Rate the avatar above yours.


I don't get who it is supposed to be, and it's kind of poorly drawn. Plus, Anime = blech!

Oh, and Shooto, MMA :


For you who were wondering. It's usually not this violent, though, it's just that this is the only pic I had.
*ignores Mikey until someone changes Mikey's av*

Of course it's a pic of Elly! And it also accurately reflects his blackness! and the white chest is a symbol for his weird obsession with the idea of being white!

I give it a 10/10 for being so DEEP.
I have nothing good to say about asmos av, so I will spare all the insane NMA lurkers from going crazy, and go strait to comment elisar's. He isn't black, thought he isn't white, he is a reflection-color-blind person, so the only thing that's the truth about that av the is his noes and his feat colour which means he is a yellow-skin :) , but it still gets 9/10, cause linux is on the war path and the windows aren't pullet proof. :D
:sorry: for being :crazy:
I will refrain from rating Jarno's, Ashmo's or Mikey's avatars and instead focus on Elissar's. It's a Linux penguin with a helmet and M-16 or something. That's good. But the image quality has been damaged badly from being downsized, and the somewhat off-center text suffers because of this. Also, the caption, though the sentiment is laudable, is mystifying; to whom is it addressed? The penguin's enemies (presumably it has such), or anyone who sees the avatar? Props for the penguin but as armed penguin avatars go this incarnation is mediocre. Hooray for penguins though. 6/10
Ahem, let me start right off by saying, I am not a user or a big fan of Linux, i simply needed a penguin for my AV.. As for the off center text, that was my fault. MS Paint isnt a precision instrument.

On to rateing the avatar...

Per gets an 8/10 - The Lizard rocks, and it contains a reference to Avenged Sevenfold.

Better make it 9/10.
I am curious as to why you 'need' a penguin as part of your avatar? I of course would immediately jump to the conclusion about the whole 'being black' thing but I presume it is some sort of hidden meaning far beyond my thoughts.

A nice safe 7/10. Per pretty much covered everything regarding it, though the Penguin with a gun reminds me of that absurd story regarding the Norweigan Army's penguin Royal Guard.



A superior penguin to Linux, Elissar. I mean, how can you go wrong with Feathers McGraw?