quitting smoking

The Commissar said:
I have, however, recently started smoking again, thanks to now being in a place where its much more convenient and a social thing

Why do girls even bother with social things? I mean, unless they're butt ugly, they can get laid all they want anyway.
Smoking sux!
But... once in a lifetime you just have to taste something new...
I smoked twice... It's niether bad, nor good.
You wanna quit? Then you HAVE TO WANT TO quit.
Easy to say, hard to do...
Luke said:
Why do girls even bother with social things? I mean, unless they're butt ugly, they can get laid all they want anyway.

Contrary report, "being social" does not equate "getting laid".

You sure have a one-track mind, Luke-boy.
You know; sometimes you just have to give in to peer pressure and do what everyone else does. But I remember a long time ago when my mama said "Sonny! Don't you ever give in to peer pressure!" So now i'm confused on this whole quit smoking thing. I didn't start smoking because of peer pressure so should I quit smoking because of peer pressure?

Anyway everytime someone quits, some poor tobacco roller somewhere loses their job. So I think we should all smoke and keep people employed. Sure we'll all end up dying... but since no one has figured out a way not to die... does it really matter?
You need quite a lot of willpower. The hardest is when people at your workplace are constantly taking smoke breaks and previously being a smoker, you feel inclined to go, even if you dont have a pack, to bum one off someone else. I guess just think about how shitty chemotherapy is going to treat you.
Personally I think alot more people die from the treatments of cancer then the cancer itself... I mean come on, How is bombarding your body with radiation in any way good.

I'm pretty sure drug companies have figured out the cure.. they just don't want to sell it because they make more money if they don't cure you............I think someone else said that and my brain is regurgitating it.
Oracle said:

So I was wondering if you guys have some tips on how to quit smoking. Its not for me but for my girlfriend. I tried to help her but when she gets in a stressful situation she really wants to smoke.
She wants to stop when she feels better or so she says so....

I've quit smoking twice before. I still smoke though, but I was fully capable of quitting, it's just that I started up again later on. In other words, I was able to kick the addiction to nicotine, just not the habit of smoking itself.

Anyway, what helped me out was motivating myself to do it. She can do this by having her pick a specific day to quit. Be there when she smokes her "last" cigarette, if nothing else just to make sure that it is the last one in her pack and that she dont have any in reserve, or to make sure she trashes the ones she has. If there are cigarettes readily available, it is a lot harder to quit. Also try to avoid hanging out with smokers in areas where smoking is allowed. This encourages the habit to. Also lots of gum and trying to keep busy are big helps. That's how I quit smoking, although I guess I enjoy it too much. Also, instead of just going cold turkey, have her cut back or try one of those supplements.
PhoenixRising said:
what helped me out was motivating myself to do it.
I think you're on to something here!!1

PhoenixRising said:
Be there when she smokes her "last" cigarette
I wouldn't suggest that one quitting smoking should plan his/her last cigarette but just quit - bam! Making the 'last' cigarette into a ritual moment would prolly just make the one having it appreciate it too damn much and missing it more afterwards.

However, I must say that the "I'll quit tomorrow" really works the best, sarcasm aside, at any rate if you have already had a few smokes the day that you say it and you only say it once. It's much easier to wake up and just not take that first cigarette of the day than to smoke an entire day but be without the evening cigs for instance.

PhoenixRising said:
if nothing else just to make sure that it is the last one in her pack and that she dont have any in reserve, or to make sure she trashes the ones she has.
Or he could trust her.

PhoenixRising said:
If there are cigarettes readily available, it is a lot harder to quit.
Yeah, but someone who wants to quit him/herself should get rid of all reserves him/herself.

PhoenixRising said:
Also try to avoid hanging out with smokers in areas where smoking is allowed.
Yeah, obviously.

PhoenixRising said:
Also, instead of just going cold turkey, have her cut back or try one of those supplements.
I'd advice strongly against this, it's only prolonging the abstinence period and thus making it way harder. I say: Either quit or don't. If you quit, do it cold turkey. I've done this after smoking 30 cigs a day. The hit is hard, yeah, but if you want to quit you'll cope with it, and you'll find that the craving lets go far quicker than if you'd cut back slowly.


And Mandelbrot, just, damn...
I went through Basic Training a while back. They MAKE you quit. Try that. I still smoke now that Im out though. Only every once and awhile. My mom quit in a week with the patch. Different strokes for different folks.
Hehe, my girlfriend and me are going to quit smoking this Sunday.
No patches, no chewing gum, no herbal cigarettes, just cold turkey.
I'm getting sick of the smell lately (and the stains on my teeth, goddamnit) and she has to watch her finances, so we both have a good reason to quit.
Ah well, just wish us luck.
I'll probably be chewing and sucking on licorice sticks for a while and drink a glass of water everytime I feel the urge to smoke. It kinda helps. :roll:
Oh yeah. I quit smoking, "cold turkey" after nine months of a-pack-of-red-Lucky Strikes-a-day two weeks ago. The first three days, I was tempted to pick up a cigarette and smoke. Haven't smoked since, don't feel like starting again, either.

Thing is, the damn cigs utterly fucked my physical condition. Pains in my lungs, no breath after a short run. I wasn't able to mosh more than five minutes without having to stop to catch my breath. Endurance in nuptial activities was seriously damaged by inferior lung capacity, as well.
Dictionary.com said:
nup·tial ( P ) Pronunciation Key (npshl, -chl)

2. Of, relating to, or occurring during the mating season: the nuptial plumage of male birds.

There you go, my beloved north-dwelling, retarded provincial compatriot.
Dictionary.com said:
nup·tial ( P ) Pronunciation Key (npshl, -chl) adj.
1. Of or relating to marriage or the wedding ceremony.

That's the first meaning. It's so 'honest' of you for deleting that from the quote. I too thought you were married after reading your post. Most people would have thought that, that's why the first meaning for 'nuptial' is the above thing.


Semantics, semantics, semantics.

I just stopped smoking cold turkey about a month ago and it was the easiest thing I've ever done. I smoked for 8 years at roulghly a pack a day so I know what it's like to try and quit (tried many different way and none worked).

A friend of mine read this book called "Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking" (isbn 088665 348 7) and he quit cold four months ago. My girlfriend read it roughly two months ago and hasn't smoked since. then I read it and a few of my friends have just finished it. It works, it might seem stupid that it would because you may expect a bunch of new age mumbo jumbo but it's got none of that in it. The guy just understands smokers. Tell her to check it out and to keep an open mind (if you don't follow his instructions you fail) and she'll just be fine. There's even a short chapter near the end for you (I assume you don't smoke too).

It's a pretty cheap book so if anything she's out the cost of one or two packs. BTW, if she tries it, she has to keep smoking until she's done (don't let her quit early if she tries it or it probably won't work).

Good luck to her, I'm way better off now that I quit (I can afford the full priced games again!).
Containing new age mumbo jumbo or not, who needs to read a whole book by a guy who supposedly 'understands smokers' in order to find the will to quit? As someone said before, it's not really so much about willpower as it's about will. If you don't want to quit; if you all things considered actually want to smoke, then you're not going to manage. I really can't imagine what new light a book like that could lay on smoking. Do the chapters have titles like "Smoking is bad for you", "Do you *really* want to die young?" or "Did you know that cigarettes are expensive?"

Marek said:
Admins, someone seems to have hacked Lukes account.
Ehehe, it's alright, I'm back in business.
You dont need willpower, or fancy drugs or any kind of smokeing cessation classes..

all you really need if you want to stop smokeing is sign a little contract i have..

If you have family, especially children, my program works wonders.