RangerBoo Plays Life Is Strange Livestream

Got done playing this shit pile. Had connection problems throughout the stream as idiots firing off fireworks did something to my connection (such as them probably hitting the connection wires) so the final part isn't posted. I will not be playing this game again. You can't make me. If the final video is never posted so be it. I will write a review and give my final thoughts on this game and after that I am washing my hands clean of this "game" forever. I will not be playing the prequel or sequel or the spin offs like Twin Mirror or Tell Me Why 41%. No, I do not consider these "games" to be real games so you can't make me play them ever again. So don't ask me.

I'm fond of BEFORE THE STORM but it's a game that goes nowhere.

I also feel the ending of this game is incredibly manipulative. But yes, your reaction in no way surprises me. I'm honestly surprised you made it to the end.

It seems like it was a game designed to intentionally piss RangerBoo off.
I'm fond of BEFORE THE STORM but it's a game that goes nowhere.

I also feel the ending of this game is incredibly manipulative. But yes, your reaction in no way surprises me. I'm honestly surprised you made it to the end.

It seems like it was a game designed to intentionally piss RangerBoo off.
You know me too well my friend. A lot of of stuff in this game was straight up manipulative. Especially Chapter 4 with Chole's dad. There is this term that I came up with that seems to be a running theme with these types of games and that is "Too good for this world dad". It was in TLoU2 and it is also in this game. Don't get me wrong, I am a daddy's girls and I love my dad too but my dad wasn't this perfect Christ like figure of a man. To me it is either manipulative writing or deep seated wish fulfillment from the devs.
You know me too well my friend. A lot of of stuff in this game was straight up manipulative. Especially Chapter 4 with Chole's dad. There is this term that I came up with that seems to be a running theme with these types of games and that is "Too good for this world dad". It was in TLoU2 and it is also in this game. Don't get me wrong, I am a daddy's girls and I love my dad too but my dad wasn't this perfect Christ like figure of a man. To me it is either manipulative writing or deep seated wish fulfillment from the devs.

I feel like there's also a really interesting story to be had there that Chloe is just lionizing her dad and sanctifying him but he really was no different than anyone else. Certainly, that's what I was getting the impression the game was saying about her relationship with Rachel. Hell, it's her relationship with Max too as sometimes I'm like, "Jesus Christ, Chloe, Max just moved away. Stop being so fucking dramatic."

Forcing chloe to grow the fuck up and realize she's stewing in her own nostalgia would have been an actual "normal" storyline.

Unfortunately, Chloe can't learn anything because the game insists she must die or actually KILL HER OWN MOTHER to survive (and an entire town too).

But the game simulatneously feels too long and too short. There's no need for a story after Mr. Jefferson the photographer monster is done but the story carries on but misses anything more interesting to do with the premise like, I dunno, why Max has superpowers or why the Prescots have a weird murder basement in the first place.
I guess her being a poseur rubs me the wrong way. I personally never like it when someone pretends to be something they're not even if it is a way to cope and at times, she does not seem to empathize too much with the people around her even if they don't do the same (I felt more sorry for her mother and step-father dealing with her antics). So, Chloe tended to rub me the wrong way when I was playing the game which does make her moments of self-awareness nice to see.

Mind you, I'm not actually part of any Chloe hatedoms (I barely interact with most fandoms as it stands so I dunno why you brought up hatedoms in the post). I do acknowledge she is a teenager with a screwed up past and been through a lot so she is definitely a flawed person.

Yeah, I think the problem is that Chloe developed a misaimed fandom that we're meant to assume she's every bit as cool and edgy as she pretends to be when she's really just a typical teenage girl who smokes weed, has a bad attitude, and is selfish with her friends as well as much more into a relationship than they turned out to be.

I.e. Chloe is not even that "bad" of a kid.

The shippers really wanted to also make her the ultimate love story, which is of course determinate as its a video game.

The thing is that is why I do, warts and all, like the game because the characters are realistically flawed and the choices are all believable even if they're bad ones for the most part.