Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

actually sander there are a lot of writings from the "founding fathers" that explain what they meant and intended with what they wrote.
people just ignore all of that because those writings lend credence that the federal government has very little power to do anything. when those writings that aim to clarify the wording and intentions in the constitution basically say the federal government only has the powers to do the military, inter-state commerce, rule on constitutional matters, and join international treaties, it calls into question the vast majority of what the federal government does in the US.
technically states are sovereign members of the union with very few powers reserved for the federal government. but that means a lot of the federal laws are unconstitutional. so its far easier to ignore all the writings on the constitution and rather only focus on the constitution itself in a vacuum.
people just ignore all of that because those writings lend credence that the federal government has very little power to do anything. when those writings that aim to clarify the wording and intentions in the constitution basically say the federal government only has the powers to do the military, inter-state commerce, rule on constitutional matters, and join international treaties, it calls into question the vast majority of what the federal government does in the US.
technically states are sovereign members of the union with very few powers reserved for the federal government. but that means a lot of the federal laws are unconstitutional. so its far easier to ignore all the writings on the constitution and rather only focus on the constitution itself in a vacuum.