So I watched the uncensored version of Rambo IV recently. Let's just say I was a bit appalled.
Maybe it's because I only saw the other three films on TV and thus any explicit violence may have been cut down to a minimum, but has Rambo always been this violent?
Don't get me wrong, Rambo slaughtering the evil forces, that's just fucking cool. It's what the films are all about (well, II and III are): him being taunted and then rocking hard.
But wtf was this? Not only did he absolutely fail to rock -- he didn't get the girl, he let religious nutjobs ridicule him and then even had the nerve to just stand in line with the merchs like a dog waiting for scraps asking them if he could tag along?
What I found appaling, though, was not just the wussiness -- Rocky Balboa had enough of that to get me used to seeing Sly being pathetic -- but the slaughter of INNOCENT CIVILIANS.
Not just once, mind you. Most of the film seems to be about innocent civilians -- including women, pets and children -- being slaughtered in the most brutal fashion, just to get the point accross: war is hell and the Burmese are evil assholes.
As if the REAL LIFE footage in the intro hadn't been enough to establish that the Burmese army is a bunch of sadist assholes, we're bemused with a sequence showing soldiers betting on minefield runners the first thing into the film -- and that's just the first violent slaughter of civilians in a long chain.
Not only are there many such scenes, but some of them are just too damn long. I don't need to see how every single inhabitant is massacred, shot to death, bayonetted, exploded and macheted to understand that they blew up the settlement for good.
When I want to watch a Rambo flick, I want to see Rambo rock and kill lots of bad guys. I don't want to see the bad guys rock and kill lots of unarmed, helpless, innocent civilians.
And what is the justification of this? The film tries to be more "cerebral" and get across that war is violent and the Burmese government has been massacring innocents for years.
Good idea if you're making Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List or Apocalypse Now, but Rambo never was about depth and public service announcements -- it's about a white-hat lone wolf shell-shocked Captain America type war hero serving his own calibre of justice to the enemies of the Free World (i.e. the USA). It never tried to be intelligent and it shouldn't try to be now. Not with Sly Stallone as the lead actor.
Note that I do enjoy Splatstick flicks (Braindead ftw) and 1980s-style action films (Schwarzenegger's Commando was just brilliant). I never opted in to the fucking Exploitation genre (Cannibal Holocaust anyone? Still regret having watched that one) and didn't expect to find it here in a blockbuster movie, 30 years after the decade that fad died in.
Enough about me -- did anybody actually enjoy this retro-Exploitation-era gorefest? If so, wtf is wrong with you?
Maybe it's because I only saw the other three films on TV and thus any explicit violence may have been cut down to a minimum, but has Rambo always been this violent?
Don't get me wrong, Rambo slaughtering the evil forces, that's just fucking cool. It's what the films are all about (well, II and III are): him being taunted and then rocking hard.
But wtf was this? Not only did he absolutely fail to rock -- he didn't get the girl, he let religious nutjobs ridicule him and then even had the nerve to just stand in line with the merchs like a dog waiting for scraps asking them if he could tag along?
What I found appaling, though, was not just the wussiness -- Rocky Balboa had enough of that to get me used to seeing Sly being pathetic -- but the slaughter of INNOCENT CIVILIANS.
Not just once, mind you. Most of the film seems to be about innocent civilians -- including women, pets and children -- being slaughtered in the most brutal fashion, just to get the point accross: war is hell and the Burmese are evil assholes.
As if the REAL LIFE footage in the intro hadn't been enough to establish that the Burmese army is a bunch of sadist assholes, we're bemused with a sequence showing soldiers betting on minefield runners the first thing into the film -- and that's just the first violent slaughter of civilians in a long chain.
Not only are there many such scenes, but some of them are just too damn long. I don't need to see how every single inhabitant is massacred, shot to death, bayonetted, exploded and macheted to understand that they blew up the settlement for good.
When I want to watch a Rambo flick, I want to see Rambo rock and kill lots of bad guys. I don't want to see the bad guys rock and kill lots of unarmed, helpless, innocent civilians.
And what is the justification of this? The film tries to be more "cerebral" and get across that war is violent and the Burmese government has been massacring innocents for years.
Good idea if you're making Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List or Apocalypse Now, but Rambo never was about depth and public service announcements -- it's about a white-hat lone wolf shell-shocked Captain America type war hero serving his own calibre of justice to the enemies of the Free World (i.e. the USA). It never tried to be intelligent and it shouldn't try to be now. Not with Sly Stallone as the lead actor.
Note that I do enjoy Splatstick flicks (Braindead ftw) and 1980s-style action films (Schwarzenegger's Commando was just brilliant). I never opted in to the fucking Exploitation genre (Cannibal Holocaust anyone? Still regret having watched that one) and didn't expect to find it here in a blockbuster movie, 30 years after the decade that fad died in.
Enough about me -- did anybody actually enjoy this retro-Exploitation-era gorefest? If so, wtf is wrong with you?