
DGT said:
After the responses to this thread, no Pip-Boy rest is sounding fine... except for the crucial problem of what you're gonna do if you get to NCR at 5 AM. Stand there, unable to enter, until the 3 hours of gametime pass and the gate opens? Hope you can find a bed, and just deal with waking up at 1 in the afternoon? This inability to wait for a specific time is the only problem I can still find in the idea, but like I said, it's a rather inconvenient one. Thoughts?

I've been thinking the same thing. And I can suggest three solutions, one of which is kinda nonsense:

1) Exit NCR to the World Map and walk on the town's circle until you hit the hour you want. Re-enter.
2) Use doctor or first aid on yourself - it advances the time 30-60 minutes (not sure), regardless of whether you succeeded to heal, or not, and whether you are healthy or wounded.
3) Dude carries an item called "the sleeping bag" or "the alarm clock". Whenever you want to wait until a particular hour, you put the item in your hand and use it. A dialogue window pops up and you can choose any precise hour you want to wait to. However, this goes in the face of what you guys are trying to accomplish here. :scratch:

@ Josan12, .Pixote., and others:

TBH, I have an impression you forget that you want to couple the sleeping system with the food system. And the food system is a big factor in the sleeping one.

Because dude has no time to waste on being idle or lying around in bed just for the sake of having more light on the map. Every hour spent doing nothing means you have to buy yourself more food.

I've been testing it on my mod and I realised that turning the food system on brings a whole new dimension to time in Fallout. Whenever you want to try to heal yourself, or read a book, you're starting to think: "Do I have enough cash to buy myself some dinner tomorrow?". Also, when you enter a town, you're not bothered anymore by night time, because if you rest for 10 hours, you'll need to spend 100+ caps on food only. Just when you wanted to grab that SMG...
It’s an exciting concept, the dynamic of the game will be thrown on its head, as for the ability to sleep or rest until the morning – well it’s over abused, but there are good reasons for its use. When you enter a dark map you naturally want to be able to see the environment accurately, so you skip to the morning. Resting to heal is a different issue, that shouldn’t be removed, but resting to heal only to die of starvation would be unfortunate, so that will have to be assessed and tweaked. I don’t think this mod will be perfect, but with fine tuning it will be an excellent addition. The new maps on RP are more brightly illuminated, especially in the towns, so hopefully that will help.
Well Josan, no pip-boy resting means you gotta add places where you can rent a room to places like Vault City and NCR courtyards, since those towns are unavailable during certain periods of day. Or did you write that resting at big towns via pip-boy is possible? Ah, can't remember right now.

Anyway, you'd need to add this option to Klamath, Redding, New Reno, Gecko, Broken Hills, San Fran and Vault 15's Shanty Town, as well, because it'd been pretty tedious having to look for other means.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. Keep it coming - i'll certainly be taking it into account.

In regard to the pip-boy resting: i plan to enable pip-boy resting in the larger, safer cities where there are time sensitive quests.

Ok - my scripting questions re-commence!

1) This is a suitably noob scripting question to start off with: How would i write a command that would tell the game the increase a variable every game hour by 1?

Can someone throw me a bone here? I'm drawing a blank.
Josan12 said:
1) This is a suitably noob scripting question to start off with: How would i write a command that would tell the game the increase a variable every game hour by 1?

Can someone throw me a bone here? I'm drawing a blank.

Here it is:

procedure map_update_p_proc begin
   if (global_var(GVAR_Time) == 0) then begin
      set_global_var(GVAR_Time,game_time + ONE_GAME_HOUR);
   else begin
      if (global_var(GVAR_Time) < game_time) then begin
         set_global_var(GVAR_Time,game_time + ONE_GAME_HOUR);

Hope this helps.
I'm am still working on this mod, and rest assured It will get done.
I'm currently waiting for Killap to release RP 2.1 (on which
this mod will be based). It will, however, ONLY be compatible
with RP 2.1 ...
Josan12 said:
DGT said:
I have to say I'm not at all excited about a food and water system -- I mean, I see the survivalist element, but it seems like it would make me feel like I was playing the Sims, not Fallout.

