Rate the avatar above yours.

Hmm, I see a gas-masked figure with a syringe, possibly a pyramid and what seems to be an eye (of the all seeing variety maybe?), and some type of insect thing.

I don't get it, but it's easily one of the best avs on this board.

A well deserved 10 out of 10.
Strange, thought my profile updated oh well should be good now. I see an enclave soldier with a syringe of I guess would be the chemicals that were in the vats? 9/10, looks awsome any which way
not a bad av Gruug, but a lil' too slim (too bad you can't center it, except by adding a translucent gif border): 7.5/10

as for Silencer's, afaik there is no pyramid, get off drugs, mkay? drugs are bad, mkay?
and it's not necesarrily Enclave, although there is a likeness.

btw Silencer, how long you planning on keeping Morr's moth?
angry stick man isn't intimidated by a big bad shark: 2/10.

and the stickman is from a game mod that'll be released next year probably. it looks pretty promising. but i'm sure i'll post more about it in the game forum when the time comes.
SuAside said:
btw Silencer, how long you planning on keeping Morr's moth?

Until sunrise or it decides to fly away, whichever comes first.

5/10 for the pissed off stick figure
Having a cockroach on yer head isn't hip anymore. The Hippies are over, man.


-2 cockroach penalty.
8/10 for mystary robots throwing light blobs at someone or something that is now maybe in a not so good situation. or not.
MurkyShadow: 6.5 for the series were good, but the pink color doesn't go with it very well.
Wooz: 8.917, and that' just a rough estimation.
Silencer is taken to the cockroach penality box:

PS Gruug, just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean, they aren't after you.

Schlongjunge: I loathe Anime, especially 4 liter-capacity eyes. The last av was cooler.

Morbus: 5/10
Meh. Boring.

Talisien: 3/10
It's just ugh.

MurkyShadow: 6/10
Cool, but small. "Public Relations"?
I'm very glad you posted here Wooz, because I need to ask...what is it? Is it a symbol carved through a wall of metal?

?.? for now.

The Vault Dweller