Rage trailer

Goweigus said:
Yeah just seems like someone else is trying to cash in on Fallout 3s success with a differen't engine (not that i don't mind)

looks fun, but i really want a good RPG to play now :(
can only replay fallout 1 and 2 soo many times....

We won't see any serious AAA RPGs anymore. The best they can do is stuff like Divinity 2, Mass Effect and Dragon Age, which are mostly action with some character upgrades and dialogue thrown in.

Rage is a pure FPS. Not surprisingly, it reminds me more of Quake/Doom than FO3. Id's games are pretty distinctive.

You heard about them?

Fallout 3 spin-offs.

What's up with that?

It's not like they are off.

Right, so, why do they spin?

Because the disc, like, uh... spins in the DVD drive.

Uhhh... yeah, so why not call them spin-ons?
Looks near identical to the concept-drawings I remember from a long while back.. and back then it was touted as an racing-fps-rpg..
some scenes in the trailer look like they have been taken right out of fallout 3, others look different ( the car race , the fight scenes ).

but i'm not so much impressed by the new id tech5 engine, looks a lot like quake wars ( not the graphics itself, but the engine ). not a big improvement at all ( compare that with crytek engine and weep )

might be a decent shooter overall, but i dont like the car racing ( never have ).
it is so depressing that there has come a time where an official successor of fallout 1+2 is compared to a fps/racing game from id software.
atr_23 said:
it is so depressing that there has come a time when an official successor of fallout 1+2 is compared to a fps/racing game from id software.

Hell, it even more depressing that there has come a time when an official successor of fallout 1+2 has worse writing than a GTA game(IV)....

Anyway, this Rage game does look really fun...

I want it... :mrgreen:
atr_23 said:
it is so depressing that there has come a time where an official successor of fallout 1+2 is compared to a fps/racing game from id software.

Yes, and that's giving FO3 a compliment.
Meh said:
Uhhh... yeah, so why not call them spin-ons?
So when you think about it, it should have been called Ferris Bueller's Day On, because he was so on that day....
rehevkor said:
Deadman87 said:
A: It's beeing dumbed down for the consoles. And a teen rating as well? Top it off with the EA logo and, oh lordy, this is just getting better and better. Perhaps Zenimax is going to send over some talented writers to help with the script as well.

To top it off they should get Danny Elfman to score it.

To top the top of the top, they should get Rober Downey Jr. to do a voice for a black guy.
At least the voice actors sound decent. I did hear a little emotion in their voice (and I think I heard multiple voice actors). Also The guy that looks like Gizmo from FO1 is a plus. Too bad its so action based. Like someone else said I really want a RPG.
Oh yeah. I want a RPG too, but there;s not many lately, so I don't play much games.

I don't play much also because I don't have a good enough computer to play new games :P
Ixyroth said:
Dragon Age, which are mostly action with some character upgrades and dialogue thrown in.

You know this how? It's not like they're touting it as the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate or nothing...
This is what Bethesda wants Fallout 3 to be, but failing radically...

I actually enjoyed watching this. The mutant design is great...
My PC wont run it, so I wont play it until I get a new PC... Maybe in 3 years or so.
Looks like it'll do a far better job of being a Post-Apocalyptic FPS than Fallout 3 wanted to be.

Deadman87 said:
It's beeing dumbed down for the consoles. And a teen rating as well?

What the Sam Heck are you talking about? It isn't finished yet. It hasn't been rated yet. Its currently rated "RP". Or are you suggesting they are developing for a Teen rating, meaning that's been the entire process throughout development?
frosty_theaussie said:
Looks like it'll do a far better job of being a Post-Apocalyptic FPS than Fallout 3 wanted to be.

Deadman87 said:
It's beeing dumbed down for the consoles. And a teen rating as well?

What the Sam Heck are you talking about? It isn't finished yet. It hasn't been rated yet. Its currently rated "RP". Or are you suggesting they are developing for a Teen rating, meaning that's been the entire process throughout development?

The devs have said that they have always been shooting for a Teen rating since they started developement on this game...

So, in that regard, nothing is being "dumbed down."

However, one point of concern is that the devs want all the platforms to have the same version of the game. The 360 and PC versions of the game will run on the DVD format while the Ps3 version will run on the Blue-Ray format. The Devs are thinking of having one Ps3 disc and 2-3 Pc/360 discs. However, they are saying that they want to try to have two discs. That means cut content to try to squeeze the game in to 2 DVD's...

If anything the Ps3 version is being "dumbed down" and being cut because of the lack of storage on the Pc and 360...

The Pc isn't being hampered in this situation. Actually, one could presume that the Pc is actually hampering the console here...
I wish people would stop taking shots at rage because it's set in a post apocalyptic future. (OMG WTF COPY FALLOUT 3!!!1)

id Software are the best FPS creators ever. Wolfenstein 3d made the FPS genre popular. Then came Doom. Then everything after that from them has been (in some way) awesome.

And now on Rage trailers on youtube I see people saying that they copied Fallout 3?
When Rage was in development before Fallout 3 was released?

Just like with the new Wolfenstein, on trailers for that I see people saying it copied Fallout 3 with the Energy Weapons etc. If they'd have bothered to research they would have known that id was creating this stuff long before Bethesda.

I can't wait for the Fallout 3 fans reception to Doom 4 when it comes out. :roll:
terebikun said:
Ixyroth said:
Dragon Age, which are mostly action with some character upgrades and dialogue thrown in.

You know this how? It's not like they're touting it as the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate or nothing...

Do you really believe that?

It's coming out on the X360 and PS3, so they're intending to reach a very wide audience. Deep RPG ≠ mainstream appeal. The parent company is EA, and their track record speaks for itself.

The trailers haven't shown anything special yet. Maybe they're withholding all the good stuff, or maybe it isn't there. Oblivion and FO3 were touted by some as a deep RPGs before they were released and yet we never saw any examples of that in trailers. Of course, it was never true.