RangerBoo Plays Life Is Strange Livestream

THAT WAS ASH BURCH??? lol she's everywhere nowadays. Maybe they should have made Anthony voice a romantic interest for her if you know what I mean.
My nickname for the two of them during my livestream was the "Lannister Twins".
I have only experienced this game through a youtuber playthrough a few years ago, and i had pretty much the same reaction as the person playing. Not even halfway through i was done with everything and just saw the rest to see how everything would play out. It didn't get any better, in fact it got worse.

The prequel and the sequel (?) are somehow even worse. This one of those franchises that i'm baffled why a lot of people even like it.
I have a theory on this and I hope I don't come across as a self hating misogynist but I can see that this game is popular with women. Specially girls who are part of the Tumblr scene. Here is the thing about many so called "girl gamers". They don't like real video games. They abhor violence and are grossed out by stuff like gore and blood. They also don't like the competitiveness with many multiplayer games. Here, just the The Sims, the devs were able to craft a perfect game that these girls will like.
Drama? Check!
Romance? Check!
Mystery? Check!
Crime shit that they binge on Investigation Discovery? Check!
Little to no violence, blood and gore? Check!
No competitiveness? Check!
Shitty hipster music? Check!
References to pop culture crap like Scott Pilgrim that they all love? Check!
Bland as fuck self insert protagonist who is also super special and the key to everything? Check!

This game reads like a modern YA novel which is also a genre taken over by a majority female audience who are why past the age to be liking shit aimed at teenagers. This is why I hate stuff made for women by the Western entertainment industry as most women actually don't like this shit. At least I hope they don't. I don't know. My mom was a tomboy and she raised me to be a tomboy too which explains my love of real video games. This game however was made for "girl gamers" who don't like video games but want to intrude on its culture and have that cred of being a "real gamer".
This game reads like a modern YA novel which is also a genre taken over by a majority female audience who are why past the age to be liking shit aimed at teenagers. .

Is THAT what this game is? Fuck, I didn't give a damn when it came out and now I'm glad I didn't. Might watch the VoD to see the dumpster fire though. Don't have time to tune in when you're live.
My next livestream will be on Wednesday at 2pm PST. I will also have a very special guest on too but it will cost you 2k to see him. Just kidding! Only an money grubbing asshat like DSP or a Twitch thot would do something like that. I will show him to you guys at the beginning and ending of the stream.
My next livestream will be on Wednesday at 2pm PST. I will also have a very special guest on too but it will cost you 2k to see him. Just kidding! Only an money grubbing asshat like DSP or a Twitch thot would do something like that. I will show him to you guys at the beginning and ending of the stream.
“You can see the guest or you can buy my premium snapchat”
Thanks for sharing these.

You're entertaining as always and yes, it is very hipster like. If you wish to extra infuriate hardcore fans, romance Warren the dude.
Oh hey, LiS a.k.a what some game writers think girls act like.

I liked the idea of time manipulation to find out things about people and being able to use said things with a simple rewind.

The final episode (especially one part) feels like the writers ran out of ideas and so resorted to pulling suggestions out of a hat to pad out the final bits.

Also, I never understood how Chloe Price has a fanbase when she is a legitimately awful person. I sided with her step-dad most of the time as he grows more common sense in later chapters and she is such an unreasonable brat even if she has a tragic past.

If you wish to extra infuriate hardcore fans, romance Warren the dude
This is the legit way to do it.
Ending is great though and rivals NWN 2 "stones fell and everyone died" and "it was all a dream".
Thanks for sharing these.

You're entertaining as always and yes, it is very hipster like. If you wish to extra infuriate hardcore fans, romance Warren the dude.
I actually liked Warren when I played. I know most of him consider him a weirdo but I think he only ever acts odd around Max who he obviously has a crush on. I can buy that he's one of those "panic that you'll do the wrong thing in front of your crush" types that tries to act normal but fails by overacting. I treated him well and he seemed to chill out alot around Max.
Also, I never understood how Chloe Price has a fanbase when she is a legitimately awful person. I sided with her step-dad most of the time as he grows more common sense in later chapters and she is such an unreasonable brat even if she has a tragic past.

I find Chloe hatedom a bit ridiculous because the game is aware, even if the fandom is not, that Chloe is a MASSIVE poseur.

