Prophet Muhammad Cartoon.

Norway Criminalizes Blasphemy:
DOHA, February, 15 2006, (

The Norwegian parliament has amended the Penal Code to criminalize blasphemy in the wake of the republication of Danish cartoons that lampooned Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) by a Norwegian magazine, Christian and Muslim leaders in Norway said on Tuesday, February 14.

"Law 150-A, which has been approved by parliament, criminalizes blasphemy and clearly prohibits despising others or lampooning religions in any form of expression, including the use of photographs," Norway's Deputy Archbishop Oliva Howika told reporters after a meeting in Doha with Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.


there is a difference between "freedom of expression" and freedom of insulting"

No, there's not. Almost anything expressed has the potential to offend or insult at least someone. That's the beauty of free doesn't matter!
Why not suspend the constitution and institute Sharia law instead? I don't know whether to laugh or weep. Those spineless, worthless pieces of shit. Everyone who had a role in devising and passing that amendment should be charged with high treason and imprisoned for life. They might have as well sent a note of capitulation to the Islamic Jihad, because the effect is exactly the same - this is an act of surrender to islamofascists. Norway has shown how weak and impotent it is in face of Islamic extremism and created an important precedent that will lead to more compromises and might eventually result in erosion of western values and destruction of the western civilization.

Good riddance, you gutless cowards.
Please check your sources before writing such bullshite as the truth. There is not going to be any changes in any law in this matter. There has never been promised any such changes, and the bullshite writen there is compleatly devoid of any connection with reality. There is no chance of any such law to come through the norwegian parliament.
Loxley said:
Please check your sources before writing such bullshite as the truth. There is not going to be any changes in any law in this matter. There has never been promised any such changes, and the bullshite writen there is compleatly devoid of any connection with reality. There is no chance of any such law to come through the norwegian parliament.

*I* didn't write it as the truth. It seems they've revised the article to what it is now. Their error, not mine.

Nonetheless, I am happy it turned out to be bullshit.
I swear to god, I'm going to discriminate citizens of a country who backs down from FREEDOM because of piglovin' muslims.

Pure gold indeed.

More on the "Norway criminalizing blasphemy" issue - Looks like it's turning out to be bullshit, as expected:

We reported 14 hours ago Islam Online’s claim that Norway had passed an anti-blasphemy law with a word of caution, since Judeoscope was unable to confirm the enws story independently. Calls to Norvegian diplomats and a review of Norway’s press reveal that if the Nordic country had indeed passed such legislation, its parliament is doing a magnificient job at hiding it from its constituents. It is, however, more likely that the report is tantamount to a propaganda ploy reflecting the wishful thinking of Muslim Brother Yusuf al-Qaradawi and his mouthpiece, Islam Online.
I heard that some muslim cleric offered $1 million to kill the offending cartoonists from Denmark.

I say we offer a bounty on the head of every cleric who offends us by threatening to issue a fatwah on anyone for any stupid reason.

Let's say 25 cents a head. I am unwilling to contribute more.

Really, you got offended by a cartoon, you assholes! Grow the fuck up!
welsh said:
I heard that some muslim cleric offered $1 million to kill the offending cartoonists from Denmark.

I say we offer a bounty on the head of every cleric who offends us by threatening to issue a fatwah on anyone for any stupid reason.

Let's say 25 cents a head. I am unwilling to contribute more.

Really, you got offended by a cartoon, you assholes! Grow the fuck up!

Yeah. Sometimes, it's sad that stupidity isn't a crime against humanity.

Full article here

Cleric Announces $1M Bounty on Cartoonist
Feb 17 4:37 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer

PESHAWAR, Pakistan

A Pakistani cleric announced a $1 million bounty for killing a cartoonist who drew the Prophet Muhammad as thousands joined street protests after Friday prayers.

Denmark, which first published the cartoons, temporarily closed its embassy and advised its citizens to leave Pakistan.

Prayer leader Mohammed Yousaf Qureshi announced the bounty for killing a cartoonist to about 1,000 people outside the historic Mohabat Khan mosque in the northwestern city of Peshawar.

He said the mosque and the Jamia Ashrafia religious school he leads would give a $25,000 reward and a car for killing the cartoonist who drew the prophet caricatures _ considered blasphemous by Muslims. He said a local jewelers' association would also give $1 million, but no representative of the association was available to confirm the offer.

"Whoever has done this despicable and shameful act, he has challenged the honor of Muslims. Whoever will kill this cursed man, he will get $1 million dollars from the association of the jewelers bazaar, one million rupees ($16,700) from Masjid Mohabat Khan and 500,000 rupees ($8,350) and a car from Jamia Ashrafia as a reward," Qureshi said.

"This is a unanimous decision of by all imams of Islam that whoever insults the prophets deserves to be killed and whoever will take this insulting man to his end, will get this prize," he said.

Qureshi did not name any cartoonist in his announcement and he did not appear aware that 12 different people had drawn the pictures.

A Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, first printed the prophet pictures in September. The newspaper has since apologized to Muslims for the cartoons, one of which shows Muhammad wearing a bomb-shaped turban. Other Western newspapers, mostly in Europe, have reprinted the pictures, asserting their news value and the right to freedom of expression.

In Denmark, a spokesman for the Jyllands-Posten said the newspaper did not want to comment on the bounty offer. But Mogens Blicher Bjerregaard, president of the Danish Journalist Union and spokesman for the cartoonists, condemned it.

"It is totally absurd what is happening. The cartoonists just did their job and they did nothing illegal," he said.

He said the cartoonists _ who have been living under police protection since last year _ are aware of the reward and are "feeling bad about the whole situation." He did not say whether their security had been stepped up.

Knowing denmark the people that kill any of these drawers will probably spend a long time in jail before he gets his money. And when he gets out i bet the whole situation will be forgotten. What a dumb offer, the sad thing is that there is probably people dumb enough to take it.
Kamikaze said:
Know what....Bush is my freakin' rolemodel. If I'd be american, I'd vote for him.

That's nice, seeing as Bush has absolutely clearly nothing to do with the subject of this thread.

The hell?
I don't know what's going on in the video, but I do recognize the track. It's "Balla da li" by Boom Boxx and Linda O., a rip-off of "Dragostea din tei" (the infamous "Numa numa song").

Why anyone would want to copy "Dragostea din tei" is beyond me.