Quebec Independence Movement


First time out of the vault
My first thread. And it's a direct copy of a thread I posted on Facepunch. Anyway, sorry if politics aren't allowed here, I couldn't find where the rules were located, so I didn't read them.

Most of you have probably heard about Quebec nationalism at some point in your life, even if you aren't Canadian. This is the first thread of a collection of threads I will post at some point in the future regarding separatist movements around the world. So, I have spent quite some time researching the Quebec independence movement, as well as other movements. Canada has had several referendums asking the people if they think Quebec should become independent, and every time the majority of the people have said no. Personally I am against the independence movement, since the facts simply don't support Quebec's movement, and they wouldn't be self-sufficient. I do however recognize that the culture of Quebec is different from that of the rest of Canada.

Arguments for Independence
* In Quebec the official language is French, whereas the rest of Canada speaks English
* The goals and policies of the rest of Canada do not necessarily always align with those of Quebec
* Quebec's French culture is dying and arguably without independence or autonomy, it will eventually become like the rest of Canada
* Many separatists in Quebec feel as though the Canadian government didn't live up to it's promise for a new constitution in 1970
* Some websites recognize Quebec's distinct cultural differences from Canada, such as how Yahoo! has both Canadian and Quebecker Yahoo! Answers websites

Arguments Against Independence
* Quebec already maintains a degree of autonomy as a province of Canada
* The French language is dying out in Quebec and being replaced with English
* The withdrawal of Quebec from Canada could significantly hinder Canada's political, economic, and military strength
* The majority of the population of Quebec don't support independence or autonomy
* Terrorism committed by pro-independence guerrilla factions drives people away from supporting Quebec sovereignty
* If Quebec became independent, it would create a barrier in the middle of Canada, separating Eastern Canada and Western Canada
* It is questionable whether or not Quebec could be economically self-sufficient without the aid of Canada
* Quebec has no pre-existing constitution or framework for government
* Quebec is made up of many different ethnic groups, and an independent French-speaking Quebec could easily abuse minorities
* Historically speaking, the former French government of Quebec often ignored, suppressed, and mistreated the aboriginal population
* Many of the leaders of the separatist movement are discriminatory against the aboriginal population, including the former leader of Quebec, Robert Bourassa
* Many aboriginal tribes in Canada have expressed concerns regarding Quebec sovereignty, and some have even threatened to leave the confederacy
* The ideas on how an independent Quebec should be governed are very different, with many different parties and organizations, each with different ideological idea on what the future of Quebec should be. Many of the groups are far-left communist groups, while others are center-right and far right..

General Information
Proposed State: Quebec
Proposed Capital: Quebec City
Today Part of: Canada (Quebec)
Government: various
Population: 7,970,672 (5.63 /km2 density)
Land: 1,365,128 km2 land + 176,928 km2 water
GDP: C$303,747 billion (C$37,278 per capita)
Language: French
Culture: Canadian, French
Religion: Catholic
Denonym: Québécois, Quebecers/Quebeckers

Political Parties
Parti Québécois
Bloc Québécois
Action démocratique du Québec
Québec solidaire
Parti république du Québec (defunct)
Parti républicain du Québec (defunct)
Parti nationaliste du Québec (defunct)
Ralliement national (defunct)
Mouvement Souveraineté-Association (defunct)
Parti indépendantiste (defunct)
Parti indépendantiste of 1985 (defunct)
Parti canadien (defunct)
Parti canadien of 1942 (defunct)

Paramilitary Organizations
Mouvement de libération nationale du Québec
Société des Fils de la Liberté (defunct)
Front de libération du Québec (defunct)
Frères chasseurs (defunct)

Other Organizations
Les Intellectuels pour la souveraineté
Réseau de Résistance du Québécois
Mouvement national des Québécoises et des Québécois
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society
Alliance laurentienne (defunct)



Coat of Arms

Squall said:
My first thread. And it's a direct copy of a thread I posted on Facepunch. Anyway, sorry if politics aren't allowed here, I couldn't find where the rules were located, so I didn't read them.

well, seeing as how your canadian and french to boot, its pretty easy how reading english forums and thread titles would be difficult for you.

the very first thread has all the rules. it is ironically titled "rules in this forum"

now i understand you are french primary and english secondary for language. seeing as how you have difficulty in reading english and even short 4 word titles, i do not put much faith in your ability to read well put together words that form coherent thoughts in english.

so i do accept the possibility you cannot even read my post. but thats ok. after all, you freely admit your post is a copy+paste from another forum.
I live next door. If they separate I'll need a passport to go eat poutine. That would suck.
Squall said:
* Quebec's French culture is dying and arguably without independence or autonomy, it will eventually become like the rest of Canada

This isn't a bad thing. There will come a day when the boundaries between cultures are non-existent and we'll be one uniform mass of people. The internet has certainly hurried that along. Trying to isolate Quebec from the rest of Canada is just delaying the inevitable.
TheWesDude said:
Squall said:
My first thread. And it's a direct copy of a thread I posted on Facepunch. Anyway, sorry if politics aren't allowed here, I couldn't find where the rules were located, so I didn't read them.

well, seeing as how your canadian and french to boot, its pretty easy how reading english forums and thread titles would be difficult for you.

the very first thread has all the rules. it is ironically titled "rules in this forum"

now i understand you are french primary and english secondary for language. seeing as how you have difficulty in reading english and even short 4 word titles, i do not put much faith in your ability to read well put together words that form coherent thoughts in english.

so i do accept the possibility you cannot even read my post. but thats ok. after all, you freely admit your post is a copy+paste from another forum.

