Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Maybe an umbrella inventory item?
TF said:Can't you just display an image overlay on top of the screen? Like that FIGHT! image that shows up when you karate it up with Lo Pan in Fallout2.
Helios said:1/2.You use the Timeslip-Engine? Theoretically you can use the Object Typ ID from the Map. The different object ID's are: Items, Critters, Scenery, Walls, Nothing and Misc. The offsets from the Map can correspon with the Engine.
Helios said:But the problem is, the game will high Cpu usage.
Helios said:3.What problem du you have with the engine?
Demonslayer said:The "script" for the rain could be used for drugs too.
Like dizzy or blury, no?
Per said:PPS. And Dermal Implants maybe.
Gizmo_Iz_Slug said:What would happen if someone were to take the rain graphic from BG and animate it in fallout?(Id try it, but I have no BG)
Mr.Wolna said:i think still the best is some one code a fx file like timeslip for his drunk mod!
Chris Parks said:Did anything ever become of this?