Proof that Megan Fox is a Bitch...

If your a person who cares this much about a shitty movie, your a dumbass.

Also, she's probably going for the "Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson" Market. "I'm stupid and made of plastic, put your dick in my mouth, hehehehehe...and give me your money".
Dumb bimbo turns out to be a dumb bimbo.


No wait. The other thing. Right. No one gives a shit.
Verd1234 said:

I don't condone the crew letter to Megan. And I don't condone Megan's outlandish quotes. But her crazy quips are part of her crazy charm. The fact of the matter I still love working with her, and I know we still get along. I even expect more crazy quotes from her on Transformers 3.


Oh my ... God help us all. I was soooo excited expecting to see a "no Transformers anymore" line somewhere that would spare one eventualy from senseless blockbusters. But well ... cant have everything I guess.

By the way anyone who watched Transformers for Megaon watched it cause of her "dialogues" or "intelligent" role? I doubt this comment she made will realy hurt her carrier. I mean ... com on. WHAT do people want from her most? Sure not the character development of Sigourney Weaver.

This comment there, says it all:

I can't wait for the future drug-and-booze soaked sex tape to be leaked. Then everyone will finally see what they really want to see from her and we can proceed to ignore her.
Paste her face and move on.

She was insulted by Russell Brand last night on the video music awards, it cut to her face as he was doing so and she just looked confused/mystified. Silly strumpet.

But really -- I'm sure Megan Fox is right about Mr. Moore. I'm also sure the "anonymous crew members" are right about Ms. Fox.
I don't think she's that hot anyway.

For instance, I think the Cloverfield girl ( who did some voice acting for Fallout 3 ) looks better. But I don't like that style of chicks anyway...
zioburosky13 said:
Hollywood is down the toilet with 'stars' like megan Fox. On second thought, Hollywood is always down the toilet. :ugly:

Yeah but it seems now more obvious than ever, they used to be a bit more subtle.
what are the chances? a nice looking manipulative liar chick? that has never happened before!

that said, i never saw any of her movies & i don't quite plan to either.
Frankly, we need more people in hollywood like Megan Fox.

If it weren't for her and Kanye West to tell us how it really is, who knows where we'd be at today.
