Rate the avatar above yours.

Pfff... That's not very good, now is it, Stag? I mean, you got to put a little effort in your av, dude. Make it special, like mine. Two hot legs in nylons with two hot feet attached to them in über-hot black leather pumps. I mean, just wow! I'd give myself a well-deserved 10/10 especially since the colourscheme goes very well with the radio-active symbols above the av.
You, however, you deserve a 3/10. And trust me: I'm still being nice.
alec, you start to scare me. A few more posts like that, and I may just wake up screaming in the middle of the night.

Those feet look good though. 9/10
the shadowing is nice and overall pretty great coloring, but who wears feet gear like that? must hurt like hell

it's starwars, not star trek.

whats with the moth, Gas?

anyhow, 5/10.

recognisable & unique, but i cant see why you use it & why there is something written/scratched on it.
Star Wars is the shit. How dare you speak otherwise.

I like it, but it's really common.

Not really a fan of starwars but I'll try not to take that into account.

He's got a cool style, and if its what you enjoy, very fitting. But I'm sorry, it looks like he's got man boobs and the background of it makes it stand out kinda funny. 5/10.

And whatchu talkin bout Sua's being common?