Rate the avatar above yours.

I don't know what it's from, and it's kida creepy.


Feathers McGraw pwned. His trousers were hot, too.
Elissar said:
The Lizard rocks, and it contains a reference to Avenged Sevenfold.

Rather, it and Avenged Sevenfold refer to the same thing.

As for Mikey... er, Fallout, what a game, eh?
Bat Country? At first I though it was a reference to "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".

Top notch, as always. 10/10
As Silencer also never changes his av, as apparently I should, he gets 10.

Silence, Ashmoses III.
Mikey said:
I don't know what it's from, and it's kida creepy.


Feathers McGraw pwned. His trousers were hot, too.

The character is Jack Skellington from Tim Burton's "A Nightmare Before Christmas". It was a wonderful movie, and you should see it.

7/10, because as we know Brits don't fight with armor, they fight with superior puns and drive-by diatribe, heh.
8/10, 'tis a splendid movie indeed, with superb music. And you just gotto love Jacks English, it's so well articulated and manly. :lalala:

Eheh. You have me on the color, but "stark?" I would strongly disagree.

I'm guessing there is some significance, but I don't recognize it. Doesn't mean much, as I have a terrible memory for faces.

Edit: Well, makes sense here. I never got around to seeing Lost. I have a hard time believing it lives up to the title you give it. "John Locke" though? Isn't that a bit obvious?
Locke? Locke Taelos?

I doubt it....


Too old... And bald without the reason of being deployd to shithole countries...

I'm sorry, but this AV sucks... Get a penguin...