Rate the avatar above yours.

Luke said:
It's a fap-av, but at least he's the only one here with one (to my knowledge)
Hey! What about my av, eh? Ain't my av the fappiest av in town?

Luke: 8/10
Gotta love it.
Constantine or Alexander?

Alec, your new feet av is much better than the last one which was, frankly, disguisting. 7/10

Milo: Meh, 5/10, firebats are ok.

Mingus: 8/10, I want them lub points.
The more I see the cougarman av, the more I like it.
So 6,5/10 it is.
Next time, it might just be 7,5/10. (excitement, excitement, excitement)
Are you George Washington? If you are 10/10 . If not then 2/10 for some old guy with beard.

Women with high heels make Ghoullove go something something.
It's Iolo from Ultima7, yeesh. George Washington?! Take another look at your history books, man.

Fallout2 = 10/10
Size = -2

8/10 for the squished pic.
Never much got into Ultima action. George Wahington apparently went ape and grew a beard when he was in Valley Forge.
