Previews and Ausir interview

Lexx said:
He moved to the east, not west. :P He passed the big radiated cyclons, wandered the big lonely desert, crossed the legion (heh) and then found himself grown into the earth of washington dc. What a pitty. :>
Well, it sounds kinda retarded when you put it like that... oh wait...
ZeusComplex said:
The point is - research. Teachers, Professors, and Instructors, usually want the student to put forth the effort to actually grab many sources for the paper, when usually the author of said paper will simply grab the wiki article for the main source of info and tack on other sources to say "Hey teach, I got the required amount."
A good teacher would fail them on the spot, but many times I've seen half-ass papers score near perfect scores. Depressing, but there is a huge lack of quality of work for the so called college paper.
No, dude, it's just blind hate. I had a paper that would have gotten a 16/20 and I got a 10 simply because I quoted Wikipedia on one of the about 100 referrences I had. Of course, I never did it again, of course (I simply didn't reference anyone, and got away with it every time), but that was just blind hate against the Wiki, on that case. I didn't give a damn about the score, of course. It's university, for one, I knew everything as well as I should, for two, and I ended up pissing the professor even more because I didn't give a damn about the score.

recombined said:
tekhedd said:
You snuck in and killed everyone. Well, I suppose that's one way to roleplay a situation.

What, was he supposed to put each one back in their cells? Kill those sumbitches!

(but yeah, I get your point)
Next, we'll have Bethesdobsidian doing a RPG about amoebas. We people go "wtf? what roleplay is there in eating this or absorbing that?" and fanboys will go into a huge nerdrage (as always) and say stuff like what you just said.

What, was an amoeba supposed to have diplomatic skills?!

Granted, of course, my point will fly miles over your head...
Lexx said:
He moved to the east, not west. :P He passed the big radiated cyclons, wandered the big lonely desert, crossed the legion (heh) and then found himself grown into the earth of washington dc. What a pitty. :>
No, no, NO, NOO, NOOOOO .... *holds his ears*
Ausir said:
Yeah, but they should have just made up a name for him instead of calling him "Maxson II".

BoS was transfering Maxson kid through all Amerika to show him some mighty teenager.
I'm on NMA wave now. :(
And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon cowered in horror."
from The Book of Mozilla, 7:15

I just wanted to say that sounds like Star Wars; "If you strike me down I will become more powerfull than you could ever imagine"

OT: Cool interview, I see the Beth Devs did there homework (sarcastic).
alec said:
This reputation system is one of the big new features in Fallout New Vegas
I would rewrite that and say: "To add some more roleplaying possibilities to their FPS, the developers went back in time to collect inspiration and then implemented an old rpg feature in New Vegas: a veritable reputation system which will no doubt confuse younger gamers who never played a real rpg."

You'll really complain about anything won't you?
cogar66 said:
alec said:
This reputation system is one of the big new features in Fallout New Vegas
I would rewrite that and say: "To add some more roleplaying possibilities to their FPS, the developers went back in time to collect inspiration and then implemented an old rpg feature in New Vegas: a veritable reputation system which will no doubt confuse younger gamers who never played a real rpg."

You'll really complain about anything won't you?

The real problem is that most people don't complain or question enough. The world would be a better place if we were less accepting of crap.
Tagaziel said:
There is a point where it becomes annoying, inane bitching, though.

This is why I don't watch anything with anyone anymore. They'll point out the failures in logic in a comedy, for example - "why didn't x use y, it would have saved him from slipping on the banana peel", "why is Eric Idle singing about the bright side of the life if he's going to die?", "why is Peter Griffi--"... best leave that one alone.
Very true. I treat Music the same way. All my friends listen to Rap or whatever they're playing oin hits 1 but I like older music like 50's. If I ever play my Music by them they say how bad it is so I just use my head phones.
Ixyroth said:
The real problem is that most people don't complain or question enough. The world would be a better place if we were less accepting of crap.

Tagaziel said:
There is a point where it becomes annoying, inane bitching, though.

Yet again you are being very subtle, Tagaziel, but I'll cave in because I like you a lot and don't want you to feel bad when I comment on New Vegas. It would have been a lot easier for you, for all of you, if you had just pointed out from the very start that you don't want to read different opinions this time through. I dread to think how many opnions I ruined in the process. So no more of that then. New Vegas deserves a better audience than me. I will remove myself from this and any other future New Vegas Glorification thread and I will limit myself to be a silent, innocent bystander. I'm sure you will enjoy discussing New Vegas a lot more if you all just say the same things about it.