A radiation enhancement, on the other hand, I am very excited about -- even in FO1, radiation was not a big enough issue, and it's non-existent in FO2 and Tactics. At least they tried in FO3, but they came across seeming like they'd never read even the basics in high school.

Anyway, back on topic, I'm looking forward to this. Gecko seems like the main culprit for not being radioactive enough, but there are others.

Well you might just get your wish. Food and water is proving technically difficult.

So the way i'm gonna do this mod in two parts:

PART 1) Radiation, poison and sleeping will be released right after the RP 2.1 is released with the modified maps. It will have radiation levels increased and added in appropriate places (see earlier in this thread), poison multiplied by a factor of 10 wherever it occurs, and sleeping implemented. My method for sleeping will probably be a bit crude - the player will only be able to rest by 'using' the flat beds found in-game. No pip-boy resting will be possible.

PART 2) Food and water, will be done at some time in the future when Cubik and I can figure out/get some help with the fairly complex scripting/engine hacking involved. Also, Food and water need to be implemented in a way that's not tedious for the player (as many posters on NMA have worried it would be) That will require testing.

So in summary: Radiation, posion and sleeping mod coming very soon, Food and water sometime in the future.

Watch this space!

If you manage to get this right, i think it would the best single improvement ever done to Fallout 2.

I really love FO2, but the part a love the most about it (the survival aspect) is really underminded by how easy the game is. Having to worry about getting food, water and dealing with radiation and poison will surely make the game harder in a very nice way.

And not being able to heal at any time will make combat a lot more interesting, because is just too easy when you are always at full health.

Hope to see this released some day.
Josan12 said:
I'm am still working on this mod, and rest assured It will get done.
I'm currently waiting for Killap to release RP 2.1 (on which
this mod will be based). It will, however, ONLY be compatible
with RP 2.1 ...
Good luck with it!

I reckon frequent encounters with deadlier and scarier types of radiation should be an essential part of Fallout experience.

It's true that the developers have more or less ignored it (beyond the occasional pesky encounter with 'a few rads'). I mean, isn't that why people stayed locked away in the Vaults this whole time? Because radiation is fucking scary.
Josan12 said:
Anyone know how i can edit how much poison damage a floater does?

Open ECFLOATR.SSL and find the following passage:

procedure combat_p_proc begin
   if (fixed_param == COMBAT_SUBTYPE_HIT_SUCCEEDED) then begin
      if (target_obj == dude_obj) then begin
         if (not(is_success(do_check(dude_obj,STAT_lu,-1)))) then begin

Change the numerical values in the line:


for example like this:


Compile and have fun. This will make those Dudes use antidote more often! :wink:
Thanks Ardent. One more question:

I can't figure out how to edit certain critters - for example - the slag glowing ones. Which proto do they use? If i use the mapper and click 'p' on them, it says they're 'generic glowing ones'. But if i then edit the generic glowing one critter it doesn't change them. Also, of course they have their own names etc, so they're clearly not just generic glowing ones. What gives?

Also, if i use the mapper to place a generic floater, and fight it, it doesn't do any poison damage, and lists no script attached. What am i missing here?
Keep in mind, that if you edit critter protos from critters that are already placed in the map, you have to replace them in the map. Else it doesn't work. The own name comes from their attached script. The names are defined in the scrname.msg file, which can be found in data/text/language/game/.

What am i missing here?

Attach the floater script. :P In frisco tanker, they use the "fcmonst" script.
THanks Lexx. And how do i attach a script to a critter? :oops: Never done it before.

Also - has anyone ever sucesfully used:


funtion? I can't seem to make it work.
If i change it to


then it works fine. Any experiences with this?
Place a critter in the map, click on it and press "E" or the "edit" button on the bottom interface. There you can access the inventory, add a script, edit some flags, etc.
Ok. Thanks again, Lexx.

so now that i've created my slave critter, i want him to run away from the dude when left unattended.

Now, apparently zcslave.int already does this, although i can't see any critters using it and i can't figure it out anyway.

So here's what i've got in the slaves script:

procedure map_update_p_proc begin

 if (Current_Distance_From_Dude < 8) then begin


This works fine, but the slave will stop running as soon as he is 8 hexes away. I want him to keep running until he's off the screen. Any ideas how to do this?