

<blockquote>This reputation system is one of the big new features in Fallout New Vegas, feeding into the game's overarching struggle between the uptight authority figures of the New Californian Republic and the slaver army of Ceaser's Legion. You'll have to be careful who you side with, as each choice can have far reaching implications. Aligning yourself with one group will automatically create tensions with their rivals, the strength of feeling ramping up as your ties grow. Choose to follow one path exclusively and eventually the opposing faction will shoot on sight and you'll be locked out of their missions.

Despite what their names may suggest, aligning yourself with each faction isn't just a straight choice between good and evil. In Fallout: New Vegas the boundaries are far more blurred than that. Along the way you'll encounter all kinds of murky moral decisions. You can even choose to play one faction off against the other. It promises to be far more complex than Fallout 3's binary karma system.</blockquote>

The Gamer's Hub

<blockquote>Well you can simply imagine I dealt with them no problem, and went on to continue my journey that later led me to the Primm Casino. Which is an actual casino located outside of Vegas pretty close to the Stateline. A Brotherhood of Steel soldier later came up to me and implored that I stay away from the casino turned prison. A riot has just taken place and the prisoners have just taken control of the facility. I told him that this would no longer be a problem and would take care of it right away.

So I took a stealthy approach to taking back the prison and eliminated every enemy in my path one by one, until I reached the top of the broken down roller coaster. Once I got here I brought back out my grenade machinegun and rained down explosives onto the facility. The poor cons didn’t stand a chance against the hellfire that was being brought down upon them. Once I took care of all the inmates I returned to the Brother of Steel and let him know that the facility was officially under control.</blockquote>

Also Eurogamer wrote an article titled 'What the FAQ?' where, amongst the other things, they interviewed a couple of FAQ authors. Among them appears our friend Ausir, highlighted for his work on The Vault.

Here's an interesting snippet :

<blockquote>Eurogamer: Was the Duck and Cover project a wiki, as well?

Pawel Dembowski: It was a wiki from the beginning, although it goes back to the Fallout Bible, which was a guide to the Fallout lore by Chris Avellone, one of the Fallout 2, and now Fallout: New Vegas, designers.

The Fallout Bible was never finished because Avellone left Interplay. So the wiki's purpose was, to an extent, to continue the work. [And] also to document all Fallout lore in the hope that it would be helpful to Bethesda when creating Fallout 3.
'What the FAQ?' Screenshot 2

Dembowski and his Vault co-administrator (known as Porter on the site) have seen the Fallout wiki grow to more than 9000 articles.

Eurogamer: Do you think it was?

Pawel Dembowski: I know it was.

Eurogamer: They've told you as much?

Pawel Dembowski: Yes, and it's actually evident from some in-game content. One funny example is one of the terminals in the Citadel in Fallout 3, detailing the history of the Maxson family, the leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel. There are entries for Roger Maxson, the founder of BOS, his son Maxson II and his grandson John Maxson.

The thing is, Maxson II was what I called the guy in The Vault because there was no canonical first name given for him anywhere in the games. Instead of giving him an actual name, the devs simply copied the name of the article - "Maxson II" - assuming that it's canon.</blockquote>
A Brotherhood of Steel soldier later came up to me and implored that I stay away from the casino turned prison. A riot has just taken place and the prisoners have just taken control of the facility. I told him that this would no longer be a problem and would take care of it right away.

Wasn't this an NCR soldier?
Lexx said:
A Brotherhood of Steel soldier later came up to me and implored that I stay away from the casino turned prison. A riot has just taken place and the prisoners have just taken control of the facility. I told him that this would no longer be a problem and would take care of it right away.

Wasn't this an NCR soldier?

Most probably they've just got it wrong, especially considering they call iron sights the new 'crosshair mode'.
This reputation system is one of the big new features in Fallout New Vegas
I would rewrite that and say: "To add some more roleplaying possibilities to their FPS, the developers went back in time to collect inspiration and then implemented an old rpg feature in New Vegas: a veritable reputation system which will no doubt confuse younger gamers who never played a real rpg."

