Being John Hurt. And then when he goes into the hole in the office, he transports to a fancy restaurant filled with his clones that can only say his name where a live band of John Hurts does "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails.
Being John Hurt. And then when he goes into the hole in the office, he transports to a fancy restaurant filled with his clones that can only say his name where a live band of John Hurts does "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails.
Yeah, 1984 is still alive, albeit with more malnourishment in North Korea. Plenty of other examples from the 20thC.In general, neither Huxley nor Orwell were right. Gibson and other pioneers of cyberpunk were. To be honest, I'm not sure why we continue to think of the genre as fiction. We're living it right now.
Not really. Have you seen what hackers look like nowadays?
Not like this, at any rate.
[strike]Oh, look! Commander Riker in the later seasons![/strike] Poor man. Not even the bottle of hand lotion can bear to look at him.
Being John Hurt. And then when he goes into the hole in the office, he transports to a fancy restaurant filled with his clones that can only say his name where a live band of John Hurts does "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails.
Finally, the telescreens are here.
At least the "OMG IT'S JUST LIKE NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR" crowd is right for once.
It is actually ... much worse. And we don't even know it.