Oh goodie, a question asked by its originated suddenly becomes answered by its originator- due to a book, no less. How enlightened!
That's sarcasm, by the way.
Some fool deciding that the country will embrace some fundamentalist views of religion doesn't make it so. Certain fundamentalist groups have HISTORICALLY arisen, due to the firm stance of "separate of church and state" mixed with several key statements of the Constitution which allows anyone to voice anything they wish, so long as voicing it is all they do. You need look no further than the KKK, or the Neo Nazis in America. They're both a pretty nutty bunch. But how dangerous are they, really? How much INFLUENCE do they possess, really? They're both very inconsequential groups, and they are considered total anomalies by Americans at large. Your average citizen wants nothing to do with these types, and vehemently disagrees with them on just about every level. Even outspoken racists have serious issues with the KKK, largely because they don't simply represent racism. That's not to say that they don't result in some level of violence. But as a movement across the country? Not whatsoever.
People seeking simple answers for simple questions is not exclusive to religion, nor will they find exclusively religious answers, nor are religious answers the only source of such simple answers. Politics does this on a regular basis. As I stated previously, morality is the key. Control the morality, you control the minds of the people. Large scale indoctrination has already been in effect for many decades, and will continue in this direction. Meanwhile, despite being conditioned by these efforts, more and more people are gradually shifting in a moderate direction.
I'd really like to see more people be healthy skeptics, but the problem is people are being taught filthy lies all the time. No, I'm not talking about silly interpretations of filthy lies, like "Communists cannot utter the word 'God', so if we put it on our currency, we'll know who's a Communist!" I'm talking about WHAT laws actually mean. The two-way-street interpretation of the so-called "separation of church and state" is a perfect example of a lie that people continue to perpetuate. It's a ONE-way-street affair. CONGRESS (and the government as a whole, by extension) cannot officially make any favorites of any religion, but the reverse is not the case. Religion can impact government as much as it damn well pleases, so long as its influencing structure of government is where that relationship ends. That means you cannot prevent more Buddhists from finding their place in the country just as much as you cannot stop atheists or Jews or Neo Nazi fundamentalist psycho radicals. The more diverse minds that make up the country, the more noisy the conversation, the more possibilities such conversations can elicit. But tradition has a way of ignoring legal precedent, so despite the system intentionally allowing for religious and class diversity, we still see the prevalence of class segregation and particular interpretations of religion seeing prominence well above others.
This is where not being taught lies about the system itself comes into play. Being taught the TRUTH of what that Constitutional law REALLY means, fully educating American citizens, not just perpetuating empty traditions founded on lies, will result in more people taking proactive measures yet without sending the country down some sort of twisted road towards a fictitious dystopia.