Vault Dweller

By far the best VB remake so far. It's amazing how accurate this is to the tech demo. Looks completely professional.
Thank you. The combat is still pretty clunky but it will get better, I just a need a solid and properly tested base to be able to build upon it.By far the best VB remake so far. It's amazing how accurate this is to the tech demo. Looks completely professional.
Yup, for a fan project I really think he should just pick one and stick with it rather than try to develop two separate systems.It's almost as if real time and turn based combat doesn't really mash with each other.
All due respect, at this point I'm not interested in blabbing about how it can't or shouldn't be done. If you think having two combat systems is a bad/useless/impossible thing, I respect your opinion, yet I don't agree with it and I'll keep on working according to my preference.It's almost as if real time and turn based combat doesn't really mash with each other.
To answer your Twitter post, it seems to me that the obvious solution is to include equip animations in TB but remove them for RT, as to not disrupt the flow of RT combat. If you really want consistency between TB and RT then just don’t include equip animations at all. In my opinion you really shouldn’t sweat the small stuff like this, just go with the path of least resistance for simplicity’s sake. Equip animations don’t really matter in the long run. Attack and death animations are where it’s at.All due respect, at this point I'm not interested in blabbing about how it can't or shouldn't be done. If you think having two combat systems is a bad/useless/impossible thing, I respect your opinion, yet I don't agree with it and I'll keep on working according to my preference.
I already solved much bigger stumbling blocks of TB -> RT conversion than this (not on my own most of the time, I have to admit), so I'm gonna concentrate on finding a way of doing it rather than discussing the reasons.
The point of RT combat is frenetic thrill, and to make the best action you can manage in the time allotted; mistakes and all.
No the two don't mix, and only TB was intended in Fallout. In fact... the dev team was pressured to make it RT; as Diablo had released to great approval..
A statement like this used to be a mantra in the IPLY boards back in 2002-2003 and I just can't wrap my mind around this no matter how much I try. Even if I ignored my own argumentation stated above that disproves the position of game system's purpose or "principle", the sentiment that Van Buren is taking something out of the franchise is just not valid. The turn-based combat is still there and the system design is actually using it as base even for RT (deriving RT as an analogy of TB). The real-time-with-pause is only added as an optional goes against premise.
Well, it's probably just me being an annoying purist when it comes to system design.Couldn't RT and TB be allowed to differ in this regard? What would happen if you keep the equip animations for RT? It would just change the time-management aspect as you mention. But is that wrong? What are the real consequences?
Just don't repeat the mistake of Kingmaker- combat encounters were designed with RT in mind and are a massive slog in TB.
I've been playing a lot of Fallout lately and I'm really tired of the weapons holster animation. If you could disable it I would be glad.Some TB players might turn them off
RT/w pause and turn based are not at all the same thing.It may serve well for your argument, yet this oversimplification is not quite the entire picture. There is a difference between, as you put it, frenetic thrill of more action-packed crawling games where a skill (quick eyes & hands, reflexes, acting under pressure) is what creates the player experience, and RPGs with real-time-with-pause system where the thrill is pretty much watered down with the ability to pause and the player experience is, very much as in turn-based system, built around knowledge of the game's rules and mechanics and the slow-paced, thought-through strategy, and not the DPI of your mouse or a gaming chair.
Looking at both systems (turn-based and real-time-with-pause) with these lenses, they are not all that different at the core. They can provide fairly similar gameplay moment for the player, differing only in technical/practical properties.
Looking at both systems (turn-based and real-time-with-pause) with these lenses, they are not all that different at the core. They can provide fairly similar gameplay moment for the player, differing only in technical/practical properties.
The experience matters, yes; the RT experience is the wrong experience, and that's what matters most. Bethesda's FO games can never be proper Fallout games for this reason by itself, despite the many other reasons.Dungeons & Drangons is a turn-based TT RPG, yet the most popular CRPGs based on this role-playing system utilize real-time-with-pause. So there is no such thing as "game X is only intended for system Y". Role-playing systems are rulesets, games/combat systems are executors of those rules. The only thing that matters in the end is the player experience created by these two.
A false choice, unless the entire list of encounters is rebalanced for each game mode. Just consider an encounter between a lone PC and four (or five?) Enclave, where under the real time system they all fire in unison; and again, and again.The turn-based combat is still there and the system design is actually using it as base even for RT (deriving RT as an analogy of TB). The real-time-with-pause is only added as an optional choice.
There's already a function in sFall since ages: change InstantWeaponEquip to 1 in ddraw.iniI've been playing a lot of Fallout lately and I'm really tired of the weapons holster animation. If you could disable it I would be glad.