Her punk take no prisoners facade is every bit a facade and the later episodes also make it clear that she has really rewritten a huge chunk of her memories to try to make her crush on Rachel Amber into this epic love story despite the fact Rachel was sleeping not only with Chloe's drug dealer but also Mr. Jefferson.

Rachel's letter is also very clearly not a breakup letter--because that would imply they were dating and you don't normally talk about your new boyfriend to your girlfriend, which implies that Chloe/Amber has either been broken up some time ago or never actually even existed.

Yes, Chloe is obnoxious and extremely selfish but she is a teenager. A fact the game acknowledges makes her make very stupid decisions. I also give her a lot more slack than others do because the girl survived an attempted drugging and assault by Prescott that she apparently doesn't trust anyone at the school enough to share. That will definitely fuck you up and is the reason the poor girl gets killed.

There's an ideal way to play LIS that I enjoy where Max basically just humors Chloe but keeps pretty clear limits on her bullshit. It's certainly not the epic romance some fans want to make them but is actually really entertaining because I have had some friendships where I have a friend who is emotional and kind of stupid while another is forced to herd them from stupid life-destroying decisions.

I thus always play my Max and Chloe with hefty doses of Max friendships with other people. It balances the game.
I actually liked Warren when I played. I know most of him consider him a weirdo but I think he only ever acts odd around Max who he obviously has a crush on. I can buy that he's one of those "panic that you'll do the wrong thing in front of your crush" types that tries to act normal but fails by overacting. I treated him well and he seemed to chill out alot around Max.

I feel like there's a legit interpretation Max would be happy to date Warren but he's completely missed she's not into retro-science fiction and would probably prefer something else.
Thank God the heat wave here is over! Just in time to play more of this game! :help:
I am going to play chapter 3 tomorrow at 2pm PST. On Thursday I may play chapter 4 later that day as I need to bring my cousins new PC to him and set it up. I'll let you all know. I will finish the game on Sunday, as I have off that day, at 2pm PST. After that I will write a review of it during my breaks at work. After that it will be The Frontier, which I am looking forward to given that I learned more about the hubris of the devs which I will talk about during my playthrough.
I am very interested in your final thoughts on the game.

Next stream is tomorrow at 1pm PST. Doing it earlier as I have family coming for the 4th. Going to be honest with you, this has been one of the most painful experiences I had with a game. It is a cumulation of everything I hate about my generation. You were right about me going to hate it. I went in with a open mind and I was rewarded with pain. I will give my final thoughts on it and then I will cleanse my Steam account of this "game".
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There's an ideal way to play LIS that I enjoy where Max basically just humors Chloe but keeps pretty clear limits on her bullshit
That's fair. I think I went about it this way last time I played it. Humoring her but also drawing limits on her bullshit. She does display some self-awareness of her own flaws at times.

I guess her being a poseur rubs me the wrong way. I personally never like it when someone pretends to be something they're not even if it is a way to cope and at times, she does not seem to empathize too much with the people around her even if they don't do the same (I felt more sorry for her mother and step-father dealing with her antics). So, Chloe tended to rub me the wrong way when I was playing the game which does make her moments of self-awareness nice to see.

Mind you, I'm not actually part of any Chloe hatedoms (I barely interact with most fandoms as it stands so I dunno why you brought up hatedoms in the post). I do acknowledge she is a teenager with a screwed up past and been through a lot so she is definitely a flawed person.

I actually liked Warren when I played. I know most of him consider him a weirdo but I think he only ever acts odd around Max who he obviously has a crush on. I can buy that he's one of those "panic that you'll do the wrong thing in front of your crush" types that tries to act normal but fails by overacting. I treated him well and he seemed to chill out alot around Max.
I didn't dislike him either. He definitely seems like the kind of guy who gets all flustered around his crush so I could understand why he came across as awkward. IIRC, I think I wound up bring him and Max closer together before the end instead of Chloe.
Got done playing this shit pile. Had connection problems throughout the stream as idiots firing off fireworks did something to my connection (such as them probably hitting the connection wires) so the final part isn't posted. I will not be playing this game again. You can't make me. If the final video is never posted so be it. I will write a review and give my final thoughts on this game and after that I am washing my hands clean of this "game" forever. I will not be playing the prequel or sequel or the spin offs like Twin Mirror or Tell Me Why 41%. No, I do not consider these "games" to be real games so you can't make me play them ever again. So don't ask me.