Thank you also for pointing out to me that saying that "[t]here is a point where it becomes annoying, inane bitching" is a polite and accepted way to deal with people who think differently than you do, even if those people can explain very well why they tend to think differently.
Christ, alec, all I'm saying is that your valid points (and you do have a lot of them) often get lost when you get sidetracked and start ranting.

By the way, I wasn't referring to you, merely stating a fact that excessive criticism often turns bitching.
Aphyosis said:
the stigmata surrounding a information source

(citation needed)

alec said:
Thank you also for pointing out to me that saying that "[t]here is a point where it becomes annoying, inane bitching" is a polite and accepted way to deal with people who think differently than you do

Here's another way apparently:

Morbus said:
Granted, of course, my point will fly miles over your head...

Can't...can't we all just get along?
alec said:
...I will remove myself from this and any other future New Vegas Glorification thread and I will limit myself to be a silent, innocent bystander...

Dont do that man! :shock: Im basically with you. No matter how much effort Obsidian puts into F:NV it is based on FO3 (engine, gameplay) not on the first two games. And since Beth draggend the franchise down to an absolutely retarded level, raping it on the way down and leaving it there in a steaming pile of shit, there is only so much one can do to make it better. So even if Obsidian puts some perfume on it, and gives it a paintjob it still remains basically a turd.

And i certainly wont feel grateful or happy just because tards turned turds over to Obsidian to change the flavour and keep selling me shit as sliced bread. I appreciate the effort, i will probably acknowledge that instead of 100% shit Obsidian managed to reduce it to 97.2 % shit.

Remeber, we are supposed to be glittering gems of hatred, so thats ok. Only i dont see too much glitte-ring and almost no hatred these days. Again i have to salute the PR-division of Bethesda (or Zenimax?), handing things over to Obsidian sure reduced the amount of rantig their franchise gets now. So please keep up your comments.

I fear the day those guys decide to do something more important and start PR-ing some politicians.
You do realize the "Glittering Gems of Hatred" title is not treated seriously by anyone here, don't you?
Ixyroth said:
The real problem is that most people don't complain or question enough. The world would be a better place if we were less accepting of crap.
Well, we'd certainly have less people. Can you imagine just the huge hit it would be to have no religions in the world?

People eating whatever pile of shit is thrown at them is like a necessity in a world of humans. One intelligent people will change the world, but only because all the others are stupid. If all people were intelligent, it would be as if all people were stupid.
We're veering a bit off-topic here people. Not that it's a huge problem but are these "should we be more or less critical" discussions usually go nowhere.

Morbus said:
No, dude, it's just blind hate.

Blind? Wikipedia has no peer review and is thus not a valid academic source. There's nothing "blind hate" about it, it's just how academics work. Hell, it's a core concept of academics, funny how people who grew up with the internet rage against that.
Tagaziel said:
You do realize the "Glittering Gems of Hatred" title is not treated seriously by anyone here, don't you?

Really? :shock:

Dammn, I was always rather proud to be a GGoH in regards to FO3 and beth. And there are times when i do take myself seriously. :wink:

With my remark about GGoH and the following rant i was refering to the (for me) rather confusing appearance that while FO3 was widely (though not exclusively) regarded on this site as a not so good/bad/very bad/retarded sequel to the series, FO:NV seems to be rather well recieved (generally of course, with exceptions like alec. And there are a lot of people with reservations). But there was no real change! Same engine, same gameplay. Things that were rightly criticised in the transition from FO2 to FO3 by a lot of people are now accepted as fact. If someone remarks that the friggin game is still a half-assed ego-shooter no matter what obsidian does to save what they can, its just "annoying nitpicking". I heard that one before, amongst others by people who made the GGoH-remarks.

FO3 was worthy of my hate back in 2008 and i dont see fundamental changes to FO:NV (like TB-Combat, Isometric wiew), so its worthy of my hate now. Im still glittering you dullards! :twisted:
While we're talking about how people should complain more...

Aphyosis said:
I never understood the hate Wiki gets. I can understand the stigmata surrounding a information source anyone can edit but...

I really hope you meant to say "stigma." If wikipedia starts spontaneously bleeding from my screen, I'm going to totally freak out.

recombined said:
What, was he supposed to put each one back in their cells? Kill those sumbitches!

LOL, when I think about how many hours I spent patiently killing things in fallout games, well... I don't want to give the impression that I don't think violence is a valid approach! :)