quitting smoking


Vault Senior Citizen

So I was wondering if you guys have some tips on how to quit smoking. Its not for me but for my girlfriend. I tried to help her but when she gets in a stressful situation she really wants to smoke.
She wants to stop when she feels better or so she says so....

I'm no smoker but my mom and dad are. My mom tried to stop but after the 2nd day of no smoking she started to freak out. My dad quit for over 12 years and started to smoke those stinking cigars. dumbest idea ever....As for my girlfriend she didn't smoke for about 3 weeks on her 1st try without any changes to her personality. This is why I know that she can live without smoking.

I need help to get her quit smoking while she still can. Every day the addiction becomes harder. So are there any quitters here that might have some useful information. and discus how you quit smoking.

And if there are people that want to quit smoking. go ahead it's a fine day for quitting :P

Hi, my name is Luke, and I'm a nicotinist. I've quit smoking, as well as quit smoke-free tobacco, some four times or so. Right now I'm not using any nictotine.

Best way to go about quitting is to immediately start again, because fuck it's so god damn good to inhale the smoke from a cigarette, especially if you thought you'd never do that again.

But, uhm, anyway. The most important element is that the quitter wants to quit - otherwise it's impossible; it's all about willpower. Make her ask herself the question if she wants to quit or not. You can 'help' her by being supportive and shit, but she has to do the decision. Also, for me, 'stepping down' your usage seems like idiocy. Each time I've quit I've just stopped completely. That means the abstinence PAIN will be more intensive, but last for a shorter time. It's like choosing one big punch in the cunt instead of a hundred small ones. I guess some people would prefer a hundred small ones though, but I wouldn't.
If the quitter wants to quit then lots of things can help. I know 2 people who quit by visiting hypnotherapists, they boosted their confidence and got them out of the addiction. Could be worth a shot.
Fine a nice,non-smoking girlfriend. And don't trust her squared, she's both a woman and an addict.

If she wanted do drop smoking, she'd have done it by now.

I only know about one case of quitting, and yes, it is about the will. Now even willpower, just the will. If you don't want to do something, don't, it's as simple.

Also, cigarettes stink and I only smoke when I'm intoxicated bad enough not to smell them.
Wow tnx for quick replies guys

Luke said:
The most important element is that the quitter wants to quit - otherwise it's impossible; it's all about willpower. Make her ask herself the question if she wants to quit or not.

Yes indeed. I asked her but i'm not so sure if she wants to. she wants to stop but not right now.

I might let her read this topic if its gets big enough. It might be the extra boost that she needs. The people in our village we live aren't supportive at all. They gather she her smoke. I would be nice to see a smoker to wish her good luck or show some interest how its going and stuff. But maybe that isn't very human like.... I dunno...

Just to let you know I DO support you !!! Even if i'm the only one.
(yea thats for my girlfriend)

Well tnx you guys I was hoping for some support and in knew that the EVIL fallout fans were the right people to get it from :P
Evil Fallout fans are much maligned.

Quiting is tough. My father tried to quit a few times and we pressured him to quit, but in my opinion those things killed him. So the Tobacco lobby can rot in hell.

I have know others who have tried to quit- went with the patch, or quit cold turkey. It's difficult. Go to a bar and the person next to you is smoking and you feel the need to light up. This is especially hard if you are in a place where smoking is more culturally acceptable.

There are treatments though- hypnotism is another means. She might want to ask next time she does a physical.
quitting... first thing that pops up in my mind is something about a paper dog an asbestos cat and a nice warm place. :roll:
What happened before she started smoking again? what event made her feel she absolutely needed a smoke?
What made her start smoking in the first place? No, really, why did she start? And I don't mean some stupid/childish excuse like "experimenting", the real reason must be more profound than that.
plus you should take into consideration the fact that smoking isn't just inhaling some smoke, it is a comforting gesture and it also means being addicted to the gesture, not just the nicotine.
maybe she should talk to a psychologist about this because the physical addiction is usually the smallest problem.
weird coincidence..

