DGT said:After the responses to this thread, no Pip-Boy rest is sounding fine... except for the crucial problem of what you're gonna do if you get to NCR at 5 AM. Stand there, unable to enter, until the 3 hours of gametime pass and the gate opens? Hope you can find a bed, and just deal with waking up at 1 in the afternoon? This inability to wait for a specific time is the only problem I can still find in the idea, but like I said, it's a rather inconvenient one. Thoughts?
I've been thinking the same thing. And I can suggest three solutions, one of which is kinda nonsense:
1) Exit NCR to the World Map and walk on the town's circle until you hit the hour you want. Re-enter.
2) Use doctor or first aid on yourself - it advances the time 30-60 minutes (not sure), regardless of whether you succeeded to heal, or not, and whether you are healthy or wounded.
3) Dude carries an item called "the sleeping bag" or "the alarm clock". Whenever you want to wait until a particular hour, you put the item in your hand and use it. A dialogue window pops up and you can choose any precise hour you want to wait to. However, this goes in the face of what you guys are trying to accomplish here.

@ Josan12, .Pixote., and others:
TBH, I have an impression you forget that you want to couple the sleeping system with the food system. And the food system is a big factor in the sleeping one.
Because dude has no time to waste on being idle or lying around in bed just for the sake of having more light on the map. Every hour spent doing nothing means you have to buy yourself more food.
I've been testing it on my mod and I realised that turning the food system on brings a whole new dimension to time in Fallout. Whenever you want to try to heal yourself, or read a book, you're starting to think: "Do I have enough cash to buy myself some dinner tomorrow?". Also, when you enter a town, you're not bothered anymore by night time, because if you rest for 10 hours, you'll need to spend 100+ caps on food only. Just when you wanted to grab that SMG...