Rage trailer

Looks fun enough but I've never been a big fan of Id-shooters, they're too fast paced for my taste.

steppenwanderer said:
if you want to know about the actual gameplay you must read
(you do can read, don't you?)

A bit hostile are we?

steppenwanderer said:

if you read this article, you'll know a lot more about how the gameplay will be. it is said to have mild rpg elements, too...

I don't know who you're arguing with here or about what but I'll just comment on the game play stuff. Mild rpg elements in an fps usually means a character progression system or quest-system or both. This could be fun if done right but it's not really any roleplaying in that. Too many games these days are crappy hybrids trying to appeal to everyone, hopefully Id sticks to what they know. Oh, also tl;dr.

steppenwanderer said:
i'd kick his ass in rl. see you all soon (:

Take it easy mr. man...
Word...Hope ID doesn't make it end like Bioshock : lame shooter with awesome design.

I really don't want mild rpg elements in an ID shooter.
S1ayer55 said:
hey dont be dissing id, if it was not for them you would not have shooters.
because no one else would've thought of making a 3d engine for FPS games?

yes, they have huge influence in the genre and they did hugely groundbreaking work at the very beginning, but don't overdo it either...
I'm getting a lot of value from id's Wolfenstein RPG for the cellphone. It is polished in technology and design, lighthearted, and is much more fun than Doom 3, all of which is proof that id can still make good games.

They just shifted the platform.
why do I hear so many times the term "RPG" in relation with cell-phone games (doom RPG? anyone).

I mean what makes those games "Role playing games" exactly ?
Don't hit the messenger - that's what those games are actually called.

Well, cell Wolf3D has PwRT combat (and movement), equivalents of "journals" you find, that enhance the setting, inventory with various stat-altering items, some talking NPCs, environment interaction thru levers, and sometimes you get options in way you interact with the said NPCs, like a simplified version of "interaction escalation" in Mass Effect.

Carmack really took this one seriously, and the result is one of the best Java cellphone games I've seen thus far. Also, you can save at any time.
If that's in-game footage they've been showing, and I beleive it is due to certain curved surfaces having notable polygon facets, then it's a definite step up from the stuff out now though I can't put my finger on why.
When we are at Dragons Age it reminds me of the "Legacy of the Crusader" game made but reflexive ent. together with some BLACK ISLE people.

Really looks like it, in 3D. I like it.

Like what ID's doing to here with Rage.
even when using very familiar themes (post apoc, racing etc.) ID is not suddenly runing around to buy IPs from other games to make something out of it. They really most of the time try to do their "own" things which I think shows their skill at some point.

Though post-apoc racing reminds me somewhat to POD (for those that are long enough in gaming to know it ! :mrgreen: ) which was pretty great in my eyes

Per said:
Things that flash by may include a reference to underground vaults
a raspy narrator (...)
broken overpasses,
a town greeter,
a shady bar,
killer klowns,
a sheriff with a hat,
running ghouls approaching (...),
buggy chases,
sentry guns,
(...) mutant behemoth.

...and a toilet from which to drink-ee.
Well, the animations look good, very realistic (unlike Fallout 3) and the shooting looks good as well.

That'd be half of a success for a shooter, I think.

It's promising.
Ravager69 said:
Well, the animations look good, very realistic (unlike Fallout 3) and the shooting looks good as well.

That'd be half of a success for a shooter, I think.

It's promising.
Yes I really liked the facial expressions and body movement from what I have seen in the Rage trailers which is a hell lote more convincing then what Bethesda ever has thrown out.

Maybe to get bought from Zenimax is a good thing for ID, who knows. I mean think about it from that side of a moment where the "ugly" girl is walking right next to the "usual" girl and now suddenly next to the ugly one the usual one is looking "awesome". So like compared to any Bethesda game suddenly any ID title looks like gold. If that makes any sense ...
Oh man do i hate it when games like Rage and Warhammer Online get flak for "copying" Fallout 3 and World of Warcraft...

And yeah, i also heard about Rage before Fallout 3.

Quake and the likes use opengl (right?)
So there might be a chance im going to be able to play Rage on my linux laptop?

I bought quakewars on my last trip to Scotland and that runs great on my Ubuntu box - this should be more or less the same engine with updates right?