PSM3 Fallout 3 platform comparison

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The PMS3 blog replies to the responses to their own remark about the PS3 version, by comparing all three versions.<blockquote>The PC version of Fallout 3 is gorgeous. The colours are vivid, the draw distance is endless, the textures are high-res and the lighting effects are beautifully subtle, especially when you're gazing over the Capital Wasteland at sunset. It's the best-looking of the three.

The Xbox 360 version's textures are noticeably rougher than on PC, and objects in the distance aren't quite as clear. It does, however, boast an impressively solid frame rate. The game is, otherwise, identical.

NOW, the PS3 version looks the same as on Xbox, but things in the distance are slightly jaggier/rougher, the textures seem 'muddier' up-close and the frame rate is choppier, especially during the last few story missions (which may be the same on Xbox, but we've not seen the equivalent scenes to comment). We won't spoil anything, but the set-pieces here are MASSIVE, and the engine quivers under the weight of what's happening. </blockquote>
The PS3 is let down by its Graphics system.

Seems given the fury over the PSP3000 screen thats starting, Graphics is something that Sony just arn't getting right.

Right now a £400 PC rig, if built right, can have a more powerful processor than a PS3 and a more powerful GPU than a 360.

For me, I've abandoned the consoles for the moment, as my PC is more powerful than any three of them.

So Its no huge suprise to me how the three comparisons stack up. Remember the PC was probably only a few months old, the PS3 is three year old tech, the 360 is more than five year old tech.
(bear in mind the specs for machines are nailed down long before the release date)
They never really did now did they? PS1 was a cheap 3D system. And cheap because they thought 3D graphics = better graphics, which isn't true at all. Sega Saturn had splendorous 2D graphics when compared to PS1. Then came PS2, which was nice and all, but Xbox was better. Now PS3 is what we all see.
Morbus said:
They never really did now did they? PS1 was a cheap 3D system. And cheap because they thought 3D graphics = better graphics, which isn't true at all. Sega Saturn had splendorous 2D graphics when compared to PS1. Then came PS2, which was nice and all, but Xbox was better. Now PS3 is what we all see.

To be fair to the PS2 Morbius, it could beat the Xbox at pushing pixels, which was pretty important in that gen. I think, and I was never much of a PS2 developer, that the Xbox was capable of pushing more polys.

Gawd I miss the Xbox, its audio system (I'm an Audio Coder) was a dream to work on... *sniff*
ps3 is using a "Cut" back 7800gtx or gt depending on what you read.

the 360 in terms of what it can do graphic wise walks all over that.
Hmmm, I always thought the PS3 had better graphics since it came out later. Seems I thought wrong.
PS3 has more processing power but I haven't seen it used much. The consoles are indeed closer in performance than you'd think.

And PC wins again! Though I assume they're talking about a very high-end PC.
I've AB'ed the demo version of Bioshock for the PS3 to the X Box 360 version and there is a DRASTIC difference in graphic quality between the two systems. I don't know if it's just because the PS3 version was built from the ground up by another development company or what, but the PS3 version looks completely inferior to the 360 counterpart. It's very noticeable in the first area you enter after the plane crash. The PS3 version has more washed out colors and they're not nearly as vibrant as the 360 version.

I've noticed in other games, except for the exlcusive titles like MGS4 and Uncharted, that they never quite compare to the 360 version graphically (with the exception of Oblivion, which is better than the 360 version).
CodeZombie said:
Gawd I miss the Xbox, its audio system (I'm an Audio Coder) was a dream to work on... *sniff*

Have you ever coded on the Atari 520 ST? Or was that way before your time?
*sniffle* The 520ST was my first computer. I remember this game, Terry's Big Adventure, that had one basic soundloop that repeated over and over for all its long, 12 levels. I can still hum that song any time of the day. It'll be stuck in my head forever.
I'm glad the PC version does look better as I plan on throwing my money at this game. Yes, I'm going to BUY F3, play it all the way though, then come back HERE ;) and report my findings (comparing and constrating to F1 and 2 - being I have play both of those games countless times, in fact been playing F1 against recently) and opinions in depth if anyone is really interested.
I have to defend the PS3 a little. I am not technical at all, so you can take this for what it's worth, but Sony tried really hard to make their system top of the line, including the Blu-Ray player which wasn't even becoming a standard yet. I can't imagine that they would be so lax that they couldn't even beat the 360 which had already been out for a good time longer. I think what it really comes down to is that Beth didn't spend as much time understanding the PS3 because they love their PC's and XBox. (wouldn't it also make it easier to build something for the PC and have it be very compatible with the XBox off the bat anyway?) If I was to guess, I would imagine that it's more about that the system's all work differently, not that one is that much better than the other. But, for the PS3 version to be outright worse than the 360 makes no sense to me. There may be differences, but c'mon. It was like when the PS1 had horrible loading times but great graphics, while the Saturn had fast times and poorer graphics. Both good, but different.

As for the PS2, I saw it do some amazing things before it was pushed onto the wayside with games like Killzone, Shadow of the Colossus and others. But whatever...I don't want to get into XBox vs. PS3, cause I hate that crap. All my point is that for a game to look considerably worse on the PS3 makes no sense. I think that's developer laziness.

