Rate the avatar above yours.

Smiling bloody dude, I like it. Feels apocalyptic.


Also, I hereby thank Silencer for my new signature picture. Thanks, mr Masked-man-dude :D
Talisien said:
Hey, at least I made my own instead of just pasting someone elses work like most people in forums all across the net do.

Made mine myself as well, thank you. :D
You forgot to rate, uh, manga-like watercoloured boy without eyes, whom I think of as mediocre and unclimatic :P

EDIT: Upon closer inspection, your avatar is a pack of Droids, possibly of the sentinel/killer variety.

Still, looks like an eyeless boy from distance.

-2 for lack of eyes (-1 each)
+1 for modship refernce
= 6/10
Its a clock! 3/10

Talisien said:
Hey, Slaanesh, is this better? What do you think, should I have left the mustaches?

Well it's like 7.35/10 in my scale now, but i m by no means an authority. For all i know Wooz could be. What do you think Wooz, is it any better?

Ugh. Stiletto high heels. You can't even use them as a weapon because the angle of the heel is all wrong. Plus they just look crap.
It's not a Japanese flag. Damn your ignorance!

Look up Brights (movement) on Wikipedia, you unenlightened turd!

Oh, and 5/10 for a lack of originality.

'Tis just another av to me. Some manga goggled dude with a kinfe in his mouth, and atop it, a blinking eye. Kinda random in a neither appealing nor repelling way.