i quit smoking last week. i've done it twice before for a total of a year out of 7 i've been a daily smoker. in the time i've been smoke free a lot of things are different. you can breathe much easier, walking is even easier. sex is better. you smell better, eat better, look better, ANDDDD.... save a shitfuck lot of money.

this is how i'm doing it this time. i put on sweatpants, a hoodie and ran around a couple blocks (in 70 degree weather), drink a bottle of water everytime i feel like i want a smoke. or doing something enjoyable (replacing the habit with another less harmful one works pretty well.) in place of a cigarette.

the whole 'wanting to quit' is key. and if she makes a commitment or sets a date, be an asshole and throw out her smokes, yell at her when she sneaks out back, prevent her from relasping. because the first 3 days are the worst, and without some tough love and support its alot more difficult. she'll thank you later.
c0ldst33ltrs4u, wow, you're posting again? I thought that avatar would only remain as a horrible memory. :D

As for smoking: It's very strange that i never seriously smoked since it really is a part of being Serbian. Every single person in my family smokes. Well, my cousin managed to stop abruptly when he came to the U.S., but my dad has been smoking nonstop for around 30 years.....he seems to be doing ok. Maybe Serbians have some evolved immunity.
ok, so I have to change the avatar... sheesh besides that is a sample of my drunken happiness a true testament of the evil that firewater can produce :D
back to our smoking problem... did you know that smoking is good for asthma, in moderate amounts?
About that immunity thing: bwhahahaha!
oh and one more thing: very few, if any psychoanalysts are smokers. 8)
Well, good luck. Quiting smoking is hard, but if you have determination and realise that it really will kill you, it should get somewhat easier.
Once you start smoking, you can't stop. Trust me. Quitting is not doable. So, basically, your girlfriend is fucked and she will eventually die from lung cancer. Sad as that may be, it's still better than dying from diarrhea or AIDS. Or anal rape.
I disagree Alec, my mother stopped smoking the moment she found out she was pregnant. She was without the cigs for 13 years until she and my father separated and financially, shit hit the fan, then she picked the goddamned habit. I harassed her. I goddamned threw every cigarette box I found full or half full into the trash. I insulted her, belittled her about the smell and told her I wouldn't spend time with her because I didn't want to die of cancer. It eventually got to her, and she stopped this time for good (I hope). One thing I would like to know is why pick up the habit, what prompts that urge to put a lit paper roll of dried herb and shit and suck on it...I know there are worse ways to die but smoking really doesn't serve any purpose. I could understand smoking good cigars since if you get good brands, the smell is tolerable but lit cigarettes smell like ass. When I see somebody smoking, I feel like pointing a loaded .45 revolver at their head and paint the wall red. Living with smokers is a hard thing to do as I absolutely loathe the stench. I have sensitive nose, and I can smell when girls are on the rag but they can't help it....it's their body so I tolerate that. I'm not neurotic am I?
SkynetV4 said:
I disagree Alec, my mother stopped smoking the moment she found out she was pregnant.

Sure, man. Sure she did. Pfff... She just told that to the outside world, because it looked good, but trust me: every time she was alone and no one was looking, your mom was smoking like hell. That's why you look like a cretin and why you suffer brain damage. :twisted:

She was without the cigs for 13 years until she and my father separated and financially, shit hit the fan, then she picked the goddamned habit.

She had financial problems, but she started smoking? That doesn't make any sense. Cigs aren't cheap, ya know? The way I see it: your mom never quited, but once she got divorced, she thought: "Why the fuck should I keep my smoking habits a secret? Fuck that!" So she started soking en plein public again. And rightly so.

I harassed her. I goddamned threw every cigarette box I found full or half full into the trash. I insulted her, belittled her about the smell and told her I wouldn't spend time with her because I didn't want to die of cancer.

If you were my kid, I would have kicked your friggin' juvenile ass, you ungrateful mongrel. Your mom carried your skinny ass for nine months before opening her legs and rewarding you with al the joys and beauty of the 21st century, and this is how you thanked her? Wow.

It eventually got to her, and she stopped this time for good (I hope).

Don't bet on it. She's probably smoking right now. One can't blame her, having to put up with an ADHD case like yourself, who constantly abuses her -- mentally.