I'm not disavowing your guys' experiences, but still... I suppose we will all see when Killzone 2 comes out and battles whatever big game XBox will have.
Brother None said:
*sniffle* The 520ST was my first computer. I remember this game, Terry's Big Adventure, that had one basic soundloop that repeated over and over for all its long, 12 levels. I can still hum that song any time of the day. It'll be stuck in my head forever.

Name doesn't ring a bell. Adventure genre, I assume?

Ever played "Captive" ? It was a sci-fi version of "Dungeon Master". I spent months trying to finish it. Never did due to how it's coded.. Rogue-like, but like most of that genre addictive as hell.
Outbreak said:
I have to defend the PS3 a little. I am not technical at all, so you can take this for what it's worth, but Sony tried really hard to make their system top of the line, including the Blu-Ray player which wasn't even becoming a standard yet. I can't imagine that they would be so lax that they couldn't even beat the 360 which had already been out for a good time longer. I think what it really comes down to is that Beth didn't spend as much time understanding the PS3 because they love their PC's and XBox. (wouldn't it also make it easier to build something for the PC and have it be very compatible with the XBox off the bat anyway?) If I was to guess, I would imagine that it's more about that the system's all work differently, not that one is that much better than the other. But, for the PS3 version to be outright worse than the 360 makes no sense to me. There may be differences, but c'mon. It was like when the PS1 had horrible loading times but great graphics, while the Saturn had fast times and poorer graphics. Both good, but different.

As for the PS2, I saw it do some amazing things before it was pushed onto the wayside with games like Killzone, Shadow of the Colossus and others. But whatever...I don't want to get into XBox vs. PS3, cause I hate that crap. All my point is that for a game to look considerably worse on the PS3 makes no sense. I think that's developer laziness.

I'm not disavowing your guys' experiences, but still... I suppose we will all see when Killzone 2 comes out and battles whatever big game XBox will have.

Being an owner of a PS3, 360, and a few PC's I have to say that consistently, the 360 games look better than the PS3's games. I'm not saying the PS3 isn't capable of equaling or even trumping the 360 in graphical prowess, but in practice it seems that most games look and run better on the 360. Soul Calibur IV has been the lone exception where I have not been able to detect much of a difference between the 360 and PS3 version, though there are some sharpness issues that I think ATI's technology usually beats out nVidia's in my personal opinion. I've always found nVidia's graphics cards to be slightly more washed out and slightly blurrier looking when compared to ATI's, but that hasn't always been the case, just a general assumption from having owned several ATI and nVidia cards.
Brother None said:
*sniffle* The 520ST was my first computer. I remember this game, Terry's Big Adventure, that had one basic soundloop that repeated over and over for all its long, 12 levels. I can still hum that song any time of the day. It'll be stuck in my head forever.

Hey BN, what other games did you have?
They should've taken advantage of the Blu-ray capability of the console, and rendered those set-pieces as Blu-ray "press button A NOW" time events.
@entropyjesus: Thanks for the impartial response. That's more of what I expect, that it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with either system's power, but how they are utilized. I mean, I don't know how much difference it makes, but I am sure on top of the fact that the 360 has been out longer, that Microsoft probably being more PC compatible has an affect. It probably takes more effort to work with the PS3, and likely why I see way more pirated 360 games floating around out there. In fact, I don't even know if I've ever seen someone putting out a PS3 game like that, but that could just be lack of knowledge.

@shilhonage: I think the Blu-Ray stuff is still too new. That was really something they wanted for the future. I actual honest-to-god Blu-Ray game? Wow...
Outbreak said:
@entropyjesus: Thanks for the impartial response. That's more of what I expect, that it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with either system's power, but how they are utilized. I mean, I don't know how much difference it makes, but I am sure on top of the fact that the 360 has been out longer, that Microsoft probably being more PC compatible has an affect. It probably takes more effort to work with the PS3, and likely why I see way more pirated 360 games floating around out there. In fact, I don't even know if I've ever seen someone putting out a PS3 game like that, but that could just be lack of knowledge.

@shilhonage: I think the Blu-Ray stuff is still too new. That was really something they wanted for the future. I actual honest-to-god Blu-Ray game? Wow...

I'm pretty sure you don't see more PS3 games being ripped because most people do not have Blu Ray burners, the discs are more expensive, and the PS3 is difficult to mod. As far as I know there is only one way of playing backed up or burned games on the PS3 and that is through an eject switch mod which tricks the PS3 system.
entropyjesus said:
I'm pretty sure you don't see more PS3 games being ripped because most people do not have Blu Ray burners, the discs are more expensive, and the PS3 is difficult to mod. As far as I know there is only one way of playing backed up or burned games on the PS3 and that is through an eject switch mod which tricks the PS3 system.

I always knew you had to do a lot of stuff to make stuff work on the PS3, (and the PS2) but I didn't know if the XBox was the same. So anyway, what you say makes a lot of sense then.

EDIT: That might also explain why the 360 is a little more popular. :)