Putting an NMA bar in Wasteland 2 (goal reached!)

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
So, the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter drive is already beyond successful, having raised $1.3 million so far. But it can always use additional funds.

Imagine this: wandering into town, you see a heavily fortified bar, perhaps a former police station. Above the door is an old traffic sign, painted over with our logo, with below it the words "No Mutants Allowed". Entering the bar, chills run up and down your spine, as the unfriendly glares of the residents make you fear for your life.

Worth an extra fundraising drive? We think so. So we're looking for you, our users, to pool together $1000 to add an NMA bar to Wasteland. Brian Fargo has already confirmed to us he has no problems adding this even though the tier is technically sold out.

We are using Paypal to raise the amount needed. In case we don't make the total, NMA will supplement from its own funds or reimburse people who donated. $150 has already generously been donated before I could even put up a widgit, so we have only $850 left to go. All money will be donated without any physical reward, so the full amount goes to development.

<object width="250" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://widget.chipin.com/widget/id/7c59845c5b05fa9a"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="color_scheme" value="gray"></param><embed src="http://widget.chipin.com/widget/id/7c59845c5b05fa9a" flashVars="color_scheme=gray" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" wmode="transparent" width="250" height="250"></embed></object>

I for one will proudly put the NPC named after me in this bar.

EDIT: We have reached our goal, so no more donations are needed. The widgit will be up just a little longer since we've been asked to delay the donation for a while anyway.

Brian Fargo said he's fine with the idea of naming the bar No Mutants Allowed and then putting a clipboard in it with "tabs left open" listing our own pledgers and their names/amounts. I will send out a mass email about this to our pledgers once the Chipin closes. I will use the Paypal-tied-in email for that so PM me if it's not the one you use.
Our paypal page keeps showing up in Polish for people before they log in. I've been looking around the settings but I just can't find where I'm supposed to change this. Anyone know?

I am deeply ambivalent about this. While cool for NMA and donors, I think this sort of reference and location could end up harming the quality of the game in the end. I don't want to walk into a bar named after a fansite filled with NPCs based around the regulars on the site - whether that site is Codex, NMA, or whatever.

I can't remember who said it, but I totally agree with the person (a dev?) who said he felt easter eggs/in-jokes should be so subtle that they are unnoticeable to the player who isn't aware of the reference. I really hope Fargo can ensure this is the case with Wasteland 2, but a bar based around a fansite is really pushing it, IMO.
God is Dog backwards said:
I don't want to walk into a bar named after a fansite filled with NPCs based around the regulars on the site - whether that site is Codex, NMA, or whatever.

The bar will be named "No Mutants Allowed", which perfectly fits the Wasteland 2 setting. I'll be in it, because I have an NPC name coming anyway, but otherwise it'll just be filled with Wasteland 2 characters. It won't be "based around" the fansite, it'll just be named NMA. We're only buying the name, which is what the $1000 tier does.

Though I will definitely ask Fargo to make sure the people in the bar are unfriendly :P
Hehe, I'm not a fan of naming npc's,locations, statues,... after donators even though the reasoning behind it is not hard to grasp and I trust InXile will somehow find a way to implement all this in a fairly non-intrusive manner. That being said a café of broken dreams type location wouldn't be out of place.
Brother None said:
God is Dog backwards said:
I don't want to walk into a bar named after a fansite filled with NPCs based around the regulars on the site - whether that site is Codex, NMA, or whatever.

The bar will be named "No Mutants Allowed", which perfectly fits the Wasteland 2 setting. I'll be in it, because I have an NPC name coming anyway, but otherwise it'll just be filled with Wasteland 2 characters. It won't be "based around" the fansite, it'll just be named NMA. We're only buying the name, which is what the $1000 tier does.

Though I will definitely ask Fargo to make sure the people in the bar are unfriendly :P

Yep, this is fair enough, as long as it can be completely justified within the setting I'm fine with it. But as soon as something starts to stick out or feel awkward...

OK then, it's up. Hopefully you can't do much around this bar. Maybe blow all of it up to hell (message saying: Thanks for supporting Fallout 3).

I'll probably donate the $50 as soon as I can polish this whole card deal... Totaling my Wasteland 2 contribution to $165. Oh, I feel special.
No regulars table list with the donors? :P

What about Paypal charges, I have no idea how high they are, anyone got a clue?
Kull said:
No regulars table list with the donors? :P

What about Paypal charges, I have no idea how high they are, anyone got a clue?

Paypal takes about 5% off the top. It's not a problem.

I could do a donor list, sure, if people think it's a good idea. I've only got real names now so I'll have to ask people to PM me their usernames on NMA along with their real names (so I can verify donation).
Is it possible to chip in without connecting the paypal account with a debit/credit card? I have funds on my paypal account (via bank transfer) but I have no card. Anyone?
Brother None said:
I could do a donor list, sure, if people think it's a good idea.

I'd like it, just as a list of the regular visitors of your bar.
Geras said:
Is it possible to chip in without connecting the paypal account with a debit/credit card? I have funds on my paypal account (via bank transfer) but I have no card. Anyone?
Yes, I did the same thing. Just did a direct transfer automagically.
Kull said:
Brother None said:
I could do a donor list, sure, if people think it's a good idea.
I'd like it, just as a list of the regular visitors of your bar.

Hmmm. Actually on second thought that'd probably not be all that feasible. After all you'd be buying in your name much lower than most people, which would just be unfair.

There'll be enough real names/weird nicknames floating around WL2 already, TBH.