The thing is, Maxson II was what I called the guy in The Vault because there was no canonical first name given for him anywhere in the games. Instead of giving him an actual name, the devs simply copied the name of the article - "Maxson II" - assuming that it's canon.
:lol: I'd like to compare this to a graduate student who uses Wikipedia to finish his paper. Bravo! :clap:
Maybe there is no complete info for Maxson family in BIS/Interplay archive that Bethesda has.

Thanks for great wiki, Ausir.
alec said:
:lol: I'd like to compare this to a graduate student who uses Wikipedia to finish his paper. Bravo! :clap:

I never understood the hate Wiki gets. I can understand the stigmata surrounding a information source anyone can edit but everytime I've ever seen a quality check it comes out within a few percent of Encyclopedia Britannica. Not to mention they actually put a quality control segment in with people screening new edits and cross referencing.

On topic: The terminal in F3 referring that is fucking hilarious. Copy pasting articles for use in a game is just slack. Suppose we should be grateful they went to the effort of checking it >.>
Aphyosis said:
alec said:
:lol: I'd like to compare this to a graduate student who uses Wikipedia to finish his paper. Bravo! :clap:

I never understood the hate Wiki gets. I can understand the stigmata surrounding a information source anyone can edit but everytime I've ever seen a quality check it comes out within a few percent of Encyclopedia Britannica. Not to mention they actually put a quality control segment in with people screening new edits and cross referencing.

On topic: The terminal in F3 referring that is fucking hilarious. Copy pasting articles for use in a game is just slack. Suppose we should be grateful they went to the effort of checking it >.>

The point is - research. Teachers, Professors, and Instructors, usually want the student to put forth the effort to actually grab many sources for the paper, when usually the author of said paper will simply grab the wiki article for the main source of info and tack on other sources to say "Hey teach, I got the required amount."
A good teacher would fail them on the spot, but many times I've seen half-ass papers score near perfect scores. Depressing, but there is a huge lack of quality of work for the so called college paper.
It promises to be far more complex than Fallout 3's binary karma system.

Pretty much anything would be, but good news nevertheless.

So I took a stealthy approach ... until I reached the top ... and rained down explosives onto the facility.

You snuck in and killed everyone. Well, I suppose that's one way to roleplay a situation.
Deimos said:
Maybe there is no complete info for Maxson family in BIS/Interplay archive that Bethesda has.

Yeah, but they should have just made up a name for him instead of calling him "Maxson II".
tekhedd said:
You snuck in and killed everyone. Well, I suppose that's one way to roleplay a situation.

What, was he supposed to put each one back in their cells? Kill those sumbitches!

(but yeah, I get your point)
Any references that Beth makes towards 1 & 2 I take with a grain of salt. I just shruged and went on my merry way.
For the most part I didn't let their take on things get to me (brotherhood, etc). The one thing that really still pisses me off, is how they placed Harold on the east coast. That was shameful. They really should have just left stuff like that alone. Something tells me that Harold would never have left Gecko and the power station, because he was one of the few people (there grammar nazi script!) that cared about it.
Well, unless Gecko was taken over by the Vault City, for example.

And Harold left it in Van Buren too - he was to be found in the Nursery.
Ausir said:
And Harold left it in Van Buren too - he was to be found in the Nursery.

Which is still more believable than the far, far away east coast. :>

"hey, I feel a bit bored, let's get 'ma stuff and see what's going on at the other side of this big continent!" ew.
Yeah, Van Buren was pretty close to where FO1 and 2 took place, so it was far more believable.
what disturbed me more is what Bethesda made out of Harold ... not that he moved to the west ...
He moved to the east, not west. :P He passed the big radiated cyclons, wandered the big lonely desert, crossed the legion (heh) and then found himself grown into the earth of washington dc. What a pitty. :>