Rate the avatar above yours.

LinksBoxers, did you forget something, like, an avatar.
Serifan, I still don't like the f"# "22 avatar of your's and it becomes more and more uglier every time I see it. :arrow: 2/10
Silencer, crazy looking but still not as good as the earliers, :arrow: 8.4/10
Demonslayer, what is that, a garbage disposer? :arrow: 4/10
Per, yours needs a little more movement, :arrow: 7.9/10
Read the posts above.
It's a car turbo. Ok i need to change avatar :|

Avatar: 4/10.
The guy on the sig looks better than the one from avatar.
Um, I think this was discussed a while ago when Mikael Grizzly made the av for me. Yes it is daffy on a desolate waste backdrop.

Now to find that original post.

Oh, and Silencer: 9/10.

It's almost Halloween!!

EDIT: Here we go! This kind of explains where my av originates. And about half way down, we can see where the background comes from! Fallout 1 of course!
Daffy, on a FO background... Hm, the whole idea stumps my tiny brain. But it was nicely done, so.

7/10 -- Two of the points are for the pure oddity of the pic.
It's from "Woozie's New Drawing Which At This Rate is Going To Be Done Circa 2049"

7/10. Your pic could use some detail on the edges, they're fuzzy.
It's three walkers looking for their car keys in a parking lot at night.

My robot, if anyone's wondering, is an unused monster pic from Wasteland, which someone was kind enough to animate for me. In the game the details would animate independently, not sequentially. The lizard will be back eventually.
I have yet to see this "Lizard" you speak of but, I love Wasteland so...

10/10 Plus 50 "Super cool nerd" points, for some how getting and useing a forgotten Wastland robot/enemy. Oh, and for animateing it, as you can see... My Visa Brother, is not animated, sad really.

Still just awsome Per! Just looking at it, brings a neon green, raidoactive, acidic tear to my eye.

But, I think I'm suppsed to penilize you, for not posting a score... So, 9.5/10