This post gets the dammit seal of approval. :mrgreen:
I'm not a grammar nazi, but it's pretty silly to attack someone else's grasp of the language when one is incapable of capitalization themselves. Also it's awfully presumptuous to assume homeboy is Quebecois, he didn't indicate so anywhere I could see.

As far as the separatist movement.
Shit or get off the pot.
Seceded and be done with it or stop yapping.

I'd get my shit together first though, don't want to wind up like the good ole CSA now.

/what's that burnin' smell Jethro?
* Quebec is made up of many different ethnic groups, and an independent French-speaking Quebec could easily abuse minorities
* Historically speaking, the former French government of Quebec often ignored, suppressed, and mistreated the aboriginal population

This. Never encourage them. Last time they got ideas of grandeur, Napoleon happened.

My descendants were French Huguenots who came fled to England fearing the guillotine, so perhaps in this string I'm biased towards a loci.
This is the first thread of a collection of threads I will post at some point in the future regarding separatist movements around the world.

I'm interested is these threads, please do post them.
TheWesDude said:
Squall said:
My first thread. And it's a direct copy of a thread I posted on Facepunch. Anyway, sorry if politics aren't allowed here, I couldn't find where the rules were located, so I didn't read them.

well, seeing as how your canadian and french to boot, its pretty easy how reading english forums and thread titles would be difficult for you.

the very first thread has all the rules. it is ironically titled "rules in this forum"

now i understand you are french primary and english secondary for language. seeing as how you have difficulty in reading english and even short 4 word titles, i do not put much faith in your ability to read well put together words that form coherent thoughts in english.

so i do accept the possibility you cannot even read my post. but thats ok. after all, you freely admit your post is a copy+paste from another forum.

FAIL. I'm American, not Canadian and certainly not French. Nice attempt at an ad-hominem attack though. Even if I was a French Canadian, why would that make any difference? I have a perfect grasp of English and have used it effectively, which is more than I can say for your posts which are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.

Makenshi said:
This is the first thread of a collection of threads I will post at some point in the future regarding separatist movements around the world.

I'm interested is these threads, please do post them.

Thanks, I'm working on one for Newfoundland right now.
TheGM said:
Sounds about as silly as the Texas secessionists.

I live with them. Aside from having oil now, their case is about as strong as the first Republic of Texas', an impoverished dirthole that begged the U.S. to take them in and who were willing to fold and compromise 'til the cows came home as long as it meant they got federal aid and could keep their slaves.

Not something you see much of in the history books down here, though.
Kids have trouble enough remembering all fifty states; you want to try and make them remember those and their dirty secrets?

Additionally, I didn't know that people in quebec actually thought they were people. That's adorable.

Also, not to backseat moderate, but afaik, ignorance of the rules does not excuse breaking them. Just sayin'.
TheGM said:
Sounds about as silly as the Texas secessionists.

Of all the states, Texas has the best reasoning as regards secession. They were the only state that was actually a country before it became a state.
DammitBoy said:
TheGM said:
Sounds about as silly as the Texas secessionists.

Of all the states, Texas has the best reasoning as regards secession.
Hawaii would like to have word with you.

Wintermind said:
Also, not to backseat moderate, but afaik, ignorance of the rules does not excuse breaking them. Just sayin'.
I didn't break the rules, nobody did, except perhaps the first guy to reply who was obviously trolling and prejudice against both Canadian and French people.
DammitBoy said:
Of all the states, Texas has the best reasoning as regards secession.
Except that they already tried, failed and surrendered unconditionally as part of the CSA.

I live with them. Aside from having oil now, their case is about as strong as the first Republic of Texas', an impoverished dirthole that begged the U.S. to take them in and who were willing to fold and compromise 'til the cows came home as long as it meant they got federal aid and could keep their slaves.
Mexicans allowing unabated immigration of unruly, slave-holding Americans, who started a revolution. Haven't seen Ollie North cover this one on Foxnews yet.

IIRC it was exploited as a flimsy pretense for grabbing additional lands from a weak neighbor and expanding slave territory. Not a proud moment in US history.
DammitBoy said:
TheGM said:
Sounds about as silly as the Texas secessionists.

Of all the states, Texas has the best reasoning as regards secession. They were the only state that was actually a country before it became a state.

I hope those Mexicanos take back their state...the one the dirty backstabbing Amerianos stole. :P

.Pixote. said:
DammitBoy said:
TheGM said:
Sounds about as silly as the Texas secessionists.

Of all the states, Texas has the best reasoning as regards secession. They were the only state that was actually a country before it became a state.
Next time you post your anti-American rhetoric, please use a picture that doesn't stretch the page.
Squall said:
TheWesDude said:
Squall said:
My first thread. And it's a direct copy of a thread I posted on Facepunch. Anyway, sorry if politics aren't allowed here, I couldn't find where the rules were located, so I didn't read them.

well, seeing as how your canadian and french to boot, its pretty easy how reading english forums and thread titles would be difficult for you.

the very first thread has all the rules. it is ironically titled "rules in this forum"

now i understand you are french primary and english secondary for language. seeing as how you have difficulty in reading english and even short 4 word titles, i do not put much faith in your ability to read well put together words that form coherent thoughts in english.

so i do accept the possibility you cannot even read my post. but thats ok. after all, you freely admit your post is a copy+paste from another forum.

FAIL. I'm American, not Canadian and certainly not French. Nice attempt at an ad-hominem attack though. Even if I was a French Canadian, why would that make any difference? I have a perfect grasp of English and have used it effectively, which is more than I can say for your posts which are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.

1) nowhere do you preface any of that or clarify this in your thread.

yes, i know, shocking to be taken at face value on the internet. what was i thinking!

2) i assure you, any grammatical or spelling error is almost always intentional. my browser has a spell check.