One thing I would like to know is why pick up the habit, what prompts that urge to put a lit paper roll of dried herb and shit and suck on it...I know there are worse ways to die but smoking really doesn't serve any purpose. I could understand smoking good cigars since if you get good brands, the smell is tolerable but lit cigarettes smell like ass.

You don't know? Smoking makes you holy.
And I would do something about that arse of yours. It's not normal if it smels like lit cigarettes, ya know?

When I see somebody smoking, I feel like pointing a loaded .45 revolver at their head and paint the wall red. Living with smokers is a hard thing to do as I absolutely loathe the stench. I have sensitive nose, and I can smell when girls are on the rag but they can't help it....it's their body so I tolerate that.

:roll: Maybe something's wrong with your nose. Ever thought about that?

I'm not neurotic am I?

Nope. You're just sad. I feel for you.
Always seems to me that once a person quites smoking is when they all of a sudden end up with cancer.. I've known people that smoked all their lives and lived into their 90's, I've known people that quite at 30 and got lung cancer at 40. I think no matter what each person is made completely different. What will kill one person could save another.

personally I stopped smoking cigarettes by starting to smoke a pipe.
Sure i'm still smoking, But hey it's a pipe and it makes me look like i might be intelligent. And you don't inhale as much with a pipe. Most of the time I've just got it my mouth..... not lit.
My biggest problem with cigarettes was caused by the habit of smoking. you need something to do with your hands and your used to lighting something on fire.. :? You get into all sorts of weird habits while smoking. So it's not just the nicotine that affects you as much as the habit.. They like to say that nicotine is more addictive than heroine. I'd say that Habits are more addiciting then anything. If you watch a certain television program everyday, it's a habit.. you become addicted. We are all obviously addicted to the game fallout or else we wouldn't be here.

(I hope i'm spelling habits like a habit and not like something that nun's wear....... or are they spelled the same?) habit, habbit, hobbit.

Those hobbits had nasty habits.
Umm, Alec, didn't you quit smoking about a year ago? I remember how easy to piss off you were during those first days and a couple of days later you felt really good about yourself... The thing is I was thinking of quitting myself because I got this scholarship for France and there cigs cost about 4E a pack (too rich for my blood) while back here they only cost 1E. The thought that I know people who managed to quit made me think that I could also...
Oracle, I hope your girlfriend manages to quit and stay away from cigs. The best thing you could do is to back her up all the way and not give her a hard time but try a more diplomatic and empathetic approach, you know the whole thing about catching more flies with a spoon full of honey than with a barrel full of vinegar.
Keep us posted and good luck plus a lot of patience, remember that it is hard for her too. Oh, what's her name? It's kind of awkward to keep calling her Oracle's girlfriend...
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
Umm, Alec, didn't you quit smoking about a year ago? I remember how easy to piss off you were during those first days and a couple of days later you felt really good about yourself...


Yeah... well... I failed... That's why I know it's impossible to quit...

I'll try again someday. :roll:
I quit smoking when I was 16 after 2 years. I just decided to stop and I did. It was a little difficult at first, but I'm already naturally irritable and violent so no one really noticed a difference.

I have, however, recently started smoking again, thanks to now being in a place where its much more convenient and a social thing, despite the presence almost exclusively of shitty tarry overly filtered really bad quality cigarettes. I've resorted to just stealing other peoples, since I'm not going to pay for them, and breaking the filters off

I'll probably quit again after I leave.
best way to stop: don't start....

what's the big deal anyway? can't be *that* hard...just don't do it :scratch:
The Commissar said:
I have, however, recently started smoking again, thanks to now being in a place where its much more convenient and a social thing, despite the presence almost exclusively of shitty tarry overly filtered really bad quality cigarettes. I've resorted to just stealing other peoples, since I'm not going to pay for them, and breaking the filters off

Do you get Prima Nostalgia down south? At like 2 or 3 roubles a package that stuff's a habit-maker.

Kills, too

Kahgan said:
what's the big deal anyway? can't be *that* hard...just don't do it I...don't get it

Hah, that's funny. Guess you never had an addiction?