Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I know this is probably a dumb question but does the rain effect still go over the interface at the bottom of the screen?
Wild_qwerty said:I know this is probably a dumb question but does the rain effect still go over the interface at the bottom of the screen?
Timeslip said:If someone has a lot of spare time, could you go through maps.txt and add an entry in weather.ini for each of them? There's only weather in arryo and the den in this release.
Babax said:A W E S O M N E S S!!!! Where we can get this stuff?
Chris Parks said:weather mod error shader functions not available
It's mentioned in the sfall readme, but not the rain mod readme, but graphics modes 4 and 5 aren't available in the win 9x version of sfall, so this rain mod only works on xp.the readme said:make sure sfall is set to use graphics mode 4 or 5.
Chris Parks said:Josan; how are you doing with weather.ini?
Timeslip said:...and included Josan12's completed weather.ini...
so this rain mod only works on xp.
Open this file. Change this line.
Just how much clearer do you want me to be
You should have said that when I first quoted the readme at you then.Chris Parks said:Give me some credit. That was the first thing that I altered. Hence why I asked.
First another obvious question, in your fallout folder is there a ddraw.dll or an sfall.dll?
Secondly, if you set the graphics mode to 5 does fallout run in a window?
Chris Parks said:I have tried it with both and still get same effect.
Setting mode to 5 does not let it run in